Sentences with phrase «cost pressures»

"Cost pressures" refer to factors or forces that increase the expenses or costs of a particular activity, product, or business. It implies the presence of circumstances that push up the amount of money needed to perform or produce something. Full definition
Increasing cost pressure on food producers is resulting in demands for tools that can help to decrease the cost of production.
The decision to shrink the weight of the chocolate blocks was in response to an array of cost pressures.
«We recognise the increasing cost pressures schools are facing and will continue to provide advice and support to help them,» he said.
If a store carries medium - to low - cost food, it's vulnerable to cost pressures from competitors, including the big - box discount cost leaders and grocery stores.
They also pointed out that their organizations — like those of their customers — were also under costs pressures in the current economy.
The report says rising cost pressures are evident across the country, but there are notable regional differences.
The report suggested that «There are likely to be some significant cost pressures on schools» spending over the next parliament.
These facilities are facing the same cost pressures I described above.
Reduced cost pressures and efforts to stimulate client demand in turn contributed to a decline in factory gate charges for the first time in three months.
However additional cost pressures — such as rising employer pension and national insurance costs — are squeezing school budgets.
It is clear that more schools are finding it difficult to balance their budgets, due to funding being insufficient to cover cost pressures.
There is also a longer - term risk that domestic cost pressures build further, given the strong momentum of domestic demand.
Unless the values in the funding formula (local or national) increase in line with unavoidable cost pressures, each and every school will feel the pinch.
I think cost pressures have reached their maximum here, and profits will improve more than street estimates.
The additional funding does not seem to be sufficient to address the overall problems in the context of cost pressures that have already been experienced and will continue.
A store that carries medium - to low - cost food has been vulnerable to cost pressures from competitors, including the big - box, discount cost leaders and grocery stores.
A: Cost pressures in our industry continue to be volatile.
Although an additional # 1.3 billion of funding will be pumped into schools over the next two years, many still face real - terms cuts as a result of increasing cost pressures.
Plus there are cost pressures on the supply side.
We have not taken this decision lightly, but growing cost pressure has required this increase.
I want a close, collaborative relationship with you, with this profession, whether on reforming accountability, or reducing the data burden, strengthening professional development or reducing cost pressures.
The demand pressures already apparent in some sectors might increase and therefore add more to domestic cost pressures than is currently expected.
With many of its core practices seeing revenues stagnate under challenging market conditions, the firm is less able to promote new partners and faces growing cost pressure as existing members move up the lockstep.
OFT call for evidence into cost of motor insurance an «opportunity to highlight increasing cost pressures for insurers,» say ABI
School funding has been much in the public eye during the election campaign, with all parties promising fairer funding and some even recognising the very real cost pressures in schools right now.
The report also highlights cost pressures for HS2, with phase one currently forecast to exceed available funding by # 204M.
However, the injection comes in the context of further significant cuts faced by schools as a result of unfunded cost pressures like salary, pension and national insurance rises and other unexpected costs like the apprenticeship levy.
We've faced significant input cost pressures throughout the year, as well as some unexpected items in the fourth quarter, which Don will detail in a minute.
They say a new national funding formula, which should give underfunded schools more cash, ignores inflationary cost pressures faced by all schools.
This is not surprising, given the overall concern about the impact of the National Funding Formula redistribution and the inadequacy of the total funding allocated to schools up to 2020 when set against cost pressures.
We can expect unfunded new cost pressures with a flat cash school budget settlement, and an evolving middle tier via School Commissioners — whose clear remit is yet to be clearly understood.
Other cost pressures came from overblown expenses, expenses that, once Nikollaj opened the books, his employees were quick to find — and cut.
U.S. services firms grew at a slower pace in April; companies report cost pressures from possible tariffs and a shortage of available workers
And as cost pressures mount, banks face decisions to slow or stop investing in critical capabilities, which could prevent them from moving to a winning strategic and financial position.
Operational issues such as rising wholesale food prices and a drawn - out economic recovery put cost pressures on restaurant operators.
This comes at a time when the government has withdrawn the # 384 million it had previously earmarked to fund the conversion process and schools are needing to find # 3 billion in savings by 2020 to counteract cost pressures.
Goodyear Tire said it incurred an additional $ 50 million in raw material costs in the quarter, and noted that, «we're not going to have the opportunity to immediately recover a significant portion of those added cost pressures in pricing.»
Increases in the number of part - time, temporary and remote workers are evidence of companies» increased cost pressures coming out of the 2008 recession as well as individuals» interests in more flexible work models.
If you have a bridge that effectively spins off a subsidy for the whole system, and then build a replacement bridge that will eat up all the toll revenue and then some, it creates cost pressures for the rest of the system,» said E.J. McMahon, research director at the fiscally conservative Empire Center.
This change was necessitated by ongoing cost pressures and growing demand for limited space in first class, which made the costs of continuing to offer the Companion Fare for first class bookings unsupportable.
However, substantial resource slack is likely to dampen cost pressures, and the Committee expects that inflation will remain subdued for some time.
«We expect the company to sustain strong comp momentum despite difficult comparisons, deliver improved membership trends, navigate rising retail cost pressures, and beat consensus expectations,» analyst Edward Kelly wrote in a note to clients Monday.
This means, says Mr Pratt, significant savings to Visy customers who are passing on costs pressures imposed by retailers.
While activity in a number of sectors is stronger due to the weaker pound, helping to boost orders from overseas, cost pressures remain high with price increases being passed onto consumers, which may contribute to an increase in inflation down the road.»
At a time when cost pressures and market fragmentation makes business development tricky, he believes that not only is a change in market tack possible, but that by attending this year's Packaging Innovations show at the NEC in Birmingham, you can change the entire way you do business.
It's hard to understand why DfE were taken aback at over 6,000 responses to the first stage consultation — this is a critical issue for schools who are already absorbing cost pressures.

Phrases with «cost pressures»

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