Sentences with phrase «cover amount»

The phrase "cover amount" refers to a specific sum of money or value that an insurance policy or financial arrangement is designed to protect or provide. It is the maximum amount that will be paid out in the event of a claim or occurrence outlined in the policy or agreement. Full definition
In case of death of the insured member, apart from the scheme specific death benefit, fixed life insurance cover amount of Rs 1000 per member, shall also be payable.
The policyholder may opt for additional cover that pays the nominee a certain percentage of the life cover amount for key life events like marriage, birth or adoption of a child.
However, the cover of both people would remain independent of each other, with an option to choose different cover amount for each.
The insurance cover amount in these plans is at least 10 times the amount of premium paid.
Under term life insurance plan, the life cover amount in form of sum assured is paid to the beneficiary in the event of unfortunate death of the life insured.
Negative amortization occurs when your payments do not cover the amount of interest due for that payment period.
Gap insurance may help certain drivers cover the amount owed on a car loan after a total loss or theft.
Now, after a period of 6 months, you are not able to survive the critical illness, then your nominee will receive the entire base cover amount of Rs. 1 crore.
That's why a term policy is better than whole, because it only covers the amount of time you actually need life insurance.
This plan offers flexibility to increase the life cover amount at key life stages such as marriage, child birth, etc..
Also, many auto insurance policies cover some amount of lawful liabilities, too.
In case of death during the policy term, the beneficiary gets the full cover amount along with the accumulated bonuses (if available).
Actual cash value covers the amount needed to replace the item, minus depreciation.
If you have a card that requires a high minimum spend to get extra bonus points in the introductory period of the card, a high tax bill could easily help cover that amount.
From the above 2 examples we observe that the insurance company pays the basic cover amount irrespective of whether death happens due to accident or not.
Under this, the critical illness rider cover amount is paid over and above the base cover benefit.
In case you are sure you really need money taken out of you home equity and can cover the amount easily, do not hesitate to apply for a home equity line of credit.
You should usually cover an amount more or less equal to the cost of your vehicle.
It is important you choose an adequate cover amount and avoid being over or under insured.
So having a savings account that could cover that amount right off the bat will save me $ 160 compared to having to take out a loan.
Instead, it would cover the amount left over once other factors such as parent contribution, student contribution, and free federal aid have been deducted.
This means, the policy will cover the amount necessary to rebuild your home as it was before the damage.
Here you are required to enter the almost exact cover amount for your content and structure of house so that you can make up for the loss in case of any damage.
In case you manage to convince your lenders that you can only cover an amount less than your outstanding debt or file bankruptcy, they will most likely agree to a debt settlement program.
The statement covers the amount it would take to completely payoff a loan at a certain future date.
This step gives a crystal clear picture of what comes under protection along with the exact cover amount offered by the insurer.
It is generally triggered when a final judgement is entered against the insured, and it is satisfied when the insurer pays such covered amounts to the plaintiff who obtained the judgement.
There are several insurance providers that offer this feature to help you pinpoint the ideal cover amount.
It will give you the option to cover the amount back.
Actual cash value covers the amount of money that your property is worth at the time it is damaged.
You will want to purchase enough coverage to fully cover the amount of your owned possessions, should a loss occur.
Most of the states had made the liability coverage as compulsory but the minimum policy cover amount varies from state to state.
Traditionally, term plans were synonymous with a one - time whole cover amount payment by the insurer company at the time of death of the insured, during the policy term.
The child support guidelines cover the amount of child support and related items such as health insurance.
This informational documents covers the amount of notice that must be given, the steps of the eviction process, and everything in between.
A mortgage insurance policy will cover the amount owed on your mortgage, ensuring that family left behind will be able to pay off your home and continue to live there.
If the death is not due to accident then base cover amount of Rs. 1 crore will be paid.
In case of an event happens the amount will be paid in addition to the base plan life cover amount.
If the cancer is first deducted at the major stage, the full cover amount will get paid and an additional income of 10 % will be given for the next five years.
Note: in this example, the loans only covered the amount you need to purchase the car.
Generally subscriber will get a sum assured based on the policy covered amount in every fixed term (4 years, 8 years, 12 years, 15th years like this).
If you decide to solve your debt problem with a HELOC, only get a loan that covers the amount needed to pay debts.
In addition, gap insurance coverage can help cover the amount you owe on your new car after an accident.
If a accident death rider is taken, then the insurance company pays the rider amount over and above the basic cover amount.
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