Sentences with phrase «cover of one's book»

You can even add a particularly great quote to the front or back cover of your book depending on how influential the source.
The front cover of the book displays a dog staring at the sky.
My students love writing notes on the inside cover of books from the classroom library to encourage other students to read them.
Many times I'll see blocks of text pulled from the back cover of the book used as promotion.
They are also often used on the back cover of the book along with the description to encourage readers to buy.
Having said that, I prefer to read books and the good quality paper, the interesting fonts, and wonderful cover of this book make it a favorite of mine.
I «do» read the back cover of books before I decide to open to the table of contents.
The author bio on the back cover of your book needs to cover a lot of ground in a few words: publishing credits, writing degrees earned, perhaps something fun about yourself.
In the brick and mortar world, the jacket cover of a book contains much of the promotional information about that book: cover design, synopsis, reviews, author biography and more.
Find a cozy spot to sit with your toddler and introduce the book, looking at the front cover of the book together.
Are they going to be modifying covers of these book on a whim?
Do not let the idyllic cover of this book fool you; three girls, arm in arm, having a leisurely stroll together.
I would never design an actual cover of a book to look like the image above.
You will need a template for the inside pages of the book, and a template for the outside cover of your book.
When you have more materials out in the market, the raw advertising benefit covers all of the books penned by you.
What you see is a round design on a rectangular cover of the book.
The padded front cover of the book is resistant to withstand throwing and biting.
Your dating profile should be like the back cover of a book — it should convince people to pick you up and try you out.
So you should make an intriguing and wonderful cover of your book to attract as many readers as you want.
For files of this format, also as well as for FB2, many readers show the book name, surname of the author, and sometimes the imaging of cover of the book.
Photographs used for cover of the book, Memory and Architecture, published by The University of New Mexico Press.
I was fairly near the end of the writing process when I decided it would be a good idea if the front cover of my book featured an endorsing quote from a trusted expert in the book's niche (self - help and careers).
I love love love covers of the books in the second -LRB-?)
Each widget shows covers of books, though you may find it impossible to read the cover lines: In My Library, Barnes & Noble Classics like Austen's Sense and Sensibility showed something on the cover, but the text was too small to be legible.
A book shelf shows titles of books and author's surnames, but not covers of books.
As an aspiring thriller writer, I kept noticing the bold, brassy covers of books by one Mel Comley sitting high in the genre bestseller rankings on Amazon.
And for the serious collector, she signs full size, full color covers of her books.
Writing the back cover of your book first concise, compelling answers to questions like:
Ligon considers more than 50 covers of books authored by the likes of James Baldwin, Alice Childress, LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka), Eldridge Cleaver, Gordon Parks, Richard Wright, Norman Mailer and June Jordan, as well as Dick Gregory, Elijah Muhammad, Toni Morrison, Hilton Als and Suzan - Lori Parks.
Is Possibility of use of dictionaries, book shelf shows not only names of files, but also covers of books, and also names of authors.
This fervor is visible in The Good Life or American / English, where he photographs covers of books from his collection, reducing the book to an image, a simple surface.
The back cover of the book states that emphasis is that the «text should provide practical commentary rather than mere recitation of rules and theoretical law».
Zachs, an honorary fellow at the University of Edinburgh, wanted to know what kind of animal hide was used to make the white leather cover of his book, and in 2012 agreed to open the book to investigation by Collins's lab.
Over there on a wall are enormous vintage covers of books like «Of Mice and Men» and «The Great Gatsby.»
A delightful video of my fellow author D.M. Cain revealing the new cover of her book, The Phoenix Project.
It is so fitting that the original cover of this book, which you see depicted here, arrives from the library marred by a plain, gray wrapper around th
So the site includes a beautiful elaboration of the Sam Sheppard case for curious readers, as well as a gallery of unused and international covers of the book.
You'll learn the power of networking to help you obtain credibility - building pre-publication quotes for the front cover of your book how published experts in your field can open doors leading to obtaining publishing contracts with major publishers.
Magazine, newspaper, radio and TV snippets on your website and on the back cover of your book increases an author's credibility with powerful social proof.
And oh yeah, # 5: I miss covers of books on the Kindle.
The front cover of a book plays a vital role in creating an enticing effect upon the potential buyers but the inner part of your book is also equally important to create a professional and striking feel and allure your prospects to not only purchase your book but also read it thoroughly.
(3D covers of book bundles are, however, often accepted.)
-- A utility to add covers of books you've purchased to your screensaver pictures.
I've seen others use Pinterest for dinner ideas (a «must make» board), for gift ideas, for room makeover ideas and even one recently called «books worth reading», where the creator had pinned up book covers of books she recently read and loved.

Phrases with «cover of one's book»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z