Sentences with phrase «cover someone want»

We described the type of cover we wanted and their execution of it was exactly what we envisioned for our book.
While I am still looking / hoping for an agent, at the same time, I am wondering what cover I want for my next book.
You may need more pepper, depending on how much pepper covering you want on the cheese ball.
After three revisions I had the book cover I wanted.
Is there anything we haven't covered you want to know?
* You choose how much cover you want and a monthly premium you can afford.
We've covered the want nothing part, let's talk about do anything.
The sky is the limit to how many covers you want.
By shopping around, Hayden was able to get the level of cover he wanted at a cheaper price.
However you can grab a trial copy of Photoshop or just get a friend who has a copy and create all the ebook covers you want.
It is the prerogative of the individual to decide what sort of insurance cover they want - a third party insurance or a full coverage or just collision insurance.
With several months to plan her nursery, and even more specifically, research which cloth diapers and cloth diaper covers she wants for her baby, the Gift Registry of a new or expectant mother removes the question, «What should I get for the baby shower?»!
The «alternate use» is as a night stay dry, you put the wool next to baby's skin then stack up lots of cotton under that and then use whatever cover you want to over it all.
however we are seeking friends nearby or able to travel to us, if you wan na know more then you will have to actually read this book rather than judging the cover
I believe with the DVD cover they wanted to disassociate themselves from the theatrical release, because it hadn't done as well as they wanted.
Went to the Dealer and was told the tires were not covered they wanted $ 200.00 to replace it.
Fortunately for you, though, this isn't a hopeless situation and you aren't going to have to start spending a grand or more for every Kindle cover you want to have created!
I'd decided that if I couldn't find an artist who could create the kind of quality cover I wanted, I might have to come up with a different list of pros and cons for my «Should I self - publish?»
She was very careful to set up a dialogue with me to understand a kind of complicated (I hope not confused) novel, and then she worked with me until she produced the exact cover I wanted (though I had never thought of anything like it).
Before switching or consolidating super funds, make sure you can get the death, TPD or income protection cover you want, in your chosen fund.
The European cover wants to show the grand adventures the player will have with the game and the more vibrant colour scheme emphasises it a bit.
It's very snappy how you can be in one cover and point to the next cover you want to be at, then just hold A and watch your person charge there through enemy fire.
After selecting the record cover I want to feature, I either dig through my own LP collection or do the research online to find out who's credited for the photograph, illustration and / or overall design of the package.
It has very little in the way of templates but, when you create a new notepad, you can choose gridlines or straight lines and any color cover you want.
Analyze your needs and then decide the sum assured or life cover you want under a term insurance policy.
I had a clear idea of the type of cover I wanted for my series of non-fiction writing books aimed at travel writers and travel bloggers.
The benefit of this one, like instagram, is that it is a strongly visual advertising website, so if you have a good book cover you want to showcase then this can help you drive traffic using it.
Every time I see that cover I want a whole pizza pie to myself!
Calmly ask yourself everyday: What does the guy I cover want me to report on today and how does that jive with what story I want to tell?
Well, now you can - simply head over to our special site and you can buy the cover you want online.
Students may have two or three options for themes for the cover they want to draw, paint, or design.
Ellen came to us with a pretty clear idea of the cover she wanted (she already created it with a graphic software program).
Create the cover you want, not the one that will do.
I do what it takes to get you the cover you want.
Choose the book cover you want to promote.
Before you started you took time to see which style of cover I wanted.
Please send URLs that go directly to your e-book cover images, no Facebook pages or designer portfolio pages where we have to scan through to find the cover you want to submit.
Once you know what you are willing to spend, it will be a lot easier to find design companies / designers in your price range and you can get the cover you want for the right budget.
For # 300, I got the cover I wanted, but you should have a budget in mind before you start shopping around.
I can work within my own timeline, get the cover I want, choose an editor I like and work well with... Yes, it costs me, but I guess you get what you pay for!
I get to put the cover I want on my books; I get to price them the way I want; and I get to market myself the way I prefer.
No payment until you have the cover you want.
Getting the cover I want because I designed it or worked with a great graphic artist to come up with the best cover, seeing my hard work out in the world... it's appealing.
Designing your own cover can be fun and relatively easy as long as you don't over think it; and using these tips hopefully will assist you in designing the cover you want and that will appeal to readers.
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