Sentences with phrase «coverage scenarios»

Get the facts down on paper — and try to envision what your best coverage scenario might look like.
The key is to get good information, to envision your best case coverage scenarios, to solicit excellent information from diverse sources, and to discuss your needs with a qualified person.
In a recent car accident where my client was hit by a drunk driver, we are facing one of the more complex coverage scenarios that illustrates two points.
Get online quotes and find out which local providers are able to set you up with the most advantageous coverage scenario at the lowest premium cost.
One methodology involves figuring out your best case coverage scenarios and then utilizing an array of resources to make those coverages happen.
There are two possible coverage scenarios on your New York Renters Insurance.
There are two possible coverage scenarios on your New York Renters Insurance.
Number three: Demand that a true copy of the actual in - house policy, in all of its convoluted, gloriously legalesely inspired paragraphs of notwithstanding confusion producing exercises in headache inducing gobbledy - gook - double - negative explanations of «non» coverage scenarios escape clauses, is deposited with you at your residence for at least a few days prior to your expected signature on the contract.
Put the money thing out of your mind for a second, and instead focus on «best coverage scenarios
We find that both the insurer and policyholder appreciate our ability to assess the coverage scenario for other players in the litigation and understand their affect on the case.
Renters of all ages and socioeconomic groups can come up with plans to fit both their coverage scenarios and their budgets.
One way to make progress is to identify all of your strengths and weaknesses — areas of exposure and areas where you are covered — and then to work in conjunction with an insurance agent to envision a best coverage scenario.
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