Sentences with phrase «currency wars»

The phrase "currency wars" refers to a situation when different countries try to devalue their own currencies in order to gain an advantage in international trade. This competition can harm global trade relationships and lead to economic instability. Full definition
When I asked him about this trade he noted the onset of currency wars.
Large flight to quality flows into the dollar and yen also risk bringing on alarm about emerging markets and a return to concern about currency wars.
Most countries want their currency values to fall so they can win the global currency wars.
Just that this is no 1987 even though currency wars were also present then.
Finally, I am beginning to see more articles and newsletter writers talk about the current currency war.
If you've tuned into financial news recently chances are good that you've heard something about currency wars or economic turmoil.
One of Jim's theses in Currency Wars is that Russia and China could team up to combine their respective gold resources, and create a rival currency to the dollar.
«China has paved the way for a further weakening of its currency by announcing changes in how it measures the value of the renminbi, raising investors» alarm at the prospect a new currency war just as the US prepares to raise interest rates» (FT, 12/12/15).
«We're about to come into a real currency war,» Buck said.
CURRENCY CRISES AND CURRENCY WARS By Gordon Platt FX has withstood many crises, including speculative attacks on the British pound, the Mexican peso crisis, the Thai baht crisis and, more recently, a euro under strain and a potential threat...
The last time the G - 20 issued such a firm statement against currency wars Japan was in the spotlight as its campaign of monetary stimulus pushed the yen to its lowest level against the dollar in about five years.
cio Lula da Silva, Rousseff — still fresh from her Oct. 31 electoral victory — reiterated the Lula administration's line that Asian central banks» suppression of the value of their currencies was causing an «international currency war
«Global Imbalances and Currency Wars at the ZLB.»
-LSB-...] Currency Wars (Real Time Economics) • How Often Do Stocks and Bonds Decline at the Same Time?
David Cameron attempted to stymie the talk of currency wars dominating the agenda as the G20 summit in Seoul seeks to find a lasting solution to the financial crisis.
«But there's a great fear of speaking candidly about it, because currency wars have a history of spinning out of control and turning into trade wars.»
If Japan's swooning yen is an early warning of an oncoming currency war, the global financial elite aren't eager to discuss it.
James Rickards writes about the next currency war, which could set off big problems for the United States and other countries.
PIMCO wrote that the U.S. is fighting, and winning, a «Cold Currency War
Oil plunged another 4 percent, while safe - haven government U.S. and German bonds, and the yen and the euro, rallied as widespread fears of a China - led global economic slowdown and currency war kicked in.
How anyone can say that the dollar is strong in our present currency war is too much to bare.
is the author of the international bestsellers Currency Wars and The Death of Money: The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System.
«We are going to fight trade barriers, we are going to fight beggar - my - neighbour policies, we are going to fight currency wars, we are going to fight competitive devaluations, we are going to show that this world, these politicians, these leaders have learnt the lessons of the 1930s and we're going to keep our trading system open rather than see it progressively close,» he added.
World leaders in Seoul have issued a statement saying they will avoid much - feared currency wars amidst troubled negotiations, echoing David Cameron's warning to the summit.
Pettis: Countries w / higher external debt levels r constrained in their ability2wage currency war w / countries w / lower external debt levels $ $ Feb 24, 2013
However, it was not that long ago that we were concerned about currency wars where countries sought an advantage over their neighbours by devaluation in the hope of gaining an increased share of global markets.
I simply view gold as money that can't be debased in a world of fiat currency wars.
As noted by The Telegraph, the ability for Bitcoin to circumvent government - imposed economic restrictions «could have significant implications across the world, upending currency wars, hampering efforts to manage crises and challenging traditional ideas of economic development — all of which frequently include restrictions on taking money abroad.»
There is an exit for individuals out of the Fiat currency war... BITCOIN!
Countries that try to compete by devaluing their currencies are accused of being in currency wars
«Everyone knows what's going on,» says James Rickards, author of Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis.
Layered on top of financial repression is a global currency war as politicians and central bankers all seek to encourage exports by making their goods and services cheaper for foreigners.
«If any country comes to manage bitcoin freely, bitcoin will become the nuclear weapon of a new currency war
«We're about to come into a real currency war,» Jenny Buck, head of property and alternative investments at supermarket operator Tesco Plc's pension fund, said March 18 in Oxford.
As currency wars and monetary policy decisions continue to increase global currency market volatility, the development and strengthening of cryptocurrencies should become even more important in the coming years.
Meanwhile, the rumblings about currency wars — the real has risen nearly 40 % against the U.S. dollar since last January — may represent just the first stirrings of a Brazil that's newly imposing on the geopolitical stage.
In this exclusive conversation, Kelly, a regular panelist on CNBC's «Fast Money,» also shares his views on the U.S. dollar, currency wars, oil, his investment approach and much more.
The current era bears a troubling resemblance to that of the 1930s, when a currency war deepened the Great Depression.
It was Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega who first uttered the words «currency war» in reference to the slide of the U.S. dollar.
Still, Carney says there is no place for Canada in the currency wars.
Japan was taking political heat from as far afield as Chinaand Germany that Tokyo was resorting to a beggar - thy - neighbourpolicy of «currency wars» aime
And, if they still want to complain about «currency wars,» India and Brazil will have much to fear from the Japanese «monetary tsunami» — if Japan's money printing machines are allowed to keep sinking the yen.
Needless to say, a currency war undermines stability.
But Japan has made the currency war difficult to ignore.

Phrases with «currency wars»

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