Sentences with phrase «current campaign»

The phrase "current campaign" refers to an ongoing effort or plan that is happening right now. Full definition
Ideally, I would like to join a growing marketing firm where I can directly assist with the continuation of current campaigns, while implementing new and fresh marketing strategies across multiple platforms.
It also includes photos and images from current campaigns to illustrate and illuminate each chapter.
Receive updated insights on all your campaigns, manage current campaigns, and even create new ads directly from your phone.
Solar panels can be beneficial to buildings, with current campaigns existing to support solar on schools.
if he can recapture his form of 3 yrs ago he can be immense in current campaign and be instrumental in our / his success.
Edited by Sean Treglia, senior advisor for democracy initiatives at USC Annenberg, it is intended to to help journalists stay on top of current campaign finance issues.
[68] Former New York State Senator Martin Connor contended that because the Bloomberg donations were made to an Independence Party housekeeping account rather than to an account meant for current campaigns, this was a violation of campaign finance laws.
The site has a blog that comments on current campaigns and an Ad of the Day feature, though I'm not quite sure of the distinction between the two; might be better to combine them.
Find out all about current campaigns, modes, the new item set and buff, and more in this week's Happy Wars blog.
Our post Brexit Manifesto 2016 summaries the need for action, and encompasses our primary current campaigns including calls for changes to the IR35 Public Sector rules and the Apprenticeship Levy both of which applied from April 2017.
Former legislature chairman John Parete called it «money laundering» last April, but was told it was all perfectly legal under current campaign finance law.
Toward the end of a Dave Weigel piece in Slate on Michele Bachmann's current campaign speech (you'll be shocked to hear that she says she was right to vote against a debt ceiling - increase), we get a quick look at one way tablet computers can play into modern field organizing:
Only two managers been able to come up with a formula to beat the Portuguese manager in th current campaign and Merson has picked a team that he feels could match the Blues:
But it feels like apples and oranges to compare the Million Mom March to current campaigns organized around social media.
Records show that Breslin has paid Probst's company $ 379.18 over the most current campaign disclosure period, listing him as a consultant.
Gillibrand blasted current campaign finance rules during an appearance on CBS's «The Late Show» with host Stephen Colbert.
Coming close on the heels of this morning's The Wall Street Journal exposé of City Comptroller John Liu's ties to disgraced Democratic fund - raiser Nathan Hsu comes news that one of Liu's current campaign fund - raisers, bundler Xing Wu Pan, was arrested this morning on wire fraud and conspiracy charges.
Several former and current campaign staff members who spoke with POLITICO said Massey was a kind and thoughtful candidate, but also a novice with unrealistic expectations about how much money he could raise, and little understanding of the fast - moving nature of campaigns.
Students analyze current campaign TV ads and literature.
Jon Stewart's interview with Lawrence Lessig, author of «Republic, Lost» reveals how current campaign finance laws allow the richest 1 % to distort democracy — often in some very banal ways.
We're working in 25 states, but our major current campaigns are in:
Supervise bi-weekly creative meetings, collaborating with other teams to meet organization's objectives and derive new ways to communicate current campaigns.
A professional marketing team will be able to identify which elements of past and current campaigns got you the highest number of conversions, so they know how to create even more effective future campaigns.
It's not often that we cover crowdfunding campaigns, as there is a pretty big stigma against them in the current
The Blue Mountain Gallery is seeking funding for the launch of a new speaker series (Deadline for current campaign, March 19)
The goal of the partnership is to provide Surfrider Foundation supporters and volunteers with information about current campaigns, coastal water quality updates, upcoming beach cleanups, and chapter locations utilizing BlooSee's mapping system and technology resources.
Current campaigns include: Saving the Arctic, Protecting our Oceans, and Living Toxic - Free.
Trump's current campaign manager Kellyanne Conway was reportedly responsible for a super-bullish 2013 memo commissioned by the real estate mogul, who was at the time talking about running for governor of New York.
The key with marketing automation is to find a sweet spot and integrate it into your current campaigns to help boost certain sections of your marketing funnel (much like content marketing).
And he has widely been reported as helping Clinton raise money for her current campaign.
His current campaigns include pushing eBay to sell off its PayPal business.
The Heineken executives say we can expect it to become more contemporary, since the current campaign doesn't fit well in the context of football.
And just as important, she will likely put forward a much needed and long - overdue campaign donation reform plan, to cut corporate and union donations out of the wild West that is the current campaign territory.
As I've noted in the latest issue of Research & Insight, there is little reason to believe that the current campaign of Fed easing is having or will have any effect on bank lending.
In the current campaign, Mr. Trump has proposed a 45 percent tax on Chinese imports and a 35 percent tax on Mexican imports.
How it works is their system pauses your current campaign and then splits them up into separate ones under a new campaign with TS — prefix.
A current campaign, #Freedom2Innovate, incorporates quotes from politicians like Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a Democrat who represents Facebook's backyard in Northern California.
Now, as the company prepares to graduate from the Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) incubator, Hermann shares more about their accomplishments over the last few years, their shift to gamification, the current campaign that ignited their product growth and what's next in the pipeline.
Unfortunately, perhaps the most important issue for interest rates and the dollar is likely to remain untouched regardless of who wins: Thus far in the current campaign, neither party is demonstrating much appetite for long - term entitlement reform and related deficit reduction.
Obviously, our current campaign finance laws are a debacle but I am not conversant enough to propose sweeping changes in them here.
A current campaign has focused on the need to ban the adoption of Russian orphans by American couples: Pravda has been running stories about how these children may end up in lesbian or homosexual households.

Phrases with «current campaign»

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