Sentences with phrase «dark material»

The phrase "dark material" refers to something that is mysterious, unknown, or hidden. It often represents things that are difficult to understand or explain, and may cause feelings of uncertainty or fear. Full definition
When the impact occurred, darker material on the surface was blown away, and brighter material beneath it was revealed.
But the joking around doesn't so much complement the film's dark material as clash with it and undermine it.
British writer Philip Pullman, creator of the His Dark Materials trilogy of children's books set in a dystopian alternative reality, described Trump as a «savage».
A third effect occurs when black carbon (BC) particles land on snow, and the tiny specks of dark material in the upper snow layers absorb heat from the sun and promote melting.
After 2000, she turned away from comedies toward darker material in The Caveman's Valentine, Panic Room, and Night at the Golden Eagle.
The methane band bright area on the NEBs / EZn is now covered with dark material.
Phillip Pullman, author of the His Dark Materials series, calls Rooftoppers «the work of a writer with an utterly distinctive voice and a wild imagination.»
Voted 2017 Best Young Adult Novel by BookBrowse's Subscribers I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I heard that Philip Pullman would be revisiting the world he brought to life in the His Dark Materials series — not as a prequel or sequel series, but what he refers to as an «equel» — a series that is meant to stand on its own, yet as companion to the first.
A gloriously entertaining ride, provided you have a taste for dark material and don't mind the occasional poke in the ribs.
Speaking in his capacity as president of the Society of Authors, the His Dark Materials author hit out at the fact that while profit margins in publishing are rising, the money authors are paid is going down.
When I was very young I loved the ChurchMice books by Graham Oakley (the finely illustrated series on the inhabitantsof Wortlethorpe Church), and I wish theHis Dark Materials books by Philip Pullman had been written when I was a child.
Unfortunately, while it's nice to see Sarah Jessica Parker delving into darker material, there's very little to enjoy about «Divorce.»
Streets and roofs are clad in dark materials like asphalt and bitumen, which retain more heat than lighter materials and natural surfaces like soil.
Here are some of the most important main features of Resurrection Remix Android 6.0.1 ROM: dark material theme, quick - smart pulldown, buttons, heads up, battery mods, lockscreen shortcuts, clockcolor options, statusbar clock customization, network traffic monitor, toast animations, quick unlock, navigation bar dimensions, add weather display to status bar header, improved battery life, no TouchWiz, and tons of other great things.
Following up his 2015 Cannes break - out, the stunning, very original dry comedy The Lobster, a film that we really loved — Greek filmmaker Yorgos Lanthimos enters the official competition at Cannes 2017 with this drama of family matters and other dark materials.
By etching paths in the planet's veneer of fine dust, the devils usually expose darker material beneath.
«Europa's mystery dark material could be sea salt, NASA research reveals.»
Sky surveys suggest that dark matter or some other mysterious dark material may be lighting up the universe with too much ultraviolet radiation
The dark spots might be more likely to outgas because dark material warms faster than light material.
That's roughly consistent with images from the Galileo spacecraft, which show dark material on Ganymede and Callisto.
Scientists have identified the origin of dark material scattered over the surface of Vesta in images from NASA's Dawn mission.
Shacknews: You kinda touched on this already, but this movie feels like it's dealing with noticeably darker material than previous Star Wars films.
With the delightful «Summer in Cyprus», Gold brilliantly combines both aspects, warm strings giving way to far darker material.
But what's often ignored is his ability to leaven such dark material with a healthy dose of humanity, and this week, Bill Barich's script provides just the right opportunity for Coulter to display his talent in this respect.
Why It Could Fail Dark Material: «Wishes come true, not free» is a line from the musical that can give you a glimpse as to what might be in story.
I seem to recall Sahara straight - up promising more «Dirk Pitt Adventures» when it could barely conjure up an adventure for itself — and the His Dark Materials franchise pretty much arrived D.O.A., didn't it?
Folk singer Llewyn (Oscar Isaac, «Drive») is having a rough go of it on the hootenanny circuit: he's trying to break out as a solo act after minor success as half of a duo, and he favors dark material that doesn't make the espresso - swilling hipsters in his basement audiences sing along.
He has a new Dark Materials book and I am reading it now it is quite good.
Been through the His Dark Materials novels too many times to count?
Vomit that is red or appears to contain dark materials is suggestive of a bleed somewhere within the intestinal tract.
Darker material on the top of the instrument panel reduces glare.
The Milky Way, with its 100 billion stars in a disc 150 000 light years across, is known to be embedded in a much larger halo of dark material, containing perhaps 10 times as much matter.
The title might drive audiences away, but horror fans or those looking for darker material than The Beguiled of My Cousin Rachel will rejoice in the 19th Century sex and violence portrayed here.
It is also now thought that dark material in large fissures on the surface are sea salt deposits left over after water quickly evaporated upon reaching the surface.
Some troughs are filled with dark material, possibly irradiated hydrocarbons, while others are home to icy hills, New Horizons mission scientists announced at a July 17 news conference.
I'd give you specific examples, but part of the effectiveness comes from how unexpected the detours into darker material are.
Made from a combination of unglazed white porcelain and thick black grog — a coarse, dark material like oil or tar used in modern construction which looks like it comes from deep in the ground — these objects, some referencing pots and some tools or spears are, for me, the most seductive part of the exhibition.
Here are main features that you will find in the Resurrection Remix Marshmallow custom ROM: Dark Material Theme, Quick - Smart pulldown, heads up, lockscreen shortcuts, battery mods, clockcolor options, ambiant display, network traffic monitor, quick unlock, and others more.
I started reading the «His Dark Materials» series in middle school, but have continued to reread them throughout my life.
I would definitely put the «His Dark Materials» trilogy at the top of my list — it left an indelible impression on me, and had me rethink some canonical texts in a new light.
Philip Pullman, the British author of the fantasy trilogy His Dark Materials, is an avowed atheist who makes no attempt to disguise his distaste for religion and especially for Christianity.
AUDIOBOOK OF THE WEEK: I've been listening to the fantasy trilogy His Dark Materials on audiobook this past week and I am loving it.
His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman (via Melissa: «Perfect amount of fantasy for summertime.»)
I recently re-read Philip Pulman's His Dark Materials trilogy; the scene when Lyra deserts her daemon recalls all the agony of a child's separation from her much loved toy.
Previously it wasn't clear if the dark material was liquid or merely saturated sediment — which at Titan's frigid temperatures would be made of ice, not rock.
For more than a decade, scientists have wondered about the nature of the dark material that coats long, linear fractures and other relatively young geological features on Europa's surface.
NASA laboratory experiments suggest the dark material coating some geological features of Jupiter's moon Europa is likely sea salt from a subsurface ocean, discolored by exposure to radiation.
To identify the dark material, Hand and his co-author Robert Carlson, also at JPL, created a simulated patch of Europa's surface in a laboratory test apparatus for testing possible candidate substances.
Theories proposed to explain the nature of the dark material include this radiation as a likely part of the process that creates it.
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