Sentences with phrase «dark suit»

The phrase "dark suit" refers to a formal attire typically worn by men. It describes a suit that is of a dark color, such as black, navy blue, or charcoal grey. Full definition
This is not the kind of town that expects its pastors to suffer in dark suits.
Say they think you like books with tall men who wear dark suits who are serial killers.
«See, a nice two - piece dark suit,» he said to me.
I think so many different colors could work with this formula of a rich, dark suit color and a pale, pastel shoe color.
My only dark suit has a light smear of little peanut butter fingerprints and no time to dry clean.
The groom and ushers n ring bearer are wearing dark suits with a turquoise bow ties.
The 2019 GMC Terrain and Acadia will put on snazzy dark suits for their new Black Edition models.
In a world of subtle variations of dark suits and understated shoes, the wrist may very well be the one area in which is it socially permissible for a man to be sartorially dazzling (okay, yes, perhaps the tie as well).
And again, in 2009, in a Maclean's profile of the Bay's new boss: «With her blond bob, grey Alexander McQueen sweater dress, ballsy black Yves Saint Laurent boots, and willingness to playfully tweak tradition, Brooks offers a stylish foil to the sober gallery of white men in dark suits who trace the company's lineage back to 1670.»
With state police and a smattering of protesters standing watch outside the church, brides clad in white and grooms in dark suits brought dozens of unloaded AR - 15s into World Peace and Unification Sanctuary for a religious event that doubled as an advertisement for the Second Amendment.»
In one astonishing interview, dressed in his trademark dark suit and skinny tie, Miller told CBS's John Dickerson, without irony, «Our opponents, the media and the whole world, will soon see, as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.»
At a dart board a wizened Barnacle Bill in a shiny dark suit wearily muttered «hear, hear,» and with his lobster claw pitched a red - feathered dart.
Justin Timberlake: Before taking to the stage to perform, JT was on the red carpet in a Stella McCartney dark suit and red scarf for a stylish flourish.
She looked like a rockstar in dark suit separates with white piping up near her face.
Seersucker looks best in light shades, and darker suits convey seriousness and sobriety.
So, avoid wearing it on such official events as a wedding or work party and give way to a tux or dark suit instead.
The lovely pictures show the radiant bride in a light - pink flowing gown, and the beaming groom, looking smart in a neat dark suit.
The Post is almost queasily at home in the corridors and garden parties of power, even as it attempts to portray Graham's struggles as the lone woman in boardrooms full of men in dark suits whispering to one another.
Then for Thursday — 6 - 16 — looking for a couple of males 30's to 60's to portray FBI types that own a nice dark suit — email a recent photo and all contact info also to: [email protected]-- FBI Funeral in Subject
They wore conservative dark suits with somber ties.
Finally, MECO ran television ads featuring clandestine figures in dark suits instructing voters that «if someone asks you to sign a voter petition, just decline to sign.»
Dressed in a full dark suit with a chair next to him, Paci greets a long line of people, who came to the village to meet the artist and shake his hand.
Jordan Wolfson and I pace together in the musty shade — he in a pair of white Moschino shorts, I in a stifling dark suit — inspecting an empty farmhouse that he has just purchased in Upstate New York.
I have some pictures of him during that episode, in a rumpled thrift - store dark suit and flip - flops.
Past the thick - set bouncers in dark suits tearing ticket stubs, and along an oak - panelled corridor, is the first «Young British Artists» signature piece, Simon Patterson's reworking of the London underground map, The Great Bear (1992).
His ascetic demeanour, along with a taste for understated dark suits and white shirts, prompted one gallery owner to describe him as, «a Jansenist dressed by Comme des Garçons».
When businessmen in dark suits compete wildly over pictures by painters who explicitly cultivated the art of the absurd or spread paint across their canvases with no easily identifiable purpose, this tells you something about the state of the world economy.
Wear a nondescript dark suit and plain shirt, no fancy jewellery, no cleavage; be polite and nice to EVERYONE, and don't be afraid to ask questions.
At the appointed time, Stringer, in his standard uniform of dark suit, conservative tie and rimless glasses, took the podium.
Cocktail Attire means short, elegant dresses for her and dark suits for him.
The affairs of Mormondom are directed by a cadre of elderly white males in dark suits who carry out their holy duties from a twenty - six - story office tower beside Temple Square.
In a wide shot, he captured the panel judges on the bench and Solicitor General Gregory Garre (dark gray suit with a solid light blue tie) at the podium; Hennessy sketched Bingham McCutchen partner P. Sabin Willett (dark suit with a red, black, and white striped tie) standing alone.
Our Grade 8 teacher was a very tall straight as a stick man who wore dark suits, spoke in short sentences that mostly said yes, no, or maybe.
They're uniformly dressed in dark suits and recognizable by the large binders they carry under their arms that hold the hockey fate of the teens on the ice.
«With his silver hair, dark suits, and deep Texas drawl, Tillerson is the very picture of a big oil executive,» O'Keefe writes.
Business Looks for Important Meetings When in doubt, a dark suit always makes a sharp, professional statement.
For gentlemen, the standard uniform is a dark suit, crisp dress shirt of a solid colour or subtle pattern, a tie and dress shoes.
If you're meeting with a group of bankers, a dark suit is most appropriate.
Even as the world seems to be getting more casual, a dark suit is still a wardrobe cornerstone for women at the executive level.
Wearing a dark suit and tie and prefacing almost every remark with «Congressman» or «Congresswoman,» Zuckerberg appeared even more controlled than he did on Tuesday, as he refrained from cracking jokes and flashed few smiles.
«Simple and sophisticated» is the rule here: Rock the Charles Tyrwhitt double cuff shirt with a dark suit, a striped repp or solid - colored tie, and a nice pair of sleek cufflinks for a stylish yet no - nonsense business ensemble.
Robert is in a dark suit, with a blue shirt and red tie.
«Simple and sophisticated» is the rule here: Rock the Charles Tyrwhitt double cuff shirt with a dark suit,
No. 1 would just be too mainstream for a person who, in what's probably a quiet act of rebellion, wears clashing light gray socks under his dark suits every night.
Brooks is fashionable, she's with it, she's got the smoky radio voice that makes men weak: in short, she's not like her fuddy - duddy predecessors George Heller or George Kosich — the men in dark suits (designer unknown) who supposedly drove the storied Hudson's Bay Co. into the ground.
Mr. Zuckerberg, in a dark suit and tie and accompanied by an entourage of aides, held several meetings with leaders of the Senate Commerce and Judiciary Committees.
Facebook Inc Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg swapped his trademark T - shirt and jeans for a dark suit and a purple tie on...
While Kalanick, who donned a dark suit and tie, answered questions about his aggressive ambitions to win the self - driving car race, the normally emotive Uber co-founder appeared restrained even when asked to concede that Google was in the self - driving lead.
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