Sentences with phrase «dark turn»

The phrase "dark turn" means that something has suddenly become more serious, dangerous, or negative. It typically refers to a shift in a story, situation, or behavior that takes a pessimistic or harmful direction. Full definition
A number of films present tales of good kids taking dark turns.
As the truth emerges, the reunion takes a much darker turn when a promise from their past is brought to light.
That is, until the plot starts taking a much darker turn in the second half.
That part took a much darker turn than I expected.
Aside from all the noticeable similarities, this game still looks gorgeous, with the atmosphere taking an even darker turn later on.
What seems to start off as an innocent game about a girl and her dog, almost instantly takes a surprisingly dark turn.
While it does take a somewhat dark turn, the story of this incredible woman's life is strangely inspiring.
The ending is interesting too, just as I was expecting the more usual darker turn, the twist arrived, and this ending suited the movie.
A fascinating glimpse into rural Australian life, this virtually wordless love story takes some very dark turns as it probes an offbeat connection between two Aboriginal young people.
is a particularly dark turn after something like Plane Crazy, featuring the lead character Bimbo the Dog attempting to steal a chicken in the dead of night.
Taking a very dark turn late in the second act, Pin Cushion's eccentric craft - fair aesthetic is ultimately protective cushioning wrapped around a broken heart.
And unlike Cheap Thrills, Small Crimes adopts a more fatalistic style that's akin to Saulnier's hard - boiled thrillers as of late, balancing dark turns with gritty realism that make each outcome even more jarring.
The plot does take a slightly darker turn when we find out that Superman is an evil dictator.
If the Scorpio is into this, the console wars will be taking a rather dark turn.
Things take a particularly dark turn when Anthony Hopkins seems to channel Hannibal Lecter as one user asks to call her boyfriend, with the real Alexa then stepping in to say that she'll «take it from here.»
Honeoye Falls Mayor Richard Milne's primary challenge against two - term incumbent Bill Nojay took an unbelievably dark turn when Nojay committed suicide on Friday.
However the story which starts off as flighty scheme that could actually never work takes an almost dark turn when Princess Leonide's plan begins to unravel bringing the film to a both tragic and comical ending.
Mos Def offers a more subdued take on Ordell Robie than Samuel L. Jackson did in Jackie Brown (adapted from Leonard's much - later Rum Punch); John Hawkes does wonderfully subtle work as Louis Gara; Jennifer Aniston puts in a rare darker turn as the socialite they hold for ransom; and Tim Robbins is enjoyably sleazy as her husband.
THE HIGH FRONTIER Poland, 2016 International Premiere, 97 min Director — Wojciech Kasperski Father / son bonding time takes an extraordinarily dark turn when a former guard and his two teen boys receive an unexpected guest in their remote cabin along the Poland - Ukraine border.
But when she takes him home to meet the folks — and the psychotic ex — things take a deliciously dark turn.
But, when a tragedy occurs, Eisenheim's act takes a very dark turn which fascinates the public and infuriates Leopold.
As First Reformed goes on, he takes a truly dark turn toward radicalism, the seeds of which Schrader plants in the film's opening act.
Their hard partying takes a hilariously dark turn when they accidentally kill a male stripper.
Piven describes the film as «The Big Chill» meets «Apocalypse Now» and while male bonding is the glue that holds all three films together, there are some polarizing dark turns that set «I Melt With You» apart from those earlier comparisons.
He doesn't ditch the CGI entirely, and so in one of those weird dark turns the movie takes — and there are many — we're treated to a herd of evil cannibalistic bunnies.
Scott took a much darker turn directing the Quentin Tarantino - scripted «True Romance,» which followed Tarantino's breakout «Reservoir Dogs.»
On sale across Europe from May 2018, the refreshed Nissan Juke sports a new front end which comes with a dark chrome V - motion grille, smoked headlights, and dark turn indicators on the side mirrors.
«It starts off like a play on a lot of superhero tropes but then it takes a fantastically dark turn,» he said.
Throughout Every Fifteen Minutes, as darker turns appear, the list of potential suspects grows.
Soon she is diagnosed with Niemann - Pick Type C (NPC), and her life takes an unexpectedly dark turn.
It creates a comfortable ambience, but sometimes the music takes a subtle dark turn — brilliantly reflective of the evening and its guests, where everyone smiles and shakes everyone's hand, but secretly hates everyone around them.
Let's have a look at how The Long Dark turned out.
6 White chair with dark turned legs, $ 379.
Things take an even darker turn in this bloody thriller when the two women are abducted by a fledgling cartel desperate to carve out a name for themselves by any means necessary.
When the corpse of actress Anna Fritz arrives in a hospital morgue, an obsessive orderly and his two friends engage in acts of necrophilia that take an even darker turn when Anna's corpse suddenly comes back to life.
The film stops in one last time with Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and her friends; events take a much darker turn as all twelve districts are at war with the Capitol.
Yet, both stemmed from childhoods that took surprisingly dark turns.
Things have taken a slightly darker turn, though, in «After Midnight,» her show now up at Jack Hanley Gallery.
If the Scorpio is into this, the console wars will be taking a rather dark turn.
Sasha decides to prove Xavier's ex-girlfriend is still a lying, cheating, manipulative bitch person, but things take a very dark turn.
True to its origin as a much - loved children's book, The Hobbit is noticeably lighter and more humorous in tone than its literary sequel, with much singing and slapstick in the earlier scenes; once we leave the Shire, however, with the exception of a brief (and possibly unnecessary) sojourn with the Elves at Rivendell, things take a much darker turn, with scenes of decapitations and mutilations that really push the boundaries of the film's 12A certificate.
All Tommy's attempts to get his life back on track are frustrated by his indolence and his love of beer, while his disastrous love life takes an even darker turn when he foolishly sparks an affair with his young niece Debbie (Sevigny).
It takes a darker turn when both sides of that rivalry have an army ready to kill and die at their command.
This is usually where things take a darker turn.
Besides its track - tested suspension and race - ready seats, the Edge ST's looks take a dark turn, with a honeycomb black gloss grill and matching 21 - inch shiny black rims with big red brake calipers peeking through.
But once again, things take a dark turn as the musical progresses.
For some, this dark turn offers proof that the American project of virtuous democratic capitalism has always been inherently untenable: Ever since the nation's founding, if not since the dawn of the Enlightenment, the liberal society has been at war with its own moral foundations, they argue.
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