Sentences with phrase «decent season»

The phrase "decent season" generally means a good or satisfactory performance or period of time, often referring to sports teams or individuals achieving respectable results. Full definition
A pretty decent season for the freshman big man.
He had a couple of decent seasons and a bad disciplinary record.
Anyone who pays # 114 million for an 18 year old with one decent season behind him has got to be totally mad.
Be honest, we all know we've one decent season since his been here.
I know it was the popular thing to crack on his lack of skills, but he had a relatively decent season.
He's had five poor seasons, and one, half decent season.
And it is the new found ability to compete and win the games against our big rivals and the strength of the Arsenal squad after a couple of decent seasons in the transfer market that seems to have convinced Walcott that staying in north London will not mean that he has no chance of major trophy success.
He had one decent season with Deportivo, one!
Clyne came to Liverpool on the back of a couple of half decent seasons at Southampton.
Peterborough United have had a pretty decent season so far this year, as they sit in 6th place and in the League One playoff places, looking to return to the Championship after being relegated at the very end of the 2012 - 13 season.
After a pretty decent season in red and white, in which he averaged 14.8 minutes per game, he figures to have some suitors in the transfer market.
I will be happy to eulogise about Costa next season, I «ll wait and see what he does, but patchy career and one and a half decent seasons doesn't get you to the top table of strikers in my opinion.
Blah blah blah blah, anyone who accepts the FA cup and 5th place finish as a successful or even decent season is mired in mediocracy.
Wheaton turned 1 decent season into a «we should sign him» argument.
Maybe you're a the short term focus because you're satisfied with a half decent season year after year, and afraid to take risk in order to secure your beloved 4th place, but i'm not.
Walford had 2 decent seasons prior to the Raiders acquiring Cook and cutting his snaps last year.
Rambo has had Wenger lovin for too long, Theo somehow managed to get the wage he has even though he is a 1 decent season then 1 bad season style of player... Wenger wanted him and look how Wenger backs him.
I don't know Patterson's viewpoint, but I can say that with a new athletic director coaches who had pretty decent seasons often find themselves out of a job.
Bacary Sagna showed that he is no one - season wonder with a season full of reliable, consistent performances while Gael Clichy enjoyed a very decent season despite a dip in form that correlated with the rest of the team early on.
or would you go to liverpool and warm a bench and really are having a blip decent season, who are otherwise a team that have no consistency and will never ever challenge the top 4 - 5 spot (other than this blip).
If you've never played NHL 2001 then this game has a ton of replay value with custom tournaments, international teams, a fairly decent season / franchise mode and online play.
Perhaps Arsene Wenger's biggest ever mistake in the transfer market, young Jeffers joined the Gunners for # 7m aged just 20, after three decent seasons for Everton.
Vargas scores 4 goals in copa and all the sudden a top striker???? sturidge gas had one decent season with Liverpool and now he's better???? Rodrigo for real?????? mabdzukuc are u serious???? negredo is not better for sure....
So don't tell me that Walcott is a star player just because he had one decent season at 19 goals.
The versatile 28 - year old attacker is a relative newcomer to the international stage, with just two caps to his name so far, but after two decent seasons in La Liga he has begun this one in superb form, scoring five goals in five games so far.
One would think that Jim Grobe has a contract for life in Winston - Salem after his 2006 ACC championship and semi-sustained run of decent seasons (four bowls in six seasons).
Now if Ox and his agent have not read what is going on at Chelsea i wish them the best, one decent season does not give you the right to ask for a massive raise, when you have been injury prone and inconsistent performer over the years.
He's had ONE half decent season in the whole of his career, he only has one foot (figuratively speaking) and will be nearly 29 when the new season starts.
Except in the American League East in «96, that was a pretty decent season, comparable to numbers put up by Jimmy Key, Kenny Rogers, Dwight Gooden, Scott Erickson, David Wells, and Tim Wakefield, all pitchers who were widely credited at the time for helping their teams win.
The Mets let him walk after a decent season as a utility player.
Walcott having a decent season could be in trouble for a lack of physicality as well.
South Hampton had a decent season considering how many left but he stayed and showed everyone what he offers.
had a decent season 3 mill more thats it!
Think you are a bit generous with the bandwagon rolling with a «decent season» — see it all the time after just a decent game, hell I've seen it for Coutinho after a decent shot!
John stones is 22 and he had one decent season in Epl and last season was atrocious but all of sudden he's a # 50m player.
People have seen him getting some praise, seen he's having a decent season, and watched a couple of YouTube clips to come to the conclusion he's the new Aguero.
Had one decent season and score some goals.
As though Arsene Wenger had spent his summer manipulating Gunnersaurus into an illegal invasion of a Middle Eastern country, rather than simply making the decision that on balance, Francis Coquelin and Olivier Giroud might have decent seasons.
It would be a shame if Mr «Arsenal though and through» turns out to be another Robin Van Traitor and decides to jump ship after one decent season, following years and years and years of being paid for being injured.
Two decent seasons in a declining league don't make a 50m player... Would you take rvp because of past performances... Qed
For example, first baseman Derrek Lee, coming off a decent season at age 34, had to settle for a one - year deal worth less than $ 10 million from the Orioles.
LB I wonder if we can scheme up a decent season for Mingo ($ 2M).
Giroud has had a decent season, not a super season but not a bad one either.
Valter Birsa is a player who had a decent season last term but has bombed this term as his Auxerre side fell from 3rd post last term to 17th this season, sound familiar?
Per had a decent season for us and got better as the season went on.
In the midst of a decent season, those in power at a cash - strapped school in a borderline - insolvent state were willing to raise $ 15 million to make him leave.
The 33 year old enjoyed a decent season at Stamford Bridge last season but Jose Mourinho opted against renewing the Cameroon international's contract and there are no shortage of interest parties chasing the former Barcelona and Inter Milan man.
Though Gerrard has been decent this season, he has not been as influential as he can be because he has been played too deep in a number of matches.
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