Sentences with phrase «decent wage»

"Decent wage" refers to a fair and reasonable amount of money that a person receives in exchange for their work, allowing them to meet their basic needs and have a comfortable life. Full definition
We have seen arise in service delivery and decent wage protests.
For me though it would be nothing more than escapism from West Brom and the doldrums, a journeyman looking to resurrect his career whilst getting a half decent wage at the same time.
After all, it has been a long time since the economy has been strong enough to cause decent wage gains for the average Joe.
If we could do that and give him a somewhat decent wage (probably I'd keep it at 45k / week if I was in charge), I would actually be very much in favor of him getting a new contract.
With British Airways» parent company forecasting massive annual profits of around # 2.3 billion, it is clear the airline can afford to recognise the hard work of its mixed fleet cabin crew by paying a proper decent wage.
Cl qualification and a half decent wage would bring them knocking on our door.
She adds that she feels a responsibility to her workers that includes helping them fund their retirements and making sure they get a decent wage.
She says she understands the need for employees to get a decent wage, but estimates that an across - the - board increase of that size would cost the company about $ 40,000 annually.
They want the same things we all do - career growth, work / life balance, a decent wage, a positive environment.
Certainly a decent wage for someone working in Manhattan is quite different than what someone should earn in Butte, Montana.
«How do you make a billion dollars in one month and tell me you can't give me a decent wage
Today, Canadian youth face a future in which they are less likely than their parents to earn a decent wage, have a secure job, or own a home.
Topics included access to paid leave for women and men, a decent wage, and work flexibility.
(With) the combination of those two elements, as well as personal savings, this employee would have been able to retire with a decent wage
It's not the waiters fault, it's the restaurants fault for trying to save a few bucks and not giving the servers a decent wage which creates a hostile environment for their workers and customers alike.
The historical forces now pushing those issues toward the top of the social agenda — and therefore toward serious consideration by the churches — are different from those of the turbulent 1920s and «30s, when the masses of working people in the United States were struggling for the basic right to have a union, a decent wage and tolerable working conditions.
Individuals holding a B.S. in a scientific field (biology, chemistry) might make a decent wage, so defined by the ability to support a family, if they can obtain a permanent job in a public high school.
We have a local group called «The Women's Bean Project» - it's an organization that started very small many years ago with the intent of putting women to work making a decent wage and their job was to sort and package beans for soup mixes like this.
«It's nice to be in a place where you can work, get a decent wage, and own your own house.»
Sagna was sold because he wanted a decent wage not half the wage of flops and thieves like Walcott Wilshere and Rosicky.
Gibbs is a tricky one because he is a player going into his last year of his contract on a decent wage and a loyalty bonus, making him the hardest to get off the books, probably the reason why the club are trying to get an inflated fee for him.
Benzema is at Madrid and on a decent wage what's the lure of coming to arsenal apart from a new challenge and maybe a few more pounds in the bank.
While we could use a striker, I believe this would be our 4th priority, unless somebody world class comes available for a decent wage.
If Jack gets back to something like his original fitness level then yes give him a contract and a decent wage.
He must be on a decent wage and it might be worth checking him out before the summer.
The South Korean is on a decent wage and that, combined with the useful transfer fee he could command, could be vital to Neil Lennon adding desperately needed reinforcements before the transfer window slams shut.
In these times of austerity, we're constantly told that there isn't enough money to pay hospital staff a decent wage or to build enough schools to educate our kids, but when it comes to laying hundreds of miles of new tarmac, money appears to be no object.
«I strongly support allowing working men and women to seek a fair and decent wage that gives them the ability to provide for themselves and for their families.
There is not enough money and it subsidizes those businesses willing to make profits but not pay their workers a decent wage.
That of course raises the question of whether our fellow citizens have a right to work and make a decent wage.
That's why I am determined to empower struggling families, strengthen our middle - class, and ensure education, healthcare, housing, and the ability to earn a decent wage are a basic human right for all New Yorkers.
«Governor Cuomo understands what is important to this borough: economic development and job creation, making sure Bronxites are getting the jobs we create, and making sure those jobs pay a decent wage.
We give them a decent wage and do not cut their wages by a third - in a horrendously unfair way.
«If you want a job that pays a decent wage, gives you the chance to get on in life, live independently and enjoy your work, then join a trade union.
I am disturbed that both my kids have needed to move overseas to obtain the types of opportunity that allow them to have a decent wage and lifestyle.
Stephen Crabb, the work and pensions secretary, said: «UC is transforming welfare and is central to our vision for our society where people of all backgrounds can earn a decent wage and provide for their families, with claimants moving into work faster and earning more than under the old system.
It may curtail the number of new minimum wage jobs, with the hope that these new jobs would then pay a decent wage.
It showed the determination of all low - wage workers looking to earn a decent wage for themselves and their families.
The people truly losing here when NO ONE TAKES ACTION on the issue, is that the most vulnerable part of the equation gets hurt — aka, the illegal immigrants trying to make a decent wage.
«Taking decent paying, middle class jobs with benefits away from experienced, dedicated, and caring state employees and replacing them with private, not - for - profit companies who fail to pay their direct care workers a decent wage hurts local economies and the quality of life for all New Yorkers, not just those receiving care,» CSEA's testimony stated.
For all they do for New York, the least our government can do is ensure their ability to freely organize, guarantee a decent wage, and protect their dignity and respect on the job.
UKIP, and trying to get them back, by admitting we were wrong in immigration, be giving into fear Surely as a socialist party we would want working class workers to get a decent wage, from, bosses, not be under cut by the employers.
He told BBC Radio 5 live: «If that means that fire stations and schools are closed, and there are delays at airports and that people find that they are inconvenienced, whilst we regret the inconvenience, what we're really trying to say is that everyone depends on our members» services, so start paying them a decent wage
Economic barriers persist that prevent women from gaining access to capital and jobs and getting paid a decent wage for the jobs they do find.
«You're just really shut out from jobs that pay a decent wage
I will work for you for a decent wage!
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