Sentences with phrase «degree relatives»

"Degree relatives" refers to family members who are related to each other based on a specific number of generations, such as parents, siblings, or cousins. It helps define how closely related people are within a family tree. Full definition
If you have a first - degree relative with celiac disease, you have about a 10 % chance of developing it.
In contrast, low - risk infants had no first, second, or third degree relatives with autism.
The more relatives you have with an autoimmune condition, the higher your risk is, especially when it's a first - degree relative such as a parent or sibling.
The presence of a serious medical or psychiatric problem in the subject or of psychiatric disorder in a first - degree relative led to exclusion from the study.
People with a first - degree relative with celiac disease (parent, child, sibling) have a 1 in 10 risk of developing celiac disease.
Breast cancer risk increased with increasing number of first - and second - degree relatives diagnosed as having breast cancer for both BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers.
When Dr. Biankin and his team examined the pancreas tissue adjacent to the cancer in all study participants, they found more pre-cancerous tissue in those whose first - degree relatives also had pancreatic cancer.
3 breeding pairs where all the males are 1st degree relatives would have resulted in extinction within a handful of generations thanks to genetic drift and the reinforcement of negative genotypes.
The UI study, which was the largest of its kind in the world to date, recruited and assessed 95 pathological gamblers and 91 control subjects, matched for age, sex, and level of education, from Iowa, as well as 1,075 first - degree adult relatives of the study participants (first - degree relatives include parents, siblings, and children.)
We also observed these alterations in first degree relatives at high risk for psychotic illnesses.»
The risk is higher if the first - degree relative developed OCD as a child or teen.
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Prevention: Prevent or exclude the Maltese of its first - degree relatives from breeding with others dogs to avoid the syndrome from spreading to another puppy Maltese.
Familial aggregation studies show that first degree relatives of probands with AD are more likely to have or develop AD compared to relatives of controls.
Examples of higher risk would include women who carry a strong genetic predisposition to breast cancer, such as carriers of a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation, or woman with dense breasts (making mammography difficult) who have a first degree relative with breast cancer.
«People with this problem tend to have a first - degree relative who also does,» says Randy O. Frost, a psychologist at Smith College.
In this sub group there is a material variation in personal networks (which could affect suicide rates — again — no control is provided) «Religiously affiliated subjects reported a more family - oriented social network, reflected in more time spent with first - degree relatives
Your family members — particularly first - degree relatives — are at risk for contracting the disease.
She is a first degree relative.
First - degree relatives (parents, brothers, sisters and children) of people with coeliac disease are also at increased risk of developing the condition.
Having a family history of a first - degree relative with heart disease at an early age can be a risk factor for some women.
That kind of study will enable the generation of breastfeeding recommendations to mothers of infants with a history of IBD in first - degree relatives.
«We know you're four times more likely to develop OCD if you have a first - degree relative with the disorder,» she says.
Researchers used the Mayo Clinic SCAD Registry of 412 enrollees to identify five familial cases of SCAD, comprised of three pairs of first - degree relatives (mother - daughter, identical twin sisters, sisters) and two pairs of second - degree relatives (aunt and niece, and first cousins).
The Traminer cultivar, for example, has been bred for millennia and has 20 first - degree relatives.
The authors anticipate that health care providers will use the early - detection biomarkers to test for their presence and levels in blood from pancreatic cancer patients and blood drawn from individuals with a high risk of developing pancreatic cancer, including those who have a first - degree relative with pancreatic cancer, are genetically predisposed to the disease, or who had a sudden onset of diabetes after the age of 50.
A vaccination against type 1 diabetes will soon be available to young children: the Pre-POINTearly vaccination study will involve children between the ages of six months and two years from across Germany who have a first - degree relative with type 1 diabetes.
Head males from neighboring clans had a high probability of being first - degree relatives, implying that the animals have formed a giant male kinship network — a sort of superfamily.
A study by University of Iowa researchers confirms that pathological gambling runs in families and shows that first - degree relatives of pathological gamblers are eight times more likely to develop this problem in their lifetime than relatives of people without pathological gambling.
The analysis included more than 84,000 first - degree relatives (fathers, mothers, siblings and offspring) and spouses of patients with celiac disease, and 430,942 controls.
While the excess risk found in celiac first - degree relatives can be explained by genetics, the higher risk in spouses points to the impact of environmental factors.
Both spouses and first - degree relatives of patients with celiac disease are at increased risk of nonceliac autoimmune disease, according to a study in the July issue of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association.
Another explanation is ascertainment bias, meaning that first - degree relatives and spouses are likely to seek medical advice or undergo celiac disease testing more often than the general population.
«The prevalence of celiac disease in first - degree relatives of individuals with celiac is approximately 10 percent.
It could also mean that doctors who are aware of the celiac disease patient are more likely to investigate first - degree relatives and spouses for autoimmunity.
Fifteen volunteers took part in an experiment in which one of their hands was hidden and a rubber hand or piece of wood was positioned on a table before them, oriented in the same direction as the hidden hand, or rotated through 180 degrees relative to it.
Patients were thought to have an inherited predisposition if they had one or more affected first - degree relatives.
For the bounce of a typical ground stroke — a forehand or backhand shot — the ball impacts the surface at a small angle (about 15 degrees relative to the surface).

Phrases with «degree relatives»

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