Sentences with phrase «degree tear»

"Degree tear" refers to the severity or extent of damage or rupture in a body tissue, such as a muscle or ligament. It indicates how much the tissue is torn, which can range from mild to severe, with higher degrees indicating more severe tears. Full definition
I suffered 4th degree tears during labor 14 years ago....
Results show that the prevalence of third or fourth degree tearing at first birth for the cohort was 3.8 %.
I had only a second degree tear this time, no doubt thanks to the amazing coaching and support I received.
Like your first birth I also had a 2nd degree tear and had to have some medicine to stop the bleeding and for the uterus to contract down.
Still weak from the blood loss, recovering from a 4th degree tear, and afraid my baby was hurting I agreed to a bottle of formula.
I had a terrible fourth degree tear that required immediate and extensive surgery and, well, that's not the kind of thing that could be dealt with in my bathroom.
He's doing good now (a day later), although my sister got a third degree tear, so that'll take a while to heal.
And I didn't know that three 3rd degree tears with a bruised tailbone wasn't standard.
By contrast, another study of hospital births in California between 1995 and 1999 found a higher rate of 4th degree tears in big babies who were born vaginally (Stotland et al. 2004).
I also had a 2nd degree tear which required stitches.
Other risk factors to increase the risk of third and fourth degree tearing at second birth include; high birth weight, forceps delivery and the presence of shoulder dystocia.
Meanwhile, I just lay there; 4th degree tear not getting stitched, feeling faint and dizzy and vision blurry with my broken son being held by my husband.
The OBs at the hospital that I trained at were quite hesistant to do episiotomies, and I have seen several nasty tears (including a 4th degree tear following a forceps delivery) that most likely would have been prevented by an episiotomy.
In fact, when my friend who suffered a fourth - degree tear mentioned it for the first time, she was confused by my horrified reaction.
However, 4th degree tear rates in this particular study were very high, even among normal weight babies (1.5 %), and the authors did not describe how many women had episiotomies, which is a leading cause of severe tears.
Of course, when they're telling women with 2nd and third degree tears to «keep [their] legs together» instead of suturing, and routinely under - diagnosing the severity of tears, their stats are going to appear better.
How was her perineum (she had experienced a 3rd degree tear at her daughter's birth)?
With my 1st child my hubby was very patient with me and we didn't actually have sex for 5 months after she was born, with me it was psychological as I had had 2nd degree tearing which made me worry about it hurting during sex, but after a smear test I realized it didn't hurt and my hubby thought all his birthdays had come at once!!
Among women who had a third or fourth degree tear at first birth, 24.2 % were delivered by elective caesarean section, compared with 1.5 % of women who did not tear at first birth.
Vincent Kompany is set for another month on the sidelines after Manchester City boss Manuel Pellegrini confirmed the defender had suffered a second degree tear in his calf.
Ginger is working with a postpartum mom with multiple conditions, including second degree tear, vestibulitis, dyspareunia, DRA, non relaxing pelvic floor, back and hip pain,...
Topics covered: postpartum bleed, COSMOS Midwifery Program, Royal Women's Hospital, 2nd degree tear, TENS machine, water birth.
More than half of women who have a fourth degree tear suffer from permanent issues with bowel control and fecal incontinence.
It found that among women who had vaginal hospital births, had all the usual interventions of vacuum, forceps, Epidurals and Pitocin inductions and augmentation, had an average birth weight of 3500 gm (> 8 lbs), but did not have an episiotomy - this study found that 66 % of primiparous women had no need for suturing, 33 % of primiparas had first or second degree tears sutured and 1 % had third - degree tears and 0.7 % had fourth - degree tears.
A skilled and experienced midwife might need to conduct an undiagnosed breech delivery if there is no time to transfer / get the registrar, or resolve a shoulder dystocia using certain manoeuvres, or cannulate a haemorrhaging woman (plus put up fluids, rub up a contraction etc), or suture a 2nd degree tear, or resuscitate a flat neonate.
I.e. Type «4th degree tear» into a search box before saying that she might have torn through to her anus if she had an episiotomy.
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