Sentences with phrase «degree temperatures»

The phrase "degree temperatures" refers to the measurement of how hot or cold something is. It indicates the amount of heat or coldness in relation to a specific scale or unit of measurement. Full definition
The quotes are about preparing for a 4 degree temperature rise due to global warming.
The following map shows where and to what degree temperatures in 2017 have increased relative to the average temperature in 1951 - 1980.
The habitat conditions changed under both the 2 - and 7 - degree temperature increase scenarios, he said.
I have several projects I need to work on as soon as our 100 + degree temperatures lift.
Existing electronic skins can sense temperature changes of less than a tenth of a degree Celsius across a 5 - degree temperature range.
In this article, we are going to discuss the summer outfit ideas and by wearing these outfits we can somehow manage high degree temperature.
115 heat index is not the same thing as 115 degree temperature outside.
With 100 - degree temperatures where I live, I am ready for the Fall season for sure.
At the moment, if we carry on pumping carbon into the atmosphere, as we have being doing, the earth is on course for a more than four degree temperature rise.
There were longer droughts, however, in the model using a 2 - degree temperature increase.
Which is in full swing with those 100 + degree temperatures.
Nothing like 65 degree temperatures in the middle of winter to make you second guess the month you're currently in!
There was a 3 degree temperature difference between the older one and the new purchase.
I've packed a carry on for a week with a 70 - degree temperature change but this was my biggest traveling light challenge yet.
The change in water density per degree temperature is greater at high temperatures than at lower temperatures.
In spite of the shutdown of colleges across the mid-Atlantic due to snow, and the -20 degree temperatures at Michigan State University that kept many students inside, an estimated 400 packaging, graphic design, sales and business students and faculty from 15 colleges and universities participated.
«That's a huge difference to have a 20 - or - so degree temperature drop,» Simmons said, noting that green roofs» temperature - lowering capabilities are also believed to double the lifespan of roofing material.
The implementation of the policy comes a day after the decision to play through 108 - degree temperatures on Wednesday drew heavy criticism from No. 4 seed Andy Murray.
I have it in the cream color and wore it just yesterday,, despite the 95 degree temperatures here in Texas haha!
But alas, here we are, mid-90 degree temperatures with some of that sticky humidity... ugh!
Rather, I was in a hurry to make them and get them in the freezer in time to harden enough so they would not melt completely in the scorching 102 degree temperature as we drove the 10 - mile stretch to the restaurant in the hottest time of the day.
I love the flavor and easy of making the batter, however the 400 degree temperature does NOT work with my aluminum Wilton cupcake / muffin pan.
I had a ’68 convertible bug that was my pride & joy... until I drove it around az for 3 summers frying in the 115 degree temperatures everyday.
This gal will be holding on to summer as long as possible, I swear we missed the season entirely and then bang there she is, finally back to 85 - 90 degree temperatures so no fall gear on my blog either (although I did get these little booties that I love).
To achieve long - term emissions reductions consistent with the 2 - degree temperature target in the Paris Agreement, an even faster rate of decarbonization is required.
Purchase wipers designed for winter use and fill up on the winter washer fluid in the -40 degree temperature range.
5 Incredible Salad Recipes ~ While it's still in the 100 degree temperatures around here (whew!)
Today was 88 degrees in Arizona with triple degree temperatures just around the corner.
On this date in 1936, the US had 100 degree temperatures from California to Virginia, and much of the Midwest was over 110 degrees.
At Vestar - owned Desert Ridge, northern California - based SPGA Architecture and Planning and MCG, which designed the property, had to install weather - mitigating components for two extremes in the desert climate: 100 - plus degree days during the summer and below - 50 degree temperatures during winter nights.
The temperatures can get down into the 50s compared to the possible -50 degree temperatures I was used to.
Sculpting Chocolate can withstand 90 degree temperatures while still maintaining its shape and is ideal for outside celebrations.
On Sunday, we'll get to see some real tough 300 pound men wearing short sleeves in sub-20 degree temperatures.
On the other hand seeing Christmas in 90 degree temperatures felt much different, than the snowy holidays I see out in Boston.
As the cooler weather is coming in this fall, I'm sure that we are all busily storing away our summer wardrobes (unless, like me, you are still dealing with 80 degree temperatures down south).
Evansville, Ind., has only received 0.74 of an inch of rain since June 1 and has had at least 10 days of 100 - degree temperatures since the last week of June.
Johns was on the engineering team that evaluated ablative materials used to protect the Shuttle from the high thermal loads and 5,500 - degree temperatures generated by its massive solid rocket motors.
I'm not quite sure what's going on with mid-60 degree temperatures in the Midwest, mid-FEBRUARY, but hey, I'll take it.
For real though guys, after negative degree temperatures (which at that point, I give up and wear whatever covers any exposed skin) I'm thrilled to be able to ditch all the layers and dress like a human again.
With 50 degree temperatures hitting us in Chicago today, I'm just gonna have to give his asymmetrical skirt another go!
It is cooling down really fast here in Kansas City, from 90 + degree temperature days to now low 60's, Fall is coming quickly.
I'd really love those sixty - degree temperatures right about now, and for the trees to last at least a little bit into October!
Depending on where you live perhaps you've been rocking your favorite jean jacket but here in NYC the single - degree temperatures makes for a temporary pause in this jacket's usability.
Students protested outside Fairview High School in zero degree temperatures holding signs that read, «education not standardization.»
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