Sentences with phrase «demand equation»

A demand equation refers to a mathematical formula that shows how the quantity of a product or service demanded by consumers varies with factors like price, income, and other variables. It helps to understand how changes in these factors affect the demand for a particular item. Full definition
Perhaps the most significant reason is a seismic shift in the supply - and - demand equation for bonds.
Therefore, occupancy could feel additional pressure until the supply and demand equation comes into better balance.
The supply - demand equation continues to drive home prices up in the most affordable price ranges.
Dynamic Specification and Misspecification in Systems of Demand Equations: A Testing Strategy for Model Selection.
«A new potential threat to stability in this development cycle is the introduction of apartment REITs into the supply vs. demand equation.
Another way to frame the question is to ask: When does the supply and demand equation come into better balance in terms of Medicare patient days?
To significant degree, this performance reflects both cyclical and structural shifts in the supply and demand equations for the end products of its processing, pigments and zircon.
On a related point, just because gold has been removed from an LBMA or a COMEX warehouse and can no longer be tracked by the likes of Gold Fields Mineral Services (GFMS) does not mean that the gold is no longer part of the supply - demand equation.
But an influx of luxury condos in recent years has shifted the supply - demand equation, creating a crowded market for high - end new developments.
Your milk production is based on a straight supply and demand equation — the more demand there is, the more supply there will be.
No, says Stewart, pointing out that the supply - demand equation «varies hugely by field.»
And the two images together illustrate Amazon's latest policy to disrupt the supply and demand equation to skew it in their own favor.
It seemed to me that the under - served constituency was self - publications on both sides of the supply / demand equation.
If you go back to the supply and demand equation, one factor that is keeping supply down is the lack of people moving and buying new homes.
Its focus on (mid-size) product & chemical tankers, which enjoy a far superior supply / demand equation (see here & my 2013 post), continues to shield it from most of the vagaries of the BDI — which is now down a whopping 59 % YTD:
They are most often impacted by weather concerns and how that interacts with the supply / demand equation.
This price rally illustrates the impact of their aggressive share buybacks — in terms of an increasing NAV, the shift in the supply - demand equation, and ultimately the positive impact on investor sentiment.
Its attractiveness as a potential buy will be dependent on whether you're encouraged by the underlying supply - demand equation (apparently, a substantial under - supply of rooms in Dublin & select UK cities), or are more fearful of the ongoing Brexit implications (I suspect sterling volatility's more of a risk to tourism flows / patterns than Brexit itself).
New York - based Culbro, LLC, is one private - equity firm that was able to negotiate the unfavorable supply - demand equation to make a solid investment at the manufacturer level when it acquired a minority stake in natural treat and chew maker TDBBS, which is known for its popular Barkworthies brand.
Naturally it is the Supply and Demand equation that drives hotel room pricing as much as these factors drive pricing for most commodities in our free market.
I also disagree with his position that there is a simple supply and demand equation that says if you remove these regulations then developers will build all these towers for all kinds of markets, and that prices will become affordable.
A limited float could lead to dramatic price swings, as the supply side of the supply - demand equation would be more limited than in a traditional offering.
«This will change the supply and demand equation for banking.
Scarcity is always an upsetting factor in a supply - demand equation, and at some point, water supply may well become a determining factor in real estate availability, pricing, and possession.
Consequently, a whole new audience has been reached, and many of them are potential homebuyers who have not been following the minutiae of data - driven real estate news that more directly impacts the supply - and - demand equation, such as interest rates, inventory and tax reform.
In some ways, it's a simple supply - and - demand equation.
However, as long as inventory levels remain tight, the supply and demand equation will continue to favor sellers.
Another factor that will affect the supply and demand equation will be how the next White House administration may modify the tax code.
But their decisions — which so many of them now regret — might have been products of circumstances (i.e. money), supply - demand equations, or inflated confidence in the local housing market, in the quality of the home, or in their stage of life.
There's nothing on the horizon to suggest this supply - demand equation will change soon.
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