Sentences with phrase «demand issue»

The phrase "demand issue" refers to a problem or challenge relating to the amount of goods or services that people want to buy. It suggests that there is an imbalance between the demand for a particular product or service and the supply available to meet that demand. Full definition
There is a bit of a supply / demand issue disconnect.
The tulip bubble was a simple supply and demand issue as well.
Successfully negotiated in favor of client favorable resolution of Civil Investigative Demand issued by Massachusetts Attorney General, Antitrust Division
So I would say it's a combination of attention to that part of the market overall and overall time spent selling those products as well as some localized market demand issues.
My son couldn't directly breastfeed because of oxygen demand issues so I needed to exclusively pump.
For all the subsequent failures in state building, air power performed just such a successful and important role against the Taliban in Afghanistan and pro-Gaddafi forces in Libya, and it is not for nothing that the cessation of bombing has been the principal demand issued in ISIS hostage videos.
He was supposed to meet with the Seneca president to try to work things out, but canceled it last minute and subsequently demanded the issue go to arbitration instead.
Then, in October, the IMF published its concerns of weakening global growth, adding demand issues to supply concerns and driving prices lower.
The expected delays in new office projects due to the tight lending conditions developers are facing, coupled with low vacancy rates, may push tenants to the suburbs to solve any short - term demand issues, says the report.
The tulip bubble was a simple supply and demand issue as well.
Thanks in part to record growth in North America, Hyundai has been facing supply and demand issues for some time now.
Then they examine the supply and demand issues around their local water source (s), and they meet a hydrogeologist who introduces students to some of the issues around the sustainability of...
RightStuf and Tokyopop previously released the third volume exclusively through their online sites, and print - on - demand issues of the first two.
Only 13 % said supply and demand issues were responsible for the increase.
«The «war» for engineering talent is primarily a supply - and - demand issue, so a widespread pullback of venture capital would likely diminish demand to a point,» he says.
The fund was also overweight in energy as of November 30, 2017, based on my view that the sector's down cycle is a function of excess supply and not a demand issue, as global demand has been steadily increasing.
Oil, like any other commodity, is subject to unforeseen supply and demand issues that are difficult — if not impossible — to predict on a regular basis with confidence.
Fundamental analysis on the other hand is a way of forecasting future price moves by analyzing all the news in the market that is effecting supply and demand issues.
Is it mainly a supply / demand issue or are speculators driving the prices up?
There is a demand issue, but there's also a money supply issue that I think needs to be addressed.
That would be ridiculous, of course, but perhaps no more so than the demands issued by some on the religious side of the table.»
Once there, she found a small cooperative that had been certified sustainable by Fair Trade, but was struggling to make ends meet — largely because of procedural issues that could be easily corrected and demand issues that she sensed would soon fix themselves.
The grape supply and demand issue is also an overriding theme within the annual Vineyard Economics Survey conducted by the Wine Industry Symposium Group which will also be presented by David Freed on May 25.
As mentioned above, milk production is a supply and demand issue.
It's a demand issue
And in a recent study on supply and demand issues, CTF found that 58 % of Canadian school boards surveyed are concerned that an ongoing shortage of new graduates from teacher education programs will exacerbate recruitment problems.
It's a supply and demand issue.
That teachers are unable to obtain regular or ongoing or full - time employment (that's a demand issue), they just can't get the work they're trying to get so they leave for that reason.
On the academic side, demands issue to eliminate tracking, dismantle honors classes, dumb down and «diversify» the curriculum, revise or water down the grading system, and lower the bar for AP classes.
Historically, implementing any pay reform, let alone directing a critical study of one, has been a demanding issue.
Our product portfolio also includes the digitalization of printed books and the production of print - on - demand issues.
Graham Clarke, president of the Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors (CAHPI) says, «With such a supply and demand issue, it is a real dilemma for Realtors as well.
With agri, there may be temporary supply / demand issues, but they tend to resolve themselves.
«It's a significant reaction to supply and demand issues.
«It is a supply and demand issue,» Monterose said.
Nintendo has been on the dilemma of supply and demand issue of their latest consoles, first the NES Classic Edition and then the Nintendo Switch.
«Because of the supply and demand issues, we see this tremendous pressure on pricing.»
Both the Chinese government and nonprofit groups need urgently to address the demand issue with well thought out public education programs.
«Let's deal with the articling situation first and, once the supply - demand issue is a little more stable, then it may make perfect sense for there to be another law school,» she says.
«Canada doubled its population over a 30 - year period if you go back, and virtually that was the last new law school, so arguably there's a pent - up demand issue.
Bottomline, thanks to litany of supply and demand issues, market rate rents — the ones advertised to new renters — increased more than the rents offered with lease renewals.
Individuals, likewise used to say that PCs would in the end have demand issues.
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