Sentences with phrase «demand levels»

The phrase "demand levels" refers to how much consumers want or need a particular product or service. It helps measure how popular or needed something is in the market. Full definition
This means ensuring the tests capture the full domain of the standards, maintain the cognitive demand level of the standards content, and include a wide variety of high - quality items.
This means that at current demand levels we need to burn roughly 70 % less gas if we are to stay in this emissions intensity range.
For instance, one change that we have made is that we have reduced the number of cognitive demand levels we are asking mathematics teachers to report on.
Changes in electricity demand levels are generally predictable and have daily, weekly, and seasonal patterns.
All jobs demand a level of bureaucracy, especially from those in a supervisory position.
Black senior dating demands some level of maturity, and this is extended all the way places where you go.
Moreover, reasonable preference parameters predict annuity demand levels comparable to the data.
In other words, as price moves higher from the objective demand level, it is moving closer to the supply level (target) above, decreasing your profit potential.
These laws demand a level of action beyond our current political will.
A new report explores factors influencing market performance, including demand levels and employment trends.
The remaining oil resources can provide 150 years of supply at current demand levels.
You appear to be demanding a level of certainty about 1910 - 1940 that doesn't exist before you will accept the level of certainty about recent trends that does.
Added Khater, «While this year's higher mortgage rates have not caused much of a ripple in the strong demand levels for buying a home seen in most markets, inflationary pressures and the prospect of rates approaching 5 percent could begin to hit the psyche of some prospective buyers.»
This new analysis provides a way of understanding whether the supply options of the largest publicly traded oil and gas producers are aligned with demand levels consistent with a 2 degree Celsius (2D) carbon budget.
The increasing artisanal quality of television also demands a level of craft that can not be expected from the latest cavalcade of hot young things.
While this year's higher mortgage rates have not caused much of a ripple in the strong demand levels for buying a home seen in most markets, inflationary pressures and the prospect of rates approaching 5 percent could begin to hit the psyche of some prospective buyers.»
Each color of his weapon offers special powers: stick to walls, bounce, attack enemies... it will be necessary to make good use of them to overcome the long and demanding levels which are full of ever more treacherous traps.
Wholesale electricity prices generally rise with increasing demand levels as more expensive generation is brought online to meet demand.
This analysis utilises the oil and gas demand levels indicated by the International Energy Agency's (IEA) World Energy Outlook 2016 450 scenario as a proxy for a 2D scenario.
It provides a way of understanding whether the supply options of the largest publicly traded oil and gas producers are aligned with demand levels consistent with a 2 ˚C carbon budget, and will equip investors with the authoritative information they need to challenge companies on their investment strategy and approach to climate risk.
This style of control demands a level of precision as your blob can slide around considerably if you happen to be going fast and try to take a corner a little to quickly, either losing some of its mass over the edge, thus scoring fewer points in the end, or sending the entire blob flying into the void, never to be seen again.
This is likely to boost near - term student housing demand in the Midwest and Northeast regions relative to demand levels from 2013 to 2015 while demand in the Southern region is expected to stay the same.
With the exception of unlocking the next stage in the quadrant, levels can be played in any order, though it's recommended that those who are just beginning Cloudbuilt should stay away from the «dark» quadrant, as this section contains the most demanding levels in the game.
«[Voice] demands a level of intimacy that text doesn't.
It ranks employment fields by proportional demand level.
I think something that keeps becoming a problem for various sort of consumer - driven initiatives here is that people demand a level of security and predictability and reliability out of [healthcare that keeps them from being able to walk out of a doctor's office and say no, or keeps them from being willing to accept the consequences of a market, which, after all, rely to some degree on scarcity.
IE's first guide to serving the needs of high net - worth clients, from getting into their mindset to developing the top level service they demand
On January 2015, the EUR / USD pair moved below the major demand levels around 1.2100 and 1.2000 where historical bottoms were previously established back in July 2012 and June 2010.
«After the referendum, almost immediately enquiry levels and demand levels fell... but they have come back and are now tracking long term averages.
Yet marriage and motherhood demand a level of selflessness that is at odds with the inherent selfishness of desire.
Alongside rising housing demand the level of new house building has halved over the last 30 years.»
Nolan filmed it almost entirely using IMAX cameras and it is understandable as his filmic choices of breath - taking longshots demand this level of detail.
It's hard to become emotionally involved in a picture (and I think Funny Games demands some level of involvement) when you can feel the director forcing every minute of celluloid right down your throat.
This is the first of many scenes in the film in which director Steve McQueen masterfully articulates the necessity of a character demanding a level of control and power when forced into contexts as depraved as slavery.
The National Council of Teacher Quality's Kate Walsh noted that teacher supply and demand levels look very different depending on state and subject.
The researchers categorized questions on the TIMSS assessment by their reading difficulty or reading demand level: low (32 % of all questions), medium (38 %), or high (30 %).
These activities do demand a level of intellectual engagement more deeply than is the case with standardized teaching tests, such as PRAXIS.
The Leaf demands a level of diligence few possess to plan ahead, to plug in, and to never tug too hard against its 81 - mile - long leash.
TMV Swing Trade report — Short September Eurocurrency from 1.4235 — current price @ 1.4133 — The market has reached previous demand level that could set up a short - term corrective rebound.
Many of the services associated with weddings, including banquet hall rentals, photographers and limos, experience their lowest demand levels during the winter months.
However, the vast majority of animals we sell demand a level of heating that precludes having live plants, which will burn both from overhead lighting and heating pads.
The survey found the industry fears it will struggle to return to pre-downturn demand levels and profitability until 2016.
Frequent oneshots at endgame dungeons demand a level of focus that many most endgame raids don't even demand.
As for the alleged replay value issues, I can agree with the gripes about how the game does not save progress, acquired collectibles, or trophy rewards during the on - demand level jump replay option, but based on how many times I've replayed the original Bionic Commando over the years, I bet I'll want to take another swing through Ascension City in the future via the proper story mode, and when I do there will thankfully still be a few loose ends to tie up.
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