Sentences with phrase «demand pressure»

The phrase "demand pressure" means the force or influence that comes from people wanting or needing something, which affects the supply and prices of goods or services. When there is high demand pressure, it means that a lot of people want or need a certain thing, which can lead to higher prices or limited availability. Full definition
The electric vehicle boom has put demand pressure on lithium - ion batteries and their component metals.
In 1996, as demand pressures were easing, inflation was forecast to move lower, even though inflation at the time was still 3.1 per cent.
Of greater importance looking further ahead is the more general influence of economy - wide demand pressures.
While a spring rush, combined with continued low inventory, could push prices up there are other factors that may remove demand pressures.
Our advice and our responsiveness is tailored to the continuous and demanding pressures emergency services are under.
«The increasing demand pressure from investors and speculators makes the case for an even further increase in bitcoin prices in the near future,» he said.
In a scenario with a reasonably benign world environment, these factors could see a strengthening of demand pressures and hence upward pressure on wage and price inflation.
The Board's decision to increase the cash rate in March was taken against the background of strong demand pressures combined with a significant pick - up in upstream prices during the second half of 2004.
Indeed, the increasing demand pressure from investors and speculators makes the case for an even further increase in Bitcoin prices in the near future,» Bianchi explained, adding:
Zero population growth reduces demand pressure, less pollution, less resource use, less human conflict, and when there are so many positives and no strong argument that the world needs 12 billion people, it is «case closed» as far as I'm concerned.
A weaker global environment could dampen demand pressures in the period ahead, although that appears to have become less likely recently.
By: Jason Smith Lomiko Metals is betting the answer is «yes» The electric vehicle boom has put demand pressure on lithium - ion batteries and their component metals.
Pure supply and demand pressures equate to purer price movement in reflection of technical analysis in FX markets.
Combine the high value of the U.S. dollar to the increased quote of new Canadians, should the federal government increase the quota of new Canadians, and we may feel upward demand pressure on Canadian housing stock.
Remember gdp growth is increased output, and is generated by science, technology and innovation, and / or discovering resources, and also demand pressure.
Occasional moments of generosity — warnings about incoming projectiles; your ship surviving minor collisions and slowly regenerating — are offset by the relentlessly demanding pressure of simply staying alive and not slamming into a wall.
«In a sign of accelerating demand pressure, the number of active Bitcoin wallets has grown almost five-fold over five years.
Chief executive Steve Thomas said: «The financial and service demand pressures being placed on our already fragile local public services mean that there simply will be no other pay offer made to employees.
Nonetheless, given the tentative signs of easing in domestic demand pressures, the Board judged that there was a case to hold the cash rate steady for the time being, to allow further time to assess the strength of inflationary pressures.
That's why you often see closed - end funds trading at massive premiums or discounts to their NAV: There's no arbitrage mechanism available to keep supply and demand pressures in check.
Keep in mind, however, that if 2017 brings in additional changes to the mortgage market — such as higher variable or fixed mortgage rates — sellers can expect the number of qualified buyers to diminish, which will reduce demand pressure and prompt a drop in housing prices.
In any event, commodity prices reflect immediate supply and demand pressures, but are not an indication that the world as we know it has fundamentally and permanently changed.
The demand pressures already apparent in some sectors might increase and therefore add more to domestic cost pressures than is currently expected.
Most ETFs regularly carry small premiums or discounts, which arise organically from the supply / demand pressures that govern all marketplaces.
The information becoming available since March has provided some limited evidence that demand pressures are now easing, though whether this will be sufficient to contain inflation to an acceptable level still remains to be seen.
In contrast, inflation in the domestically oriented sectors of the economy has continued at a higher rate, with the non-traded component of the CPI increasing by around 4 per cent over the latest year, reflecting ongoing growth in costs and strong domestic demand pressures.
This takes some demand pressure off, and therefore the supply price can stay low.
He concludes that the demand pressures for increased cocoa exports, changing weather patterns and falling cocoa prices, has led to more monocropping — the agricultural practice of growing only one type of agricultural product in a large area of land, year after year — and less sustainable growing practices in recent years.
Individual school leaders may be able to adjust to demand signals more quickly by better aligning their offerings with community needs, though research on schools» responses to market pressures generally shows that schools make some programmatic improvements in response to demand pressures but focus more intently on superficial changes like improved marketing.
However, the new fixed rates of the Smithsonian Agreement were difficult to maintain in the face of supply and demand pressures in the foreign - exchange market.
If a fund suddenly looks to buy $ 50 million worth of a stock that is ordinarily not very heavily traded, then the demand pressure injected into the market by the fund's buying could drive the stock's price substantially higher, thus making it less of a bargain than it appeared when the fund manager evaluated it prior to deciding to add it to the portfolio.
Demand pressure may be decreasing, as people decide they have enough basic main appliances and look more to personal hobbies that are low consuming.
«Demand pressure is essentially driven by two things.
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