Sentences with phrase «demand reduction»

"Demand reduction" refers to the act of decreasing or lowering the desire or need for a particular product, service, or behavior. It involves strategies or actions taken to reduce the demand or the quantity of something that people want or seek. Full definition
Community energy schemes, independent generators, and energy demand reduction innovations all struggle to get a look in.
The party is experiencing its own class war, with many working class supporters demanding a reduction and middle class supporters typically more supportive.
With that in mind, can you suggest a way to encourage massive and permanent demand reduction and a shift towards such renewable sources?
And a 2008 examination of the same program cited customer confusion over the timely nature of the state's demand reduction requests.
Look again at the chart above; think about what such demanding reduction pathways would imply on the ground.
This means demand reduction for fossil fuels over and above the replacement component would have to be about fifteen percent a year.
That's why sharp demand reduction is required in parallel with low carbon technology introduction, as well as some type of rapid carbon concentration reduction.
And most energy markets, regulatory frameworks and business models are still designed for fossil fuel generation, and remain ill - adapted to the special characteristics of renewables and energy demand reduction.
We have to come up with some combination of demand reduction, efficiency, and substitution that will bring emissions down fast.
The main deficiency, as I have shown repeatedly, is that neither wants to admit the truth that hard front - end demand reduction is the cornerstone of any plan to avoid disaster.
States can provide that certainty by establishing policy outcomes that set «clear peak demand reduction goals for their utilities based on a rigorous assessment of statewide demand response potential.»
During a recent conference on addiction held in Tehran, Saeed Sefatian, a prominent Iranian official and head of the working group on drug demand reduction in the Council for the Discernment of the Expediency of the State (also known as the Expediency Council), illustrated what could become a potential alternative to Iran's current drug policy — including a move which that could include measures towards legalisation of cannabis and opium.
At the other end of the spectrum, the self - consistent climate change amelioration plan I presented in IYSSSS # 511 shows that it may be possible to avoid the climate Apocalypse if we do hard demand reduction on fossil - based energy until the transition to low carbon technology is complete.
If you read Hansen's recent Plos One article, he proposes a MASSIVE reforestation effort and demand reductions on the order of 6 - 9 %, along with implementation of renewable and nuclear technologies.
Massachusetts is a net importer of electricity, and so Navigant assumed that peak demand reduction programs would reduce investment in both transmission and distribution.
«Since the dedication, Alameda County's solar electric system has produced a summer peak demand reduction as high as 879 kW, well above projections,» said Alameda County Energy Manager Matt Muniz.
Blogging and Twitter probably account for 30 % of paper demand reduction over the last five years.»
The scenarios were all run for the winter season — Dec. 1 through Feb. 28 of 2024 - 2025 — and assumed no additional natural gas pipelines but accounted for demand reductions from energy efficiencies and rooftop solar power and the continued closure of coal and oil generators.
Requires the Secretary to make loans available to electric utilities to: (1) construct a renewable energy generation facility; and (2) install an energy efficiency or electricity demand reduction technology.
WildAid is currently focusing on two key areas, Central and South America, as major sources of shark fin, in addition to the ongoing consumer - side awareness and demand reduction campaigns for shark fin.
In public policy, she was Deputy Director for Demand Reduction in the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, a presidential appointment confirmed unanimously by the US Senate.
We hope this strategy has teeth, including continued inter-agency collaboration; intelligence - led enforcement efforts to disrupt trafficking networks; serious demand reduction efforts; plans to «follow the money;» on - the - ground support; and focused international dialogue.
Attempts at demand reduction and increased efficiency seem to deliver slim savings and these are often cancelled, for example, by people choosing higher comfort levels or just doing higher milage in their more efficient cars.
Assume there is buy - in on the massive reforestation, and that the combination of emissions reduction due to substitution of low carbon technologies for fossil and hard additional demand reduction has to total about 20 % per year for a few years.
Seeking Workflow Administrative Coordinator position within Cherokee Nation... subject matter expert for all clerical and administrative programs such as drug demand reduction,
Berkeley Lab researchers Pouya Vahmani and Andrew Jones found that implementing cool - roofs over NorCal (a) and SoCal (b) leads to average urban evaporative water demand reductions of 15 % and 18 %, respectively.
Serves as the DOT liaison with the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), and other executive branch agencies concerning demand reduction activities and workplace substance abuse programs.
We have advocates assuring us that rapid introduction of renewables, or rapid introduction of nuclear, or rapid introduction of carbon capture, are all we need to avoid catastrophe; no need for sharp demand reductions independent of non-fossil technology introduction.
While the Type 2 deniers accept (officially) the science, they reject the actions required to avoid the end - point climate disaster, especially the hard demand reduction required at the front end.
Between now and 2030, for his half - reforestation effort, his plan requires deforestation to zero, 9 % demand reduction per year, and implementation of low carbon technologies (a mix of renewables and nuclear).
The Public Utilities Regulatory Commission's announcement of an increase in electricity and water tariffs by 59.2 % and 67.2 % respectively, forced the meeting between government and organized labor which demanded a reduction.
In the appended, I allow for a partial tradeoff between hard demand reduction based on elimination of non-essential fossil energy expenditure and reduced emissions due to accelerated low - carbon source implementation.
In actuality, I have made both outlandish assumptions, with the radical demand reduction being the primary outlandish assumption.
While their approach was admirable, decades would be required under their plan, too little to offset demand reduction appreciably.
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