Sentences with word «deodorant»

Deodorant is a product that helps reduce or eliminate bad smells from the body, especially under the arms. Full definition
I have used natural deodorants for years.
Guys, you know how I have been using natural deodorants for quite some time now.
Speaking of freshening up, I also always keep a safety stick of deodorant in my bag for quick application.
When it comes to smelling fresh and clean, have a rotation of at least two to three gym outfits and a stick of deodorant on call.
In my pursuit of healthy armpits, I finally stumbled upon a natural homemade deodorant recipe that works and is still natural.
The cream - to - powder formula doesn't feel wet and cold under your arms after you apply (one reason I usually avoid cream deodorant sticks like this one) and you only need a tiny amount, so this stick will last you at least 2 months — likely far more.
They have the BEST natural deodorant on the planet and I swear by it (and so does my boyfriend and all my friends now).
Very good product, used to make homemade deodorant recipes.
I tried the Kiss My Face Quick Dry Spray Deodorant in Sport * and in Cucumber & Green Tea *.
Of course there were things left over that couldn't be put into travel size containers like deodorant and hairspray, which was ok.
All Good deodorants contain naturally - occurring enzymes and essential oils to provide long lasting coverage.
Hi Nadia — I have been making my own deodorant for about a year and a half now, with shea butter as my base, and then adding coconut oil and essential oils, cornstarch, etc for the non stinky stuff.
Organic, chemical - free deodorant cream that works!
The makeup artist suggested a chemical - free deodorant made with all natural and organize ingredients called Fat and the Moon and I ordered it right off Amazon!
For example, many commercial deodorants contain aluminum, while fluoride lurks in toothpaste.
This can be especially helpful after years of conventional deodorant use.
you try to drown out your inner voice by increasing the volume in your headphones — it works until Ms. Yoga pants finishes her workout, now you got the guy that doesn't wear deodorant in front of you for the next 20 minutes.
I have a hard time using commercial deodorants because they irritate my skin, and the natural ones just don't keep me smelling sweet.
This homemade deodorant bar recipe will save you money and help you avoid nasty chemicals.
2 — Do not apply deodorant before you tan.
I've been looking for a new deodorant because I've been getting a crazy rash from mine (aka using it right after shaving... dumb me!
Instead of wearing antiperspirant, chose natural deodorants without aluminum.
I've heard that some people with corn allergies have trouble with DIY deodorants because of of the corn starch.
I haven't tried deodorant for chafing and I've used snickers on my bike for fuel.
(Cool fact - the majority of people who used these products found they could use fewer skin products and many stopped needing deodorant at all!)
On top of that, it comes in the most scents of any other deodorant on this list.
P&G already owns popular deodorant brand Secret, but must have felt that Native could be a leader amongst consumers who are conscious of ingredients.
I've never found a natural deodorant work so well:)
Many deodorants contain parabens (preservatives that mimic estrogen) and artificial colors, which may be neurotoxic.
I even bought deodorant containers to put it in and refill 4 - 5 at a time so I don't have to make it as frequently.
I put the concoction in a empty glass jar and plan to use my hands to put it on but its gonna get messy... I just need a better way to apply it so I think im going to invest a few dollars in buying empty deodorant sticks from amazon for $ 5 so its easy to apply it.
I grew up in Miami and know how important it is to always wear deodorant when exploring outdoors.
These are the tubes I used but there are some other less - expensive options that look like regular deodorant tubes:
The mixture solidified nicely in an old deodorant stick container (Secret brand).
The flagship brand of Go Primal is their Primal Pit Paste line of underarm deodorants including:
Earth Mama deodorants don't contain Fragrance.
We have been expertly formulating organic deodorants since 2007 and guarantee that we have a formula that works for your body chemistry!
Pour into deodorant tubes (makes about 4 tubes) and let cool until they become firm.
Many commercial deodorants also contain parabens and estrogen mimicking chemicals that may also impact breast health.
The great news is that there are natural, inexpensive, effective deodorant options that do not contain any of these chemicals.
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