Sentences with word «depletion»

The word "depletion" means using up or reducing the amount of something, usually a resource or supply. It refers to when there is less of that thing available because it has been used or consumed. Full definition
We are dedicated to addressing the global issue of depletion of natural resources by providing solutions that create efficient ways to utilize our finite natural resources and to reduce the amount of unnecessary waste.
For the first time, it has been shown that the rate of ozone depletion in the upper stratosphere — 35 to 45 kilometres up — is slowing down.
The displacement off the pole also pushes the colder air into latitudes with more sunlight, enhancing ozone depletion in the short term.
Through a variety of different graphics, students look at the extent of resource depletion and then students can explore ecological footprint as a tool by measuring their own footprints.
Not only that, but nutrient levels in our fruits and vegetables are, sadly, lower than they used to be, largely due to nutrient depletion in our soils.
The more I studied them, the more I realized they might be the solution to a variety of health problems caused by soil depletion, as mentioned above.
The influence of climate change was evident in areas with either extreme incidents of oxygen depletion or longer - than - normal trends of low oxygen levels.
This study looked at the rate of muscle glycogen synthesis during 2 and 4 hours of recovery after depletion by exercise using two energy equivalent carbohydrate drinks.
Being constantly on a diet, an athlete can experience shortage of energy because of glycogen depletion in muscles and liver.
If your Collaborative practice is successful then you will undoubtedly have saved your assets from depletion, compared to the very high cost of court proceedings.
It remains unclear what specifically is driving the move, though climate change is a likely suspect, along with depletion of the ozone layer.
Oil investors use demand forecasts to guide capital investments, not just to respond to expected to growth but to make up for depletion of existing fields.
This would be even more true if you see fossil fuel depletion as a global challenge (apparently it didn't make the list).
When perception is more than reality: the effects of perceived versus actual resource depletion on self - regulatory behavior.
What this does is basically remove energy depletion from barrel rolls whilst turning off ship to ship collision.
Your nursing dog requires more calcium and phosphorus, both for the bone development of her pups and her mineral depletion through lactation.
Plans also are under way to look at the potential impact on adjacent private wells from possible ground water depletion and chemical contamination.
All three opportunities related to soil depletion rate high on their benefit to society, yet are still rated low as business opportunities compared to the other opportunities.
Did you know that aging also causes glutathione depletion?
Since the ozone layer absorbs ultraviolet light from the sun, ozone layer depletion can lead to increased rates skin cancer, eye damage and other adverse consequences.
The problem with this methodology is that it fails to allow for rapid depletion rates or the fact that the best wells are already tapped out.
The resistant starch also showed antioxidant effects by preventing depletion of glutathione, one of the main antioxidants used by the liver.
Thus, the total effects of B - cell depletion on the immune system are likely to be complex and time - dependent.
Some very smart researchers have found loads of empirical evidence about ego depletion.
The handset experienced about a 15 percent battery depletion on one and a half days.
Also excess vitamin D consumption can cause magnesium depletion.
The unnoticed start of zinc depletion occurs without any visible symptoms, but minute changes can be identified in the liver and in the blood.
Beware though: potatoes are also prone to nutrient depletion when cooked.
And thanks to the notorious depletion allowance, the oil and mining sectors likewise operated free of income taxation for many decades.
Beta carotene isn't the only synthetic vitamin that may cause vitamin depletion.
Moreover, the aerosol particles may have contributed to an accelerated rate of ozone depletion during that same period.
Oil depletion studies commonly focus on the supply of conventional petroleum without as much attention to the other side of the equation, which is petroleum demand.
It may be necessary for those accounts that are subject to these charges to make substantial trading profits to avoid depletion or exhaustion of their assets.
Long term carbohydrate deprivation leads to a complete depletion of your body's storage glycogen levels, depression of your immune system, decrease in metabolic function, and a host of other issues.
There are various ways of doing a low carb diet, ranging from a short - term carb depletion to long - term low carb diet lifestyle.
There are also simple risks like damage from wear and tear and gradual depletion that are not covered.
It dealt with such issues as air, water and soil pollution the increasing depletion of finite resources, including minerals and fossil fuels; and the population explosion.
High - rep circuit style workouts are the best depletion workouts.
Less physical activity, poor quality food leads to lower endurance and further depletion of already low energy resources.
They're linked mildly with cancer and importantly for acne, antioxidant depletion.
Unfortunately, he adds, that there hasn't been an improvement in the stocks of fish and continued depletion threatens world food security.
For a stronger recommendation of iron depletion as a valid therapeutic target in heart failure, well - designed and controlled studies with adequate follow - up are needed.
Energy depletion affects metabolism, and hence, fat loss.
This armor set temporarily reduces stamina depletion when health is 40 % or lower (2 armor pieces), and increases stamina cap (4 armor pieces).
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