Sentences with phrase «detail description»

The phrase "detail description" refers to providing specific and thorough information about something. It means giving a lot of specific details and explanations about an item, situation, or concept. Full definition
If you follow our blog regularly, you know that we stress the importance of including detailed descriptions of your previous professional accomplishments in your resume.
For more detailed descriptions of funding guidelines, visit the organization's website or contact them using the information provided below.
For detailed description of what's included in the mandatory fee please see hotel policies.
So, provide your employees with detailed descriptions of how their daily actions contribute to the overall success of the company's objectives.
For example, the federal program analyst resume sample below provides detailed descriptions of past work history and the necessary qualifications for analysts.
Below are two links which give detailed descriptions of how to effectively clean up dog urine and poop using household products that you probably have on hand.
We also tested various designs to make your lives easier; you can find a list of the best brands below, including detailed descriptions as well as advantages and disadvantages.
A book with fewer chapters will require a more detailed description in your broad outline.
And if you need some knowledge about any of the field, then we'll help you to gain the knowledge by providing detail description about that field.
There are many images of museum artifacts, with detailed descriptions as well as related resources and artifacts.
You'll find detailed description about the materials on each product page.
A CV contains detailed descriptions on each page whereas every section gives a larger picture of your education and experience.
The blog tries to provide very detailed descriptions of the trails, the author visits so you can get a full sense of what you will find.
Read the full article to see detailed descriptions of all the tracks.
Follow the links below to read detailed descriptions for each title.
Here is the best detailed description from the footage shown exclusively.
Keep scrolling this page to view detailed descriptions and larger picture examples for the 2 projects shown above.
Even the most detailed description can be challenging when attempting to identify an animal, without a current, clear photograph.
I am glad to be supplied with such detailed descriptions, thanks a lot for sharing your wonderful impressions and bright thoughts!
Please take the time to look over the following detailed descriptions of the approaches to determine if they match your needs.
Moreover, the official website ill now feature detailed descriptions of each class....
Your past experience section does not require detailed descriptions however to make your profile look complete and professional include at least one paragraph describing what you did and any accomplishments during that time.
The experiment captured the public's imagination: nearly 5000 people responded, some with highly detailed descriptions of the people they had heard.
In short, I would suspect the difference you are seeing, without detailed descriptions, are more about the risk factors lenders see between single and married individuals.
The description and the fee are the keys, and we always use detailed descriptions so that everybody knows just what we agree to do in exchange for the fee.
These testimonials are available online for you to read with many of them including photos and a long detailed description on how the service has helped them.
In addition to the great search function, the site shows detailed descriptions along with ratings and parent feedback on activities.
Thank you for your nicely detailed description of a bite inhibition training technique.
But does that mean that you have to list every educational institution you've attended alongside detailed descriptions of all courses you've taken?
Then, write a concise, detailed description void of filler words that accurately describes your content.
On online dating site lesbian make specific profile with full detailed description to get or attract online date with same sex group.
I'll add more detailed description if I decide to take it more seriously.
It is advisable and compulsory for you to give a precise detailed description of yourself in order for your partner to feel secured while communicating with you.
So far there are only three posts, but each includes a short detailed description about the designers, their history and priorities, and what makes them unique.
A good practice is to store detailed descriptions of your accomplishments in an ever - evolving master document; you might organize your achievements by employer, client, area of expertise, etc..
I often ask couples to give detailed descriptions of what they desire.
The thin margins allow for detailed descriptions without making the resume appear cluttered.
The record includes detailed descriptions of student learning, placement of a student on a «scale» of learning growth, and student work samples.
You can find a summary of the selected tactical asset allocation model below, and a more detailed description in the FAQ section.
Some glass bottom boats also come with tour guides who provide detailed descriptions of the different types of coral and marine life in the Great Barrier Reef.
This lesson challenges students to look closely at people, places, and things in order to write detailed descriptions.
Full reports offer detailed descriptions of each child's reading profile and provide instructional recommendations.
You will find detail descriptions of the skills and job responsibilities of the position.
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