Sentences with phrase «detail in the book»

Those assertions not linked in this post are discussed in more detail in my book along with extensive references.
While the rules have been explained in great detail in his book Common Sense on Mutual Funds, in this post I bring to you the essence of these 8 rules.
I go into detail in my book about this, but you are quite correct that a good agent is invaluable to the creative process.
For that reason, I go into quite a bit of detail in my book to explain the process in a way that's easier to digest (literally!).
I never saw so much detail in a book like that in my entire life.
Just think of the connections you can make with the following activities — and these are only a few of the activities detailed in the book.
We recommend following the low - FODMAP variation of the diet detailed in the book.
These are described in more detail in my book Sex, Love, and DNA.
I am following your workout plans detailed in the book and the diet tips and seeing great results.
There are also 10 five - minute workouts using several of the planks detailed in the book.
I wish the author had done so much more than just drop hints about some of the most important details in the book.
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Add pictures of details in the book, give updates on your characters and post great reviews when they come in.
There's too much detail in the book to cover in a short article like this.
As Joe points out, the profit center model wasn't part of his original framework for Content, Inc., as detailed in his book published only a year ago.
It was Labour Uncut at conference in 2013 who provided detail in our book on how this might be done, how # 34bn of additional savings in 2015/16 could be reallocated to Labour priorities.
Bestselling author, entrepreneur and philanthropist Tony Robbins details in this book how we can take control of the mental, physical, and emotional factors that are a part of decision - making so that we can plan and achieve personal and professional goals.
We go into detail in our book about the cultural roots of the Haitian zombie.
The painting may well be the one that Arcimboldo made for his friend, scholar Gregorio Comanini, who described it in detail in a book published in 1591.
Heavy strength training exercises such as back squat, bench press and clean from the floor (described in minute details in the book Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe, a must to follow up with Starr's original teachings) are still a necessary component in the training of speed and power athletes, such as throwers.
I use raw, non-toasted buckwheat groats for that granola recipe, you'll find details in the book.
The ACT skills detailed in this book include present moment awareness, diffusion, and flexibility — all of which will help you to improve your relationships with others.
Business Insider also points to a survey conducted by the Center for Talent Innovation and detailed in the book Executive Presence that showed «senior executives listed twice as many appearance blunders committed by women than men.
The business strategy that Mathile details in the book is also taught at Aileron, the nonprofit school for entrepreneurs that he founded in 1996.
Twenty years later, the company is the perfect example of a phenomenon that Tapscott detailed in his book: the disappearance of the «agent» class.
But, just like the U.S. situation detailed in my book, the close ties between the military and private enterprise also result in a good deal of technology transfer to the consumer world, from the ReWalk robotic legs (as seen on Glee!)
What Adam and Matthew have detailed in this book creates possibility for you.
This is the basis of relative strength trading, the main aspect of the ETF swing trading system detailed in my book, Trading ETFs: Gaining An Edge With Technical Analysis.
Apollo's revered place in the collective imagination stems, in large part, from the efforts detailed in this book
Crisis theory and methods are discussed in more detail in my book Basic Types of Pastoral Counseling, chaps.
He worked this out in mathematical detail in his book on The Principle of Relativity.
If you are curious about the historical process (es) used to create gelatin in the past, Chris Kimball of America's Test Kitchen and Cook's Country described it in rather unpleasant detail in his book «Fannie's Last Supper» and in the PBS documentary of the same name, which recreated Fannie Farmer's Christmas dinner from over a century ago in Boston - right down to the creation of gelatin from scratch and the installation of a woodburning stove in a Boston brownstone!
As Shane Ryan detailed in his book, excerpted here last week, Harman and Bubba aren't exactly the best of friends from their playing days at UGA.
Those members of the national media who have mindlessly dismissed the allegations against Notre Dame detailed in the book Under the Tarnished Dome could learn a thing or two about journalism from, of all unlikely tutors, the editors of Blue & Gold Illustrated.
As Jo Piazza details in her book How to Be Married: What I Learned From Real Women on Five Continents About Surviving My First (Really Hard) Year of Marriage, the polygamous marriages of West Africa are less about sex than having a village of people to care about each other.
There is compelling research on what makes a great father, as detailed in the book Championship Fathering.
Kim will explore details in the book on how to make use of your resources at home so you no longer need to shell out more money buying fancy potty seat, potty training pants and other stuff.
Before I discuss how to help babies with reflux (GERD) sleep better, I would like to reference the 7 signs of reflux as discussed in more detail in the book Colic Solved: The Essential Guide to Infant Reflux and the Care of Your Crying, Difficult - to - Soothe Baby by Bryan Vartabedian, MD (which is a very informative, helpful book).
And the scale of cuts detailed in the book; it's suggesting in the non-protected departments, unlike health and overseas aid, they are going to face cuts of roughly another third.
Paula Stephan, a labor economist at Georgia State University in Atlanta and a member of the next generation committee, has described these arrangements and their effects in exacting detail in her book, How Economics Shapes Science, and a number of the previous reports and studies concur with her observations.
As I go into detail in my book WomanCode, here's why you should channel your «inner sex goddess,» and prioritize your orgasm:
As I explain in detail in my book Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself, when your stress response is turned on, your body's natural self - repair mechanisms get flipped off.
She outlines the diet in detail in her book Gut and Psychology Syndrome.
The protocol the Mom in the video below used for reversing severe decay in her young child is outlined in detail in the book Cure Tooth Decay, by Rami Nagel.
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