Sentences with phrase «detail of one's conversation»

Business letters also help in keeping records of details of conversations taken place between two parties.
Whenever you receive a collection call or a notice then you can record the relevant details of the conversation or the written material on this «call log» feature.
To clarify a few details of our conversation, I'd like to recap the terms of your sale.
He is set to reveal details of conversations with regulators about the interbank lending scandal which resulted in Barclays being fined # 290 million last week.
Henchman confirmed he spoke with Schwartz but did not reveal details of their conversation.
«Leaked details of the conversation last night sparked claims that a Labour government would seek to usher in new pro-union laws.»
@hellyale: Take photos of the tags, write down the full details of your conversation with whoever «apologized for the error,» including the date, time, their name, their employer if known, and whether or not they specifically told you the car would not be towed.
It was another piece from Don Balon that suggested Bale's move to Old Trafford looked on the cards after they revealed details of a conversation between David de Gea and Sergio Ramos on Spain duty, during which the United goalkeeper told the Madrid captain that manager Jose Mourinho said the deal was on.
Yesterday's testimony also threatened to drag George Osborne into the heart of the row, after details of his conversations with Mr Hunt were revealed.
On Aug. 10, 2016 — a day before David made two calls to JCOPE — Grandeau wrote about details of his conversation with Agata on his law firm's blog.
Koch declined to provide details of the conversation or whether Mark - Viverito will consider delaying the vote.
The otherwise unknowable details of conversations, wonder and doubt about the apparent resurrection, and political maneuvering are filled in a respectable but usually lively way by a cast of accomplished actors.
Those choices are there in the dialogue, in the small esoteric details of conversation, in the events that unfold, and in the combat that ensues.
Andresen added that he would not disclose details of conversations with Wright which had convinced him his claims were genuine.
The intention of leaking details of the conversation may have been to murder Mr Mandelson just as he returned to the cabinet.
So, of course, I spoke to the Rev. Todhunter, too Again, the full details of that conversation will be included in The New I Do, but here's a taste of what he's observed — couples that celebrate 50 or so years of marriage and see commitment as «staying together no matter what» have an entirely different marriage than those that see commitment as a chance for each to grow, with the loving support of the other.
Joshua has since revealed details of their conversation and has shared the advice that the Swede offered him, and it was typical Ibrahimovic talk.
He now uses the database to document the details of the conversations — both personal and professional — that he has with each of his contacts.
Comey said he relayed the details of the conversation with his chief of staff, the FBI's deputy director, the bureau's general counsel, the deputy director's chief counsel, and the associate deputy director.
Grace started weeping and trying to apologize for lying to me, but I honestly don't remember the details of the conversation, as I was shell - shocked.
But Wenger himself admitted that Alexis really has flu and his return to training will be delayed for a few days, but he refused to reveal any details of his conversation with the ex-Barca man, who is apparently keen to rejoin Pep Guardiola at Man City.
Trump branded Comey as «cowardly» — and possibly a criminal — for leaking details of their conversations to the media, via a tweet storm.
Below is the detail of the conversation that transpired between the host of the show and the Power Minister;
«What I recall saying, although I can't remember every detail of the conversation, is saying something like: clearly that was unacceptable, it was embarrassing for the government, and to be clear from now on this whole issue would be dealt with impartially, properly, in the correct way, but obviously I had nothing to do with it, I excused myself from it,» he said.
Schumer met privately in August with Bill Mohl, president of Entergy Wholesale Commodities, the Entergy subsidiary that owns the plant, but he has not made public any details of their conversation.
Whether talking with a passenger or someone on a cell phone, however, people are less able to recall the details of a conversation carried on while driving, adds psychologist Frank Drews, a coauthor of the study.
It's like, «I won't recall every detail of a conversation, but I'll remember what it was about.»
I was surprised by the detail of our conversation.
I always log and take notes on parent phone calls, a good practice in case you need to recall the details of a conversation (or if one took place).
Once home, you'll remember the details of your conversation.
It is preferable that lawyers engage in a discussion with each client about the options available, recording the details of the conversation and the client's choice in their files.
Protected conversations allow employers to engage in a conversation with an employee with a view to terminating their employment under a settlement agreement without the employee being able to rely on the details of the conversation as evidence in an unfair dismissal claim.
Protected conversations were introduced in 2013 and allow employers to engage in a conversation with an employee with a view to terminating their employment under a settlement agreement without the employee being able to rely on the details of the conversation as evidence in an unfair dismissal claim.
I don't recall the details of our conversation, other than to remember that he was a good guy that I looked forward to learning from and getting to know.
But I was a little star struck, so don't remember all the detail of the conversation.
Did you have your buyer client sign off and acknowledge the details of this conversation?
You'll be able to easily pull up important profile information and know the last time you spoke with a client or prospect, and the details of the conversation.
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