Sentences with phrase «detail person»

A "detail person" is someone who is very focused on small, specific aspects of a task or project. They pay close attention to the small details and make sure everything is done precisely and accurately. Full definition
I'm a big picture & detail person so I very much appreciate the broad spectrum of specifics you showed us.
Look at the attention to detail this person did.
What do you love on your freshly baked bread??? Details people?
Just imagine, these are the dirty details people are willing to share.
It's a tiny detail people notice — which means all the compliments!
I wanted to be travel blogger but alas, I am not a very detailed person when it comes to noting down the itinerary and expenses.
Aside from those smaller details people also appear 3D this time around and trees look great though sadly lack movement during weather conditions which seems out of place.
The idea behind the project was that political preferences can be predicted by personal details people voluntarily provide on their social media accounts.
Resumes detail a person's work experience, education, skills and achievements.
I am a total detail person... the little details that sometimes even go unnoticed are what makes me a happy girl!
In every office you'll find rainmaker types — people who generate the big ideas and pull in the clients — and indispensable detail people who turn rainmaker leadership into results.
His minimalistic style of detailing people and faces evoke a depth of expression and emotion that is immediate and powerful.
The more details people hear about the issue beyond emotional appeals and bromides of «choice,» the less people tend to support legalization.
The institute also sells a membership list, which details each person in the profession and the firms and industrial departments.
LePort, for instance, is studying forgetting curves (which involve how many autobiographical details people can remember from one day ago, one week ago, one month ago, etc., and how the number of details decreases over time) in both HSAM and control participants and will employ functional MRI to better understand the phenomenon.
Bethenny Frankel is open to finding love again as she tells PEOPLE, I'm single and dating Charlize Theron joked on Thursday, March 8, that she is «dating» ABC's «The Bachelor» — get the details
This is especially in film Dog Days as there are an inordinate amount of reviews detailing people walking out on the film in the theaters.
These are locations that won't cooperate with federal agents who want them to detail people thought to be illegal immigrants.
I never would have noticed it or several other details people with trained eyes such as Cumberford locate easily and appreciate.
When SEGA's Sonic Boom was unveiled in October of last year, all we had to go on was four silhouettes and a press release detailing the people behind the TV series and the general direction.
I Met details the people Kawara saw each day; I Went shows Kawara's quotidian paths through a city; I Read reproduces the daily newspaper stories Kawara consumed.
But it expanded to include a mind - blowing sci - fi battle scene, complete with tiny, minutely detailed people and swooping starships, courtesy of director Peter Jackson's company Wingnut.
Well, neither of the machines are technically MINE -LCB- technical details people! -RCB-
A functional resume also sometimes includes a resume summary or headline at the top, which details a person's skills and achievements.
Finally, by temperament I'm a big - picture person as opposed to a details person.
Most biblical scholars are detail people.
These are the hallmarks of a cautious, details person.
The signs run something like this: the new Prime Minister is, it is said, a «details person», they are a «serious politician» and don't «play politics», they are «direct» and «unspun» and are not «showy» or «clubbable».
Thank you, Kristin... I'm a detail person so I put a lot time into those little things.
I guess all the details people show on their profile make it easy to get a sense of who they are, but it always comes down to conversation.
This means you can be confident that the details another person shares, such as their name, age and photo, are all real.
If a woman is out on a date with you, she is not interested in hearing you detail every person from her racial group you have ever encountered in your life.
If Dr. Steiner, a mild - mannered classics professor who will be returning to his post as dean of the education school at Hunter College this summer, was the intellectual driver of the plan, Dr. King was the details person, preferring to sit in a room eating takeout and crunching numbers rather than dipping into Albany politics, which he found frustrating and divisive.
Other people (including the details person, his manager, and Jennifer the finance person) are also very helpful in this process.
From the courtesy car person to the detail person all were very helpful.
For all completionists and «detail people» out there, please read the introduction before you email me with your thoughts, corrections, arguments and «what ifs.»
A will is a legal document that details a person's final wishes concerning what they want to happen after their death.
A will is a legal document that details a person's final wishes concerning what they want to happen after their -LSB-...]
Grace is an event planner and «details person» who is passionate about finding a forever home for every needy animal.
These files explore in detail the people and institutions that have delayed policy action on climate change and denied climate science.
Feel free to skip this, if you're not a details person — I would, had I not written it.
Remember that some hiring managers are details people and will be more interested in your finely - tuned resume, while others can be more easily swayed by the well - crafted piece of writing that is your cover letter.
The president and founder of the group is one of the best networkers I've ever met, but she's the first to admit she's not a detail person.
Most resume sections meant to detail people's job skills actually end up reading more like a bad dating profile.
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