Sentences with phrase «device tax»

Another policy with wide support for changing is the medical devices tax.
Also included in the bill is a two - year repeal of the medical device tax.
She mentioned the medical device tax as far back as April.
«Vendor clearances and the new government device tax has created more layoffs and insecurity in the industry,» said one respondent.
The Wall Street Journal, citing unnamed congressional aides, reported late last month that some Republicans want to use the CHIP legislation to repeal a medical device tax included in the Affordable Care Act.
National Horizon goes after Gillibrand on a theme Long has used to ding the incumbent — her support for the Affordable Care Act, which includes a medical - device tax Long has linked to New York job losses at Skaneateles Falls - based Welch Allyn.
Positive job news offset by fears about device tax and expiring patents Anyone reading this month's Employment Situation Summary from the Bureau of Labor Statistics would have reason to believe things are looking up economically.
Boehner also suggested that in the next Congress, the president could work with Republicans on a tax reform package and a big highway bill, while also pointing to the Keystone pipeline and the repeal of the medical device tax as items a Republican Senate could pass.
Medical Device Sales Jobs Increasing Several medical device companies have taken similar precautions, citing the medical device tax as a reason for mass layoffs.
The caucus, led by Representatives Josh Gottheimer (D - NJ) and Tom Reed (R - NY), proposes to make five key changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA or «Obamacare») that would give more latitude to states to reform their individual markets, loosen the mandate that medium - sized employers offer insurance to their employees, and repeal the ACA's medical device tax, among other changes.
Finally, the legislation calls for repealing the medical device tax and imposing a new.035 percent quarterly tax on assets over $ 500 billion in large financial institutions.
«It'll be like the repeal we put on his (President Obama's) desk (last year), medical device tax, health insurance tax, employer mandate, employee mandate, 40 hour week, work week.
The aforementioned 2.3 percent medical device tax.
The Affordable Care Act's medical device tax has drawn fire in recent days after Skaneateles Falls - based Welch Allyn announced a global restructuring program that would include cutting 10 percent of their workforce over the next three years.
It did not take long for U.S. Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle, R - Onondaga Hill to criticize her Democratic foe, Dan Maffei, and the medical device tax.
Now, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Wendy Long is criticizing U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D - N.Y., for her «support» of the medical device tax.
«These job losses at Welch Allyn are the direct result of the medical device tax,» Long said in a statement.
National Horizon spokesman Nelson Warfield noted Gillibrand's attorneys did not dispute the «factual content» of the ad, which would have been a stretch, because she did vote for the medical device tax that Skaneateles Falls - based Welch Allyn cited as part of the reason behind its global restructuring program that would include cutting 10 percent of their workforce over the next three years.
Repeal of the medical device tax and other taxes on health insurance premiums and pharmaceuticals, while increasing the expense threshold for medical expense deductions.
«It's looking more and more likely that the 21st District will elect a strong Republican leader in 2014 who will go to Washington and fight for better jobs, a more limited and efficient government and against Obamacare's job - killing medical device tax
«You've seen bipartisan support for the full repeal of the medical device tax, which is killing jobs in our district and it doesn't allow these medical device manufacturers to reinvest and hire additional people.»
Additionally, she likes that the plan repeals 15 Obamacare taxes that drive up costs, including a repeal of the medical device tax and a repeal of the Health Insurance Tax.
Rep. Elise Stefanik spoke on the House floor in support of repealing Obamacare's medical device tax, calling it a tax on «revenue rather than profit.»
Yet another idea is repealing the medical device tax that is written into the ACA.
The goal of the St. Jude PAC was to buy influence with Republican and Democratic leaders, as well as members of the tax - writing committees, in pursuit of repealing the medical device tax that was a key funding mechanism of the Affordable Care Act.
Katko said he also supports a repeal of the medical device tax.
«Even [Democratic U.S. Sen.] Elizabeth Warren supports eliminating the medical device tax,» he said.
Other members of New York's congressional delegation have tried to delay the implementation of the medical device tax.
He voted to repeal (the medical device tax, which was included in the Affordable Care Act) when he knew it wasn't going anywhere — that Reid wasn't going to take up any of the repeals.
For example, MSN reported that for one medical device manufacturer, the ACA meant spending many hours examining how the medical device tax would affect its business.
The medical device industry had advocated for and appears further committed to pushing for the complete repeal of the device tax.
Medical Device Summit reports that the industry has already paid more than $ 1 billion to the Federal government since the device tax was implemented at the beginning of 2013.
Uncertainties surrounding the impact of the Affordable Care Act on the industry (specifically the medical device tax) may be impacting job counts, and the instability is definitely affecting how medical sales professionals feel about their jobs.
Of course, the still - to - be-seen effects of the medical device tax and other pieces of the Affordable Care Act are creating considerable stress for medical sales professionals as well.

Phrases with «device tax»

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