Sentences with phrase «dinner group»

A "dinner group" refers to a small gathering of people who come together to share a meal and have some social time. Full definition
Is a personalized dating service with a history of bringing couples together since 1980, combined with a singles dinner group which started in 1999.
Organize a monthly dinner group of law school classmates, varying the practice areas so attendees have greater referral opportunities.
I have dinner group here next weekend so this could be my dinner!!!!!!!!!!! It sounds FABULOUS!
After dinner our group took the overnight train AGAIN, this time back to Ulaanbaatar.
With this quote in mind Richard Taittinger gallery has invited twelve African artists to take their rightful place and participate in Guess Who's Coming to Dinner group show.
I made it yesterday the first time for a dinner group of eight friends and thanks to the comments I was warned not to put all the chili in at once (thanks guys!)
I made this, along with the asian cauliflower rice, for my dinner group last night.
I've made this in the oven too, it's still quite good:) And dinner group?
I can take it to our dinner group this coming sat.
I made these for my dinner group and everyone loved them!
«Had at a dinner group and went over well.
Made these for our dinner group and they received rave reviews.
But I brought it to my cooking / dinner group and they went crazy.
The dinner group of 8 voted that it should have MORE dates and perhaps bacon too.
But when I was part of the dinner group, the enchiladas were assembled but not baked.
The reason I'm sharing that story with you today is because one of the dinners that I received from that dinner group was these Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas.
Many years ago, I was part of a dinner group with three other ladies.
However, by totalling the Area Under the Curve (AUC — graph to the far right) you can see that overall, the dinner group had a much larger rise in insulin.
The Breakfast group also reported feeling more satiated throughout the day than the Dinner group.
The Breakfast group also had a 33.6 % decrease in their triglyceride levels while the Dinner group's triglyceride levels increased by almost 15 %.
The second group, the Dinner group, received the majority of their calories for dinner (200 calories at breakfast, 500 for lunch and 700 for dinner).
It almost seems like a novel concept when it is in the online dating context, but Match helps facilitate actual conversations through its events like cruises and dinner groups.
Our hostess will remain with the dinner group to ensure that your experience is as wonderful as we can make it.
For example, we typed in the word senior, looked for meetups within 50 miles of New York City, and found hundreds of results — including «Travel and Dinner Group for Mature Adults» and «Senior Fitness for Life.»
Events include happy hours, restaurant dinner groups, potluck dinner groups, dances.
Were Cyclists Northwest Arkansas (NWA) Dinner Group.
Book clubs, theatre, dinner groups — the opportunities for social activities are endless.
BUT our dinner group is coming and one of them is bringing dessert so I know I will «indulge» in something!!!! The cokies look GOOOOD and the cupcakes too!
One of those moments was when I had a dinner group of 12.
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