Sentences with phrase «direction changes»

"Direction changes" refers to the act of altering or shifting the way you are going or moving. It can apply to physical movement, as well as changes in plans, decisions, or intentions. Full definition
I love the lateral grip and stability of the chassis in direction changes but the front end needs to find more purchase and the steering needs more weight and feel.
This exercise is done fast with quick direction changes.
Its curatorial direction changes from year to year, often moving to reflect the political temperature and aesthetic moods of its time.
The ocean currents also responded to storm and wind direction change.
It's got plenty of turn - in response, with the balance to support rapid direction changes.
Not only does the S feel a giant leap in terms of agility, it also feels much lighter too, because of the increased hunger for direction changes.
You can use support as well as resistance lines for assistance to assess where the trend direction changes.
I made only a few slight changes to this recipe (added garlic and a few minor direction changes).
A company or an individual that we have a connection with suddenly has a major direction change that really goes against what they used to stand for.
Look for areas with jumps, confusing turns, or places for you to make a sudden, unexpected direction change.
It's in the steering feel I noticed the greatest difference, where turn - in was good and quick direction changes felt best.
Then quite spontaneously my entire direction changed when I was cleaning out my refrigerator.
It contains body roll exceptionally well, even in quick and severe direction changes.
The steering is heavy, but yields decent responses on the road with confident direction changes and stability that goes against what the high ride height might suggest.
You can attack from 4 different sides and the arrow indicating attack direction changes to red for the weak spot of the enemy.
If you are seeking a career direction change, you can easily make use of it.
To lead and develop a team of dedicated and loyal staff that will turn the operation in a strategic direction changing the face of customer relations, with an end result of impactful change.
Quick direction changes are easy thanks to great body control, and the car is stable during stopping tests.
Through a series of fast direction changes the Spyder more than kept up, retaining a beautifully balanced feel and flick - flacking one way, then the other with huge grip, great composure and reduced input at the wheel.
Clapback - Decreased speed of direction changes during rush attacks.
The E-diff is sensational in the control it gives you over the rear axle, and once you've got the rear tyres spinning, it feels like you can just keep them overspeeding all the way up the road, even swinging through direction changes.
Furthering the march of progress is an electronic limited - slip differential that distributes power to the rear wheels and optimizes the balance between direction changes and stability.
At higher speeds it better «plants» the car and copes well with our less than ideal backroads, keeping the GT more stable than you'd credit during direction changes on bumpier roads surfaces.
Flocks of 1000 birds or less behave more rigidly as direction changes quickly spread across the entire flock.
Compared to the lighter, $ 176,950 GT3 RS, the Turbo feels a tad less dedicated to the corner, with high - speed direction changes evoking glimpses of its grand touring intentions.
When they did the experiment, they found almost exactly that behaviour — if the quantum top started out in an island of stability, its spin changed in a regular way, but if not, chaos ruled and its spin direction changed quickly and erratically.
It follows that up with astounding panache when dealing with mid-corner upsets, genuine balance on sudden direction changes and terrific power - down getting out of corners.
It's a strange feeling because the sensations coming through your fingertips and the way the car darts into direction changes speaks of delicacy and helium - filled inertia, yet the way the Exige wants to be driven — thrashing engine, big pressure required on the brake pedal, hardcore levels of grip — is almost brutal.
It doesn't grip as hard, its front wheels don't bite into the road with quite as much eagerness — nor send as much information to the steering wheel rim — and its rear axle doesn't feel quite as inclined to aid with direction changes.
Shorter - term levels are those that caused less significant price direction changes and may be «newer» levels.
Give them a little longer and the average change in direction becomes 90 degrees — as one might expect, since it's the middle of all possible direction changes from 0 to 180 degrees — and it is dictated by the lack of uniformity in the fluid.
The system goes beyond the traditional Lane Departure Prevention system, taking it a step further by not only evaluating the road ahead (the camera is located above the rearview mirror) for unintended lane drift but also by making small steering input angle adjustments if the Q50 undergoes minor direction changes due to road surface changes or crosswinds (as detected by the lane marker detection system).
Smith tells us that «art direction changes as the story progresses,» so rest - assured you won't be stuck in the doldrums of Haven, OH.
I changed the directions
The Hexa is not a very nimble SUV and isn't too happy, making quick direction changes because of the amount of body roll.
The steering is direct and well weighted and there's plenty of grip, but body movements aren't as well controlled and it responds to direction changes more lazily.
On Tuesday, one double - OT bounce in the other direction changed everything.
Mid-air direction change while winking at opponent - Hit the trapezoid button seven times and apologize to nobody in particular
«Now you cut across under the chairlift, maintaining 65 to 70 mph through a long direction change to the right.
The wave direction changes faster than the neutrophil moves, perhaps guiding the cell itself.
Mercury's orbit around the Sun exhibits a slow precession (spin axis direction changes in a circular motion).
Recipe direction change; spread 3/4 of the batter into the greased pan and bake for 8 minutes, removed from oven and immediately sprinkled the chocolate chips over the baked crust, drizzle the caramel sauce over the chocolate chips and drop the remaining batter, by spoonfuls over the top.
But even in Comfort, the Competition Package feels properly lashed down over rougher surfaces and handles direction changes impressively well.
She's a big girl no doubt, but despite its 4,471 lb curb weight (the four - cylinder diesel drops to 4,359 lbs, four - cylinder gas versions tip the scales at 4,217 lbs), direction changes take place with relative ease.

Phrases with «direction changes»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z