Sentences with phrase «direction of flow»

The phrase "direction of flow" refers to the way something moves or travels. It indicates the path or route that something, like a liquid or an object, takes as it moves from one place to another. Full definition
A heart murmur may be audible as the dilation of the chambers and increased back - pressure causes the heart valves to seat improperly and blood to «leak» in a reverse direction of flow.
But if the Space - Time continuum is now generally accepted as the only framework within which our thought can continue to progress, it becomes the more necessary that we should agree upon the nature and general direction of the flow on which we are borne.
First, note the direction of the flow.
Pipelines take decades to plan and build, and it isn't easy to change the direction of flow, either.
This rebranding is a bit like realising that the phrase «high speed rail» had become so toxic, that «north - south railway» is now used by politicians to denote the direction of flow of economic activity HS2 would bring.
The technique enabled them to determine the plate's thickness, and to image the interior of the plate and the underlying mantle (the layer between the Earth's crust and outer core), which they were able to relate to the direction of flow of rocks in the mantle.
Each color represents the direction of flow of a tract, or a bundle of nerve fibers.
The direction of flow reverses at a certain distance.
These shocks are surfaces in space where there is a sudden change in the density, speed, and direction of a flow.
But unlike thorium, it dissolves into water, where scientists can track the sources, amounts, rates, and direction of its flow, said Kipp, who is lead author of the study and a graduate student in the MIT - WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography.
For his team's new study, Liu corrected the direction of the flow of freshwater here.
Spaces make Bowser reverse the direction of the flow of the board.
When a coil applies a voltage, the particles align perpendicular to the direction of flow of the oil, impeding its flow through the channels in the pistons.
They arrange themselves transversely to the direction of flow of the fluid, thus inhibiting its flow through the piston channels.
No, the direction of flow determines the final consumer of some product / service in a value chain.
Those factors include pressure swings within the pipe, reversing the direction of the flow of oil, the quality of the original pipe construction and a build - up of hydrogen atoms inside tiny cracks in the pipe.
Direction of flow — South Speed - Slow
After the spill, PHMSA issued a corrective action order that admits «a change in the direction of flow can affect the hydraulic and stress demands on the pipeline.»
The loss of heat is just slowed, its direction of flow in not reversed.
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