Sentences with phrase «direction of one's country»

The phrase "direction of one's country" refers to the overall path or course that a country is going in terms of its goals, policies, and values. It focuses on the way a country is developing and progressing, and may include aspects such as its economic growth, social policies, international relationships, and overall well-being. Full definition
«I am committed to promises I made about the future direction of our country and we are doing our best to fulfill them,» he said.
While Hispanic Christians are mostly dissatisfied with the current direction of the country, they still hold a relatively favorable view of Barack Obama's legacy.
Bringing up his three college - age daughters who he said are frightened about the new direction of the country, Cuomo ripped what he called the new «extreme right wing agenda that will trample on our rights» and has placed women, immigrants and members of the LGBT community under attack.
On the foreign policy direction of the country, he said that Nigeria would henceforth enter into mutually beneficial partnerships as «there is need for Nigeria to have something in return for our investments.
Parikh returned to India in 1990 to take over merchandising, marketing, finance, operations and strategic direction of the country's first designer multi-brand store, the Mumbai institution Ensemble, which recently expanded into the city's Kala Ghoda district and was designed by local star architect Bijoy Jain.
They describe a relentlessly careful statistician, deeply concerned about the economic direction of the country, who avoids the social whirl of fundraising — the anti-Sheldon Adelson of the GOP.
The Congress is gathered every five years and will determine the main direction of the country's development and internal and foreign policy.
Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, leading Democratic strategist Celinda Lake, and National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling provided their unique insights into issues affecting the long - term direction of the country.
We fully expect to make mistakes and for the project to be imperfect, but we hope it will open up discussion and engage people in a debate about the future direction of our country.
And I think the issues around terror have created a level of anxiety... There are a number of things that we are facing as citizens, and I think the direction of the country
Canadians have changed their mind about his government and the direction of the country, but their long - term career advice for the Prime Minister remained consistent.
More than three - quarters said the presidential election is a «game - changing» event that will have a major impact on the direction of the country.
One of the reasons I spend time on Blogs like Sam's is because I am very concerned about the direction of our country.
Canadians will make a choice about the direction of our country, one that will have serious consequences.
For some time now, I have been worried about the direction of our country.
Reading through comment sections like this really makes me feel sorry for the direction of our country.
It took that step in December 1952, with the adoption of its first Five Year Plan, a document establishing as a long - run governmental objective the direction of the country's population toward «a level consistent with the requirements of the national economy.»
«I'm sitting down by myself, and I want to pray about the direction of the country
A lot of people fear the direction of the country.
so they (some if not most) make it public to re elect the President not because he can not turn around to a better, the direction of the country but becuse he is a Black President.
People who believe that invisible men in the sky control the direction of our country are truly scary people.
What we want to hear from the prime minister is a recognition that people are deeply unhappy with the direction of the country and he's going to listen.»
Well, that's a little oversimplified, but he does have a point: over the last few years, a lot of people have become genuinely concerned and often angry about the direction of the country, and the web has given them a great platform for expression.
George Weah and Vice President Boakai and the Unity Party must be prepared to submit themselves to the judgment of Liberian voters to determine the direction of the country's political future.
New Yorkers aren't sold on the direction of the country, but they're feeling pretty good about their own home state.
CREATING PRIVATE SECTOR ECONOMIC GROWTH Families across Upstate New York are concerned about the direction of our country, particularly with the notion that our children and grandchildren could -LSB-...]
The people of Richmond Park and North Kingston are the most powerful people in the United Kingdom at the moment, and there are five days to go to change the direction of our country.
So please, donate today and help us elect more Liberal Democrat MPs and change the direction of our country:
«Everywhere I go throughout the 11 counties in the district, people are worried about the economy and the direction of the country,» Faso said.
«Margaret Thatcher inspired me to believe that politicians really can change the direction of a country if they behave with conviction and integrity,» he says.
Using a compilation of polls from 2017, a recent Washington Post article asserts that, historically, Americans» outlook about the direction of the country is impacted by whether or not the economy is doing well.
In this episode of Poll Hub, the crew picks up on the thesis of the article, analyzes the polls discussed, and weighs in on why Americans have a pessimistic view about the direction of the country given that the economy is thriving.
You've seen the massive turnout, turning out because the voters know they're frustrated and angry about the direction of our country under Barack Obama,» Collins said.
Zeldin attributed his win to growing dissatisfaction with the direction of the country, naming ISIS and unaccompanied immigrant children as two main woes.
Those numbers suggest that we are heading for a nationalized election where Obama's faltering approval numbers and the widespread distaste with the direction of the country overwhelm the strengths or weaknesses of individual candidates, particularly in House races where the combatants tend to be less well known than in Senate or governor's races.
Bernie Sanders's political revolution is predicated in part on mobilizing the public to change the direction of the country.
In fascism, the state and corporations hold equal footing and the two work together to control the directions of the country.
admonished the 2017 graduates to use their academic experience to correct the direction of the country by improving social attitudes and relying more on conscience than being canny in the conduct of their affairs.
New York: With many Americans genuinely unhappy with the direction of the country, a ballot measure in New York state could indicate how much desire there is to blow up the political system and start all over.
But in an era when, to flip an old phrase, all politics is national, these low - profile, low - turnout elections might have a lot more to say about the direction of the country than may have been the case just a few years ago.
Like many across the country, since November, I've thought a lot about how best to change the direction of our country, and stand up for core values that are under threat.
«Everyone can afford to be offended a little bit if we're going to change the direction of the country,» DeFrancisco said.
Speaking to ITV News, he said: «It's a great opportunity for the British people to choose to change the direction of our country.
«Today is your chance to change the direction of your country.
Lib Dem leader Tim Farron commented: «This election is a chance to change the direction of our country and thousands are joining our fight.
We changed the direction of our country and beat back the demons for a few decades.
«We're here to talk about 2012, and, I think, that's the important thing — the direction of this country, who sits in the White House,» Thompson said when asked whether New York would have a Democrat as mayor if the president and another Democrat, City Council Speaker Quinn, had provided stronger support to his mayoral campaign three years ago.
What we wanted to do was change the direction of our country.

Phrases with «direction of one's country»

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