Sentences with phrase «direction of the government»

The phrase "direction of the government" refers to the pathway or course of action that the government takes in making decisions and governing a country. Full definition
Jeremy Corbyn now has a chance to build up support among voters who are growing increasingly uneasy over the authoritarian - nationalist direction of government policy.
His words: «in the last seven years, the policy direction of the government of the day (in Ondo State) has resulted in the growth and circulation of poverty to our people.
What the media missed last week was a far more worrying issue than the usual incompetence and manipulation of figures to support a failing policy, what we might be seeing is the widespread illegal destruction of a protected species by organised criminal networks in the farming community to influence the future direction of the government badger culling policy.
The IAC is a key body in engaging with Government on issues of climate change and how it is likely to impact on Indigenous communities, while also providing Indigenous perspectives on future policy directions of Government in response to this and other issues.
The 2012 government reshuffle was said to be a «rise of the right» moment but has made little discernible effect on the overall direction of the government, aside from possibly the work done by Chris Grayling as justice secretary and Owen Paterson as environment secretary.
It said: «The union's concern about the political direction of the Government, as well as the industrial concerns over continued calls for pay restraint in the public and private sectors while inflation busts through the Government's targets.
The Chancellor should appoint a Chief Scientific Adviser to develop the evidence - base and lead a debate about the future direction of the government's economic impact agenda prior to the next spending review.»
(c) an individual who is acting under the direction of a government or agency referred to in paragraph (a) or who is acting under the influence, directly or indirectly, of such a government or agency;
It also seems to run afoul of part c: «an individual who is acting under the direction of a government or agency.»
In addition to inflation and currency woes, India suffered from declining industrial output and worries about the direction of government policy.
Whenever I hear Christians (or anybody for that matter) complain about the direction of our government, the first question I ask them is, «Did you vote in the last election?»
«A judge is in no sense under the direction of the government.
«This would be the first time in our history that a group of nationalists from one part of our country would be involved in altering the direction of the government of our country and I think that is a frightening prospect,» he said.
Since 1997, this has consisted of an Autumn Pre-Budget Report, which is a progress report of the economy so - far and sets out the direction of the government's economic policy, and a Spring Budget, which often concentrates on regulatory or taxation changes.
Scotland's first minister and leader of the SNP told the Guardian: «With fixed term parliaments, it gives parties in a minority government situation --(where) hopefully the SNP will be in a position of influence — huge ability to change the direction of a government without bringing a government down.....»
«By - elections do not have a habit of changing governments, but they do have a habit of changing the direction of governments,» he states.
Their support is important to the stability and direction of the government that May will lead.
For many of them, he is someone who wields too much power and who uses it to influence the direction of government.
Her ministers are off attending dodgy parties in London hotels and, it's now clear, paying public money to a private lobbying organisation that's trying to change the direction of the government they're part of.
And it has been noted that Johnson's headline grabbing and overtly populist call comes as Tory MPs including Nicholas Soames and Ed Vaizey have been publicly voicing concern about the direction of the government and calling for big ideas.
We remain in dispute over the direction of Government policy, which we believe is undermining the education service.
«Between June 2012 and August 2012, [Huntley], while acting at the direction of the government, made numerous recordings of meetings with nine different people, including seven elected officials and two individuals who had previously been employed as a staff member or a consultant by elected officials,» Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul A. Tuchman wrote in sentencing memo filed Friday.
Emma Knights, chief executive of the NGA, said: «Those governing our schools are generally unhappy with the direction of government education policy: with more than six times the number of respondents negative about the government's policies than positive.
This is especially important as the above - mentioned survey showed that more than half of respondents (increasing from 31 per cent in 2015) were «very negative» about the direction of government policy.
The recent reshuffle — dominating headlines for a few days — has now been and gone with little discernible impact on the direction of the Government.
The Court ruled that text submitted to government by non-government parties for inclusion within legislation remains the private intellectual property of the originator or copyright assignment holder for that text, provided that the drafting of that text was not conducted under the direction of government.
As long as the «vigilante» was not working under the direction of the government, the evidence a private citizen finds, even if it would otherwise be unconstitutional, will likely be admissible.
Accordingly, the Social Justice Report identifies a number of challenges that the new arrangements raise, as well as some issues where I am concerned about the direction of the government.
They know speaking up and speaking out can change the direction of this government
Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery lays out the direction of government policy on drug and alcohol use until 2025.
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