Sentences with phrase «direction of the heart»

The phrase "direction of the heart" refers to the true intentions and desires that someone has deep inside themselves. It means following what your heart tells you is right and what truly matters to you. Full definition
Clark Pinnock states, «It is not so much a question whether the unevangelized know Jesus as whether Jesus knows them... the issue God cares about is the direction of the heart, not the content of theology» (A Wideness in God's Mercy, p. 158).
i made a similar recipe last year, and if you're looking for another valentine goody i can steer you in the direction of heart - shaped whoopie pies, also from last year!
Remember to massage in the direction of your heart to boost your circulation and make skin glow!
From what I recall from my lymph drainage session, my therapist did mostly move in the direction of the heart when she was working on my abdomen.
Oils are incorporated along with rubbing the muscles in the direction of the heart in order to increase circulation and remove tension in the muscles.
Take a body brush and brush in small circles in the direction of your heart.
Use short strokes and always brush in the direction of your heart.
Do not scrub, massage, or rotate the brush on the body; just sweep it across the skin in long smooth strokes in the direction of the heart.
Using a brush with coarse bristles, gently brush the skin in the direction of the heart.
Gently stroke your skin in the direction of your heart using long, sweeping or circular motions.
Try this five - minute routine before your morning shower: Using a natural - bristle dry brush and gentle but firm pressure, stroke your feet in circular upward motions in the direction of your heart.
Take five - minutes before your morning shower, and use a natural - bristle dry brush and apply gentle but firm pressure, stroking your feet in circular upward motions in the direction of your heart.
While my online dating story has a happy ending, the road to happy was an extremely bumpy one, mostly because I decided to turn my brain off and rely on the direction of my heart.
On the other hand, such a ban would almost certainly result in detriment to certain groups whose religions have a stronger material component, prescribing an outward appearance as well as a direction of the heart.
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