Sentences with phrase «direction someone look»

Step 2: Once a market direction looks like it will be established, you need to make a technical entry.
The art direction looks almost effortlessly beautiful and the world had my immediate attention.
The new styling direction looks good on this car, and very aggressive.
His ability to change direction looks good, doesn't look stiff or waste a lot of motion.
The recipe and directions looks super easy that even the kids could help out or make by themselves.
So I imagined what would that negative direction look like, and what those forces might be, and then I realized there are already ample examples where this is already happening.
of many of the proposals floated by proponents of a Guaranteed Minimum Income, so I will be looking to see if the federal government is considering moving in this direction
-- To determine current direction look at indicators such as soft coral and reef fish (which generally swim head - on into the current)
In whichever direction we look for a frame of reference, the family is a «first.»
North, south, east, west — no matter which direction you look in the United States, temperatures are expected to climb.
Don't forget to enter the One Direction Looks Collection Giveaway that I highlighted on my blog this weekend.
The colorful quasi-cel shaded art direction looks straight out of a Hayao Miyazaki film with possibly my favorite art direction of any Zelda since 2003's voyage with Toon Link.
«In my experience, a change at the top might signal new directions looking forward, but not a wholesale refocus on what's happening,» Vacco said in the Buffalo News report.
The clips that dominated were Eds Balls and Miliband looking miserable in different poses — and despite an uplifting shot of One Direction looking happy at the end, this was a performance all about Labour.
The first half of the collection featured layered and multi-colored triangles that cascaded over the body in different directions looking like the kind of fembot attire that you don't mess with while she's taking over the galaxy.
It began with Facebook images as visual references as the pair discussed the possible directions the look of the film could take.
Perhaps you've always fantasized about living under an open sky, knowing that no matter what direction you look about you'll be surrounded by beauty and crisp, clean air.
Its number one debut on Billboard 200 made One Direction Looking for an online dating site that works?
The view from Palm Cove is spectacular, no matter which direction you look.
Joely Smith recently posted... One Direction The Looks Collection On Sale!
The colorful quasi-cel shaded art direction looks straight out of a Hayao Miyazaki film with possibly my favorite art direction of any Zelda since 2003's voyage with Toon Link.
I am highly skeptical of many of the proposals floated by proponents of a Guaranteed Minimum Income, so I will be looking to see if the federal government is considering moving in this direction
You direction you look at it is wrong, you observe as if gay is something you «go to» to be visibly gay, but it is something you «come from».
Now the ones that have opposed me will continue to hurl the insults and such but I have pointed anyone reading this to a direction look there see if what I am saying is true.
My drive into work was interesting, every direction I looked there were these lines in the sky:
The directions look lengthy, but you'll see a theme: chop veggies in food processor, add to the pot and stir.
And even though the directions look long... they are surprisingly easy to make
We almost didn't make this dish because the directions looked ridiculous and tedious.
Hardcore bikers in every direction looking at you like you don't belong, and I didn't.
It is obvious that the Babycook was designed in Europe since the directions look like they were translated from another language.
Their directions looked easy enough, so I set off for the fabric -LSB-...]
In all the directions we look, we see a cosmos that appears broadly the same.
Says Kavlock, «There's tremendous payoff every direction you look
Approximately the same number of galaxies are seen in every direction you look except for a narrow 5 to 10 degree band along the Milky Way's mid-plane.
Cosmic inflation is a compelling theory, with roots that go back more than 30 years, that explains why the universe displays a surprising degree of uniformity in every direction we look.
I like this and after reading your directions it looks really simple to make.
Your directions looks easy I think I will try this one!
Certainly, the script for Meatballs 2 by first - timer Bruce Singer (The Killing Time, Splash Too) does take things into different directions, but those directions look like they are crammed in from wildly different movies, if not galaxies if you look at the inclusion of an alien who pretends to be one of the young campers.
And then I thought about how, for a long time scientists were puzzled by the fact that the sky is dark at night, even though there are billions of stars in the universe and there must be stars in every direction you look, so that the sky should be full of starlight because there is very little in the way to stop the light reaching earth.
It's hard to compare any major city in the world in terms of pure spectacle one sees in almost every direction they look there (such as -LSB-...]
It's hard to compare any major city in the world in terms of pure spectacle one sees in almost every direction they look there (such as looking toward the Golden Gate Bridge during sunset, the Golden Gate Bridge as you pass under it by boat or the famed «Painted Ladies» with downtown in the background).
Every direction you look is beyond beautiful.
I also spent time swimming in the large infinity pool, which is situated between the ocean and the imposing 3241m high «Mount Agung» a truly amazing vista no matter which direction you look, and the pool bar offers a variety of mocktails as well as alcoholic drinks for those of us who might like to indulge.
There are deserted beaches for a magical campfire night by the shore, the mountain plateaus with majestic views in every direction you look and the forest clearings for a night in the wilderness.
To best understand that direction look to the people creating it, experiencing it and living it.
Gruesome Combat: Heads will roll, limbs will fly, and blood will spray in every direction you look in combat.
We become engulfed in the direction we look, spurring an anxiety that we have been dropped off in a landscape where the foreground is unclear — a quiet, unconquered territory.
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