Sentences with phrase «direction something did»

But whichever direction it does head in, we may not be the best, and we may not be the worst.
However, when players moved in the opposite direction they didn't change the levels of running and intensity.
As we age our lives may not have the same focus or direction they did when we were younger.
As long as you're moving in the right direction it doesn't really matter.
Initially, you'll notice by going the more aggressive direction you do not have any of the A - or B - type investors.
There's a robustness to it that belies its lossy compression (DD 1.0), while the remix sounds comparatively brittle as the audio is contorted in directions it doesn't want to go.
Instead of taking direction she does things her own way, wastes time, wastes ingredients, rolls her eyes and gets frustrated with someone telling her what to do she already knows it all.
«This is a really interesting material because, depending on which direction you do things, you have completely different properties,» said Meunier, a member of the Rensselaer Center for Materials, Devices, and Integrated Systems (cMDIS).
The other direction you don't go is the direction which is real.»
You can snap the handle into the traditional position and walk while your baby faces the same direction you do, or you can flip the handle to the other side of the seat so your baby is facing you while you face the world together.
Leone is even more notable than the other directors on our list as not only did he never receive an Oscar for direction he didn't even once get a nomination despite producing such classic Spaghetti Westerns like the trilogy of A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Instead, you want to be flexible enough to follow the witness if he or she veers off in an interesting direction you didn't anticipate.
Roomba's dumb bounce / turn / bounce and occasional follow - the - wall algorithm looks haphazard and wasteful, but because it passes the floor multiple times from random directions it does a better job of cleaning and gets stuck less often.
This could go up or down, though whichever direction it does sway, I predict that tomorrow we'll see another return to around the $ 4,000 mark, give or take $ 100.00.
Having loosely adapted his script from the Joyce Carol Oates novel Lives of the Twins, Ozon takes the plot in directions you don't see coming.
This came about as a result of a similar dispute about just how best to manage the currency, with some members preferring to splinter off rather than follow the original coin in directions they did not support.
Don't be afraid to respectfully speak up if an agreement is taking your art or your brand in the direction you don't want to go.
I used to be «spiritual but not religious» and I finally choose to believe in my chosen faith path and though I don't agree with the church's poor decisions and feel they have gone in a direction I don't feel is what God intended, I do agree with what God encourages me to be... A better person who shows love and forgiveness even though forgiveness is difficult for me especially when someone hurts others for no reason at all.
He pushes and prods me in one direction, which is a direction I don't want to go.
Not because he was trying to limit potential competition, but because the industry was moving in a direction he did not approve of.
Hi, in the directions it doesn't say whether the kale is mixed into the rice or placed on top of the squash?
LOVE this recipe, although in the directions it doesn't give instructions on when to add the cocoa powder.
If the Xhaka deal materializes and all the signs are pointing to that direction I don't think Wenger should go on the market to get another midfielder unless he doesn't trust Wilshere & is preparing for life after Cazorla or even Ramsey (for reasons I wouldn't know but that would explain it).
How would you line - up Inter, what's your biggest selection dilemma, and why did you choose to go in the direction you did?
Look at books slightly off - center in the direction she doesn't turn as much.
Make sure you roll back in the direction you didn't use before.
If it goes in a direction you don't want — make some changes.
When wearing tights with a dress, they can totally set the tone, in a direction you don't want, if you're not careful.
Freddy's Dead works as a sad sack trying to take the series in a direction it doesn't want to go.
What games out there inspired you guys to go the direction you did with Renegade Ops itself?
I didn't expect this to go in the direction it does, which is quite alarming when you're not prepared for it.
Everybody did great in their roles One direction I didn't like was the comical nature of the Inn Keeper.
Hit a slick spot in a corner and suddenly you may be going in a direction you did not intend to be going.
I had been searching for the car that I wanted within my budget for a while and other dealerships just couldn't meet my needs and often tried to push me in a direction I didn't want to go.
Hit a slick spot in a corner and suddenly you may be going in a direction you didn't intend.
In a recent blog post, the CEO has given us some inkling of why they went into the direction they did.
For better or worse, I am not jumping on that bandwagon in terms of setting up my own self publishing arm, so if that's a direction you do want to explore off the bat, do ask an agent about it.
Scanning options activity can be a good way to spot potentially interesting market action — even if the data takes you in a direction you didn't initially suspect.
In a few months of this direction I don't hink they will be able to print money fast enough to keep Merry - going - round.
My long term plan is to always have another 100 shares in reserve that I can use to recover any covered call that is going in the direction I do not want.
What inspired the company to take the direction it did?
The only FF game I enjoyed on the PlayStation was FFIX, and the ones released since look to further the direction I didn't like from FFVII and VIII.
I can see why the development team chose to go the direction they did and if anything it's really reflective of a lot of things we're seeing in the news currently but I can also say that I was uncomfortable at times with making the decisions I did.
With Sonic's core mechanics focusing more on stopping and killing enemies without any way of being able to keep to the old play style where you raced through levels at high speed, was a real disappointment for many fans and it made it feel like the franchise was heading in a direction we didn't want to go.
This is no means a broken mechanic because you don't walk into objects that aren't there or move in the direction you didn't mean to.
I figured One Chance would offer some options at the exclusion of others, so I ended up getting an okay ending (all things considered) because I was worried that choosing one option would move me in a direction I didn't want to go in.
As a cartoonist, my work is totally inspired and informed by this - this is exactly why the work took the direction it did.
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