Sentences with phrase «director category»

The phrase "director category" refers to a group or classification of people who hold the position of director in an organization or company. Full definition
For me, one of the most interesting line - ups this year was the Best Director category because for the first time, all five nominees also wrote their films.
But the traditional correlation between the Best Picture and Best Director categories gives us a pretty good idea.
As some of the tweets above note, despite incredible films made this year by women and people of color, the prestigious Best Director category is populated solely by white men.
It's possible that Cuaron could win in a passion vote at the DGA and in the Best Director category at the Oscar but that the preferential ballot will reward the film that has the most broad support overall, and that would be 12 Years a Slave.
Oscar voters had a chance to make history by nominating the first African - American woman in the Best Director category with Selma helmer Ava DuVernay, but instead they opted to reward a contingent that was all - male and heavily white.
Here's what Noor Patel, Director Category Management at Amazon India had to say about the online retailer's partnership with LG with the Q6:
I've longed for the Academy to decouple the Best Picture and Best Director categories as much as anyone.
It will likely win in the First Time Director category, as Davis is nominated for both.
«There is a Best Actor and Best Actress category as well as Best Supporting Actor and Actress, so why not have a Best Male Director and Best Female Director category
The Bafta best director category boasts an all - male line - up, including British filmmakers Christopher Nolan and Martin McDonagh, who are nominated for their movies Dunkirk and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.
It's a good thing the Best Director category didn't go the way of Best Picture to accommodate more nominees, because this year's campaign has only ever been a three - man race even in its most competitive stages.
The best director category includes nominations for Joe Mantello for Three Tall Women, Patrick Marber for his staging of Tom Stoppard's exquisitely intricate comedy Travesties and George C Wolfe for a revival of The Iceman Cometh, Eugene O'Neill's towering drama set in a New York saloon.
Some felt that the lack of Selma representation, namely in Best Actor and Best Director categories since it did receive a Best Picture nom, spoke volumes about the predominately white demographic of the Academy.
David Fincher showed up in the Best Director category -LSB-...]
The film's directing achievements go well beyond its writing ones, which explains why Aronofsky picked up his first Academy Award nomination in the 5 - deep Director category while the script went unrecognized in the less competitive Original Screenplay.
Four of those six reappear in the Best European Director category, with Steve McQueen («Hunger») supplanting Mike Leigh as the British nominee in that race.
Black Girl Magic: Angela Bassett is the only woman to earn a nomination in the either Outstanding Director categories.
Nominated in the best director category instead of Jolie are Alejandro González Iñárritu for Birdman, Morten Tyldum for The Imitation Game, Bennett Miller for Foxcatcher, Wes Anderson for The Grand Budapest Hotel and Richard Linklater for Boyhood.
The nod for Tilda Swinton's extraordinary work in Eric Zoncka's «Julia» is truly inspired, while one has to applaud the anti-herd mentality that leads to such inclusions as Josh Brolin for «W.» or Terence Davies in the British Director category.
«All Is Lost,» «12 Years a Slave» and «Nebraska» also snagged nominations in the Best Director category along with Shane Carruth for «Upstream Color» and Jeff Nichols for «Mud.»
Over at the Chinese Cinema I've been hard at work revising a bunch of old reviews, and I've completed the following director categories: The Pantheon, The Far Side of Paradise, Expressive Esoterica, Fringe Benefits, Less Than Meets the Eye, Lightly Likable, and Strained Seriousness.
But the best director category remained all - male, as it has for most of Globes and Academy Awards history.
«The Post» filmmaker was responding to Natalie Portman's dig at the Golden Globe Awards 2018 when she introduced the Best Director category by saying, «Here are all the male nominees.»
It was the only American film out of eighteen films selected in the festival's New Directors category.
Along the way, he has won three Oscars with one coming in the Best Picture category for Schindler's List and two in the Best Director category for Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan.
writer - director Greta Gerwig is the first female nominee in the best director category at the Academy Awards since Kathryn Bigelow in 2010.
Commenting on the partnership, Mr. Noor Patel, Director Category Management, Amazon India, said «In line with our vision of constantly expanding selection and enhancing choices for customers, we are happy to partner with Kult to launch the power packed Kult Beyond.
«And here are the all - male nominees,» Natalie Portman announced while presenting the Best Director category with Ron Howard at the Golden Globes.
She would have likely been included with Peele in the first - time director category, but she actually made her debut back in 2008 with Nights and Weekends, which she co-wrote and co-directed with Joe Swanberg.
Greta Gerwig, the first female nominee in the Best Director category in eight years, lost to del Toro as well as Jordan Peele for Get Out in the Best Original Screenplay category.
Namely, everyone seems to have forgotten Ridley Scott in the Best Director category.
Unlike previous years, Ghana recorded a lot of new faces on the nomination list; some of whom Included new actor, Joseph Otsiman who got the nod for Best Actor In Supporting Role for his performance in the drama thriller film, The Cursed Ones directed by Nana Obiri Yeboah, who was also nominated for AMAA 2016 Award For Best Director category.
Guillermo del Toro also took home his first ever Oscar in the Best Director category for The Shape Of Water earlier in the night
So far Silver Linings has placed Lawrence and Cooper in privileged positions for Academy Award nominations and not unlikely is the possibility of the film getting recognition in the Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, and of course Best Director categories.
Scorsese himself will surely be heavily considered in the Best Director category.
For proof that 2012 was a nutty year for awards contenders, look no further than the Best Director category.
Likewise, Ben Affleck wasn't able to parlay critical accolades and more than $ 92 million in box office receipts for his Boston - set bank heist thriller «The Town» into Oscar love; the actor - director who previously won a best original screenplay statuette for 1997's «Good Will Hunting» was, like Nolan, denied a space in the best director category.
If Tarantino fails to gain entrance into the Original Screenplay and Director categories (which would be understandable after all the shade his controversial interviews have thrown on his peers) and the Best Picture field isn't big enough to support this, the film should likely still compete for Best Cinematography and Best Original Score honors.
In the best director category, the nominees are: Tim Burton (Sweeney Todd), Joel & Ethan Coen (No Country for Old Men), Ridley Scott (American Gangster), Joe Wright (Atonement), and Julian Schnabel (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly).
The director category is starting to feel like an anniversary party we're not sure we want to go to anymore.
She is left out of the best director category, with only Fernando Meirelles listed.
Anonymous Content films, «The Revenant» and «Spotlight» earned a total of 18 Oscar nominations between the two, including a nod for each in the Best Picture and Best Director category.
Natalie Portman calling out the all - male nominees in the best director category is extremely a 2018 mood.
McDonagh lost out in the best director category to «The Shape of Water's» Gu...
Their Best of 2017 List bestowed five awards each for Denis Villeneuve's visionary «Blade Runner 2049» and Martin McDonagh's confrontational «Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri,» which tied in the Best Picture and Best Director categories.
Chiwetel Ejiofor won for Best Actor, Steve McQueen won in the Best Director category and Hans Zimmer took the prize for Best Musical Score.
, a resplendent melodrama with a prickly and poisonous aftertaste; Gerwig, Nolan, and Anderson assume their respective places in the Best Director category.
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