Sentences with phrase «director race»

The phrase "director race" refers to a competition or contest among individuals aiming to become the director of something, like a movie or a company. It implies a race or competition for the position of directorship. Full definition
«All of the films are just incredible work,» he concluded about the Best Director race at large.
There are two important things to remember about the Best Director race.
After the jump, we take a look at the current state of the Best Director race in the latest installment of Oscar Beat.
Whether these elements will translate to a Best Picture nod remains to be seen, but regardless, Alfredson could still figure into the Best Director race à la Bennett Miller for «Foxcatcher,» a category that has been very kind to foreign filmmakers in recent years.
What I mean by that is simply this: that Lady Bird and Get Out were shut out from the Best Director race at the Globes makes their fate a wee bit less certain, but having the SAG ensemble nomination means more ultimately than wooing the 90 some - odd members of the HFPA.
Malick, Hazanavicius, Refn and Scorsese were joined in the Best Director race by «Melancholia» director Lars von Trier.
Although independent expenditures were not a large source of funds overall, MapLight also found that during the 2016 election, outside spending was concentrated in three Oakland school director races.
With a potential accuracy controversy ahead, as well likely being Universal's second priority in this year's awards race, the film would in my estimation need a truly tremendous box office performance combined with better reviews than the earlier August dramas to factor into the Best Picture or Director race in a significant way.
I'd love to see a Best Director race that includes both Gerwig and Jordan Peele (Get Out)-- they're both first - time directors, coolly enough, but more notably, it would be incredible to see a female director, an LGBT director and two POC directors honored.
If you have to choose one to get excited about, the Best Picture race (which does usually go hand - in - hand with the directors race) is the best, especially now that we have THREE strong contenders instead of the usual one or two.
, but also talk a bit about the Best Director race and Stephen King books.
Nebraska is a considerably smaller film than the others in the Best Director race, but it's wise to keep an eye on Payne.
The Best Picture showdown appears to be 12 Years a Slave vs. Gravity, and that same showdown is mirrored in the Best Director race.
Currently, a script was written by Guillermo del Toro, but he left the director race to focus on Pacific Rim 2.
Mel Gibson is in the Director race for «Hacksaw Ridge».
In this Oscar podcast the gaggle of Gold Rush Gang members (Erik, Matt M, Kenneth and Evan) dish on all things ladies; Lead Actress, Supporting Actress plus the hot Best Director race that could feature, for the first time, two women — Angelina Jolie and Ava DuVernay.
The guy has made three terrific films since launching his directing career with Gone Baby Gone, and Argo's status as an Oscar frontrunner puts him right into the thick of the Best Director race.
But Bigelow was surprisingly left out of the Best Director race, and the film took a beating for its depiction of torture from some in congress and from a number of left - wing commentators.
Sound off in the comments below with your thoughts on the Best Picture and Best Director race, and I'd love to hear your own For Your Consideration picks as well.
That, along with the addition of history - making Ava DuVernay, potentially in the Best Picture / Best Director race?
Speaking of Germany's Oscar submission, Michael Haneke was on Bigelow's heels in the Best Director race.
The director race ended in a tie between «Carlos» helmer Olivier Assayas and David Fincher, whose «The Social Network» pulled in wins for Best Screenplay and, ultimately, Best Picture.
Gerwig is only the fifth female filmmaker to be nominated in the Best Director race.
The man who made the abominable As I Lay Dying will surely be kept out of the Best Director race, but A24 giving The Disaster Artist an early December release date is proof they believe the movie can pick up nominations elsewhere.
Many thought that McDonagh, who picked up a Director Guild of America nod, would land in this year's best director race.
But I also think that the Best Director race is up in the air, with a good shot for Guillermo del Toro or Christopher Nolan or even Jordan Peele to overtake Martin McDonagh.
The Atlantic's film critic predicts this year's Oscar winners, from the bizarre Best Director race to Anne Hathaway's already - in - the - bag Best Supporting Actress win.
And though his divisive approach of literally staging Anna Karenina made for one of the year's handsomest spectacles, Wright won't come close to top placement in his category either, now that the Best Director race has, as expected, come down to baitier contenders like Bigelow, Spielberg, Affleck, and Lee.
Larraín's other biopic this year, Jackie, could very well end up in the Best Picture and Best Director race, while its star, Natalie Portman, is all but guaranteed an acting spot.
Now looking at the Golden Globe nods, I definitely like Ms. Bigelow paying out at 7 - 4 in the Best Director race.
Just as in Best Picture, the Best Director race is tied at # 1 and by the directors of the same films.
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