Sentences with phrase «disease management»

Disease management refers to the efforts and strategies used to control and take care of a chronic illness or medical condition. It involves actions like monitoring symptoms, following a treatment plan, and adopting a healthy lifestyle to improve the overall well-being and control the effects of the disease. Full definition
Less is known about its role in generic chronic disease management programs.
Our veterinary specialists work closely with customers to build and implement complete disease management programs dedicated to improving poultry health.
She co-founded a special interest group, which provided information sessions on disease management and behavior for the smaller rescue groups that ordinarily would not have easy access to such information.
Genetic resistance in crop development is often the best disease management strategy to prevent rust outbreaks.
Identifying genetic markers will allow risk assessment, early detection, improved disease management, and ultimately increased survival.
In addition, clients whose pets are diagnosed during the program period receive a free disease management kit from participating clinics.
Objective The role of fathers in pediatric disease management and its associations with family functioning have rarely been the focus of empirical study.
Speakers reported about the global landscape of the diseases, innovative control measures and their implications for integrated disease management via increased national, regional and international collaboration.
This can help prevent dangerous spikes and drops in glucose and insulin levels, making disease management easier for diabetic patients.
Note about alternative medicine for cats: If your veterinarian is open to using alternative treatments and nutritional supplementation, then a wider variety of disease management options become available to you.
Thus, negative affect among partners of patients with chronic disease can affect disease management and disease progression.
True Health is routinely contacted by the news media to comment on clinical diagnostic and chronic disease management trends and and issues.
The evidence - based training, practical tools, and passionate community you need to move beyond the conventional disease management model of medicine and join the movement to reinvent health care.
Remember the principles of integrated pest and disease management when making a plan.
In addition to proactive disease management, the guidelines acknowledge the importance of patient and caregiver education.
As they are not equipped to follow - up on patients or improve the quality of care, chronic disease management largely falls under the responsibility of the patients.
To switch focus, from reactive disease management to proactive health maintenance, we need comprehensive and affordable health data.
Effective autoimmune disease management requires, among other things, reducing stress.
I was able to present the author with a set of keywords that tied her book to those issues and got it in front of readers looking for alternative disease management options.
Our approach focuses on overall wellness and proper balance for a healthy life, not simply disease management.
Designed and developed programs for the implementation of disease management products; and clinical outcomes studies.
We also direct members with chronic conditions to existing disease management programs where they can obtain additional support.
The interaction of patient and partner affect over time has implications for disease management among patients with chronic disease.
Other panelists noted a variety of new revenue streams, including home health, in - house therapy services, dementia care, and areas of disease management specialization.
In addition to my interests in gluten free living I am interested in disease prevention and health promotion, chronic disease management, and food access justice and advocacy.
Seek out, arrange for, and conduct educational presentations on disease management and related topics to places of worship, community groups, and professional organizations.
This is an area in which a personal trainer can become an effective key to a patient's disease management strategy.
She said David had found it difficult to recruit GPs and decided a PA could benefit the centre in several ways: to help with chronic disease management planning and follow - up; to make the clinic more economically efficient (through Medicare billing); and to make more efficient of his time, so he could devote more time to more complex patients and to teaching students and junior doctors.
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