Sentences with phrase «disease mechanisms»

The phrase "disease mechanisms" refers to the processes or activities that make a person sick or cause a disease to develop in their body. Full definition
These findings open up entirely new avenues for treatment development and understanding of disease mechanisms.
Knowledge of these associations has been valuable in understanding disease mechanisms.
The relevance of the yeast work to normal and disease mechanisms in humans needs to be explored.
Our basic scientists can provide novel insights into disease mechanisms, leading to new avenues for exploring undesirable side effects or for demonstrating additional dimensions of efficacy.
One is that there is another entirely different disease mechanism from celiac.
The researchers realized this new approach had tremendous potential to screen drugs and to study disease mechanisms.
This technology creates an environment where the cells exhibit an unprecedented level of biological function, and provides control of complex human biology and disease mechanisms not possible with existing techniques.
This lecture will provide knowledge of disease mechanisms, potential complications and treatment for the veterinary technician.
The study also accelerates research into disease mechanisms and possible therapies.
The aim of this interdisciplinary research network is to better understand disease mechanisms and to develop new therapies.
«We want to combine neuroimaging and cognitive assays with clinical symptoms to enhance prodromal diagnosis, identify neuroprotective agents to target underlying disease mechanisms in the brain, and develop behavioral and cognitive exercises that will increase the patient's ability to adapt.»
His primary clinical and research focus is dementia, with specific areas of interest including biomarkers to assist in the diagnosis and understanding of disease mechanisms for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, and translational research using novel therapeutic approaches.
They are devoted to identifying novel disease genes, elucidating disease mechanisms in model systems, and developing innovative methods for diagnostics.
«The finds are important as they point to a new disease mechanism for male infertility, but more work needs to be done to understand the significance of autoimmune prostatitis to infertility in the male population at large,» says Dr Landegren.
Because of the similarities in ocular anatomy, canine models contribute significantly to the understanding of retinal disease mechanisms and the development of new therapies for human patients.
«Advancing the Understanding of Autism Disease Mechanisms through Genetics,» by Luis de la Torre - Ubieta et al., Nature Medicine, April 2016.
But the exact disease mechanism in humans is still not well understood in part because there hasn't been a good human model of PKD in kidney cells.
The award includes $ 19 million for the Center team to carry out independent and collaborative projects including investigating disease mechanisms and the development of new technologies for this kind of work.
In precision medicine era legacy gifts of patient brain tissue reveal disease mechanisms and new therapeutic approaches
To cite a few instances, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a molecular method developed over three decades ago, has been widely applied in disease diagnosis, disease mechanism deciphering, and prognosis prediction; the elucidation of tyrosine kinase activity in cancer cells has led to the development of novel drugs for cancer treatment; and the identification of proteins and genetic molecules by molecular methods as biomarkers for disease diagnosis and prognosis has been drawing great interest.
In her translational research program, Dr. Duff has created several transgenic mouse models for Alzheimer's disease (AD) to explore disease mechanisms and test therapeutic approaches.
The CRISPR / Cas technology applied to mouse genetic engineering could quickly advance scientific understanding of disease mechanisms by allowing researchers to ask complex questions and find answers much faster than with traditional gene targeting approaches.
The resulting collaborations are crucial to advancing our knowledge of biology, including human health and disease; connecting model organism researchers and human biologists with one another speeds progress for both groups, facilitates mechanistic understanding of disease gene functions, and helps uncover novel disease mechanisms and candidate therapeutic targets.
Increased understanding of epigenetic disease mechanisms, including natural and anthropogenic environment factors, could lead to disease risk stratification for targeted intervention and to targeted therapies.
The NIMH has focused recently on targeting disease mechanisms in research it funds, because symptoms overlap for many psychiatric disorders.
Dr. Barbé: I love to be on the verge of translational research and to discover disease mechanisms that may lead to new therapeutic targets.
Dr. Colombel: Another contribution from the field of genetics is the discovery of the prominent Crohn's disease risk gene ATG16L1, which introduced the idea of defective autophagy as a fundamental disease mechanism, something that hadn't been considered before.
«With the Immunoscape platform, we are seeking to develop a molecular map of inflammatory diseases that will help us identify and characterize disease mechanisms,» Jessica Mega, chief medical officer for Verily, said in Monday's announcement.
He points out that some osteoarthritis sufferers have too much instead of too little pyrophosphate in their knee fluid, suggesting a different disease mechanism.
Any long - term effect of breastfeeding on blood pressure levels may have implications for policies promoting breastfeeding, particularly among the least affluent families with the lowest breastfeeding rates (10) and the highest risks of premature cardiovascular disease (11), and it may increase understanding of cardiovascular disease mechanisms operating through early life exposures.
«Although the exact disease mechanism behind SjS remains elusive, a variety of environmental, genetic and hormonal factors have been linked with the development and different manifestations of this debilitating disease,» said lead author Dr. Hsin - Hua Chen from the Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan, Province of China.
Prof. Schuelke emphasizes: «Our results are a good example of how the study of rare genetic diseases can provide insights into general disease mechanisms, which may also play a role in other conditions, such as paraplegia, and which may give rise to the development of regenerative therapies.»
The study demonstrated that each breed has its own risk genes, but these genes converge in common disease mechanisms.
«In terms of regenerative medicine, things have gone quicker than I expected,» Yamanaka says, adding, «iPS cells have exceeded expectations because of their potential for disease modeling, which allows us to elucidate unknown disease mechanisms, and drug discovery.»
Dr. Alan S. Cross, Professor of Medicine at University of Maryland School of Medicine, who was not involved in the research, shared his input: «This is a major conceptual breakthrough in our understanding of infection and immune disease mechanisms and may have implications for novel approaches to the treatment of other diseases characterized by cytokine storm.
Kidney disease will be the main application of the research working in collaboration with the Centre for Kidney Research and Innovation (CKRI), but the team believes that Sodium MRI can also be used for more accurate diagnosis and monitoring of other diseases, and perhaps will give new insights into disease mechanisms as sodium management is important in the brain, lung, liver, and musculoskeletal system.
Future studies will include the search for the regulatory mutation and study of overexpression - related disease mechanisms with a possibility for a therapeutic option with MERTK inhibitors.
The AsthmaMap has used data on known disease mechanisms from other studies and projects, including the EU - funded U-BIOPRED project, with the results reviewed, edited and mapped by numerous experts.
Thus, the proposed work directly tackles the mechanosensitive disease mechanism in the posterior eye but also aims at developing new neuroprotective strategies.
Host - Microbe Interactions in Airway Disease: toward Disease Mechanisms and Novel Therapeutic Strategies — Emily K. Cope — mSystems
This program has been built upon the notion that progress can be expected only if new discoveries about disease mechanisms are made, which pave the way to the development of better pharmacothearpies and / or prevention strategies.
The CCFA Genetics Initiative seeks to deliver validated pathway models of IBD disease mechanisms, new animal models for analysis and development, chemical probes of relevant pathways, new proteins and pathway targets, recruitment of new IBD investigators, and a tested paradigm for rapid analysis and cure for Crohn's disease.
Overall, this simple technique (see figure for overview) produces therapeutically relevant cells in a safe and efficacious manner, which may be used in in vitro models for the investigation of glaucoma disease mechanisms, RGC development, drug testing, and may in the future lead to a treatment of glaucomatous neuropathy.
The properties of stem cells can be applied in disease mechanism investigations, helping with the identification of potential drug targets or for use in cell transplantation.
The idea there is that by identifying genes that cause, or contribute to glaucoma, and understanding what the protein products of those genes do, we can use new techniques to target those proteins to develop therapies that actually approach the actual disease mechanisms that cause the disease.
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