Sentences with phrase «disease modeling»

Disease modeling refers to creating computer simulations or mathematical models that help us understand how diseases spread and evolve. It helps scientists and healthcare professionals predict the behavior of diseases, assess their impact, and find effective strategies to control or prevent them. Full definition
Unlike in disease modeling, where it may be desirable to retain the cellular marks of age, when it comes to creating tissues to transplant, those aging marks may be of concern.
Indeed, these cells could in turn be used for disease modelling and drug discovery.
However, in incident disease models of the same cardiovascular conditions, and using the same dataset, there was no evidence of this survival benefit.
Using genetically engineered mice as disease models, my laboratory is interested in studying complement activation and regulation in these disease states, thus eventually developing novel therapies.
These studies allow the construction of robust in vitro human disease models, and also provide a path towards precision medicine and therapeutic genome editing.
As a way of overcoming this lack of samples, the team developed disease models instead.
She has already begun testing this idea in other disease models.
The molecular mechanisms of metabolic disease progression in the liver are not well understood, and in vitro disease models are crucial to their discovery.
There is an extensive toolkit for the manipulation of the mouse genome and the generation of new disease models.
They can also be used to create novel disease models from which new drugs and therapies can be developed.
This breakthrough technology is very useful for research, such as creating disease models in a dish, but does NOT reduce the need for embryonic stem cells.
Do tissue engineering concepts allow the development of clinically - relevant disease models.
We combine artificial intelligence with automation to conduct experimental biology at scale — testing thousands of compounds on hundreds of cellular disease models in parallel.
From optimal study design to study execution and reporting, we work closely with our clients to offer custom - tailored solutions, being experts in the field of inflammatory disease models.
If I had gone that other route, I would most likely be studying basic mechanisms of immunity rather than applying them to the study of infectious and autoimmune disease models.
Mature, robust metabolic features support metabolic disease modeling.
Importantly, this new discipline extends beyond disease models of health such as whether we have a cold and seeks to define what it means to be healthy in positive terms.
«The next step for us is to generate a true disease model,» he says.
Their findings could inform disease models and treatments, or even help design microscopic swimming robots.
An ideal model for the evaluation of small molecule inhibitors in two disease models simultaneously.
Researchers use these cells to construct disease models in a lab and test potential treatments for a variety of diseases affecting the lungs.
A variety of wine constituents have been studied in various disease models.
This accomplishment opens the door for disease modeling and drug screening and brings personalized cell therapy a step closer for patients with diabetes.
Indeed, those mice are to be human diseases models (diabetes, obesity, etc.).
The laboratory - based study of animals and cells (known as disease models) can be a powerful method for understanding illness.
Previous studies observed similar activity in other disease models.
Generally, Lascelles notes, companion animal disease models better reflect the complex genetic, environmental and physiological influences in human diseases, as opposed to the traditional rodent models.
We previously reported that neuroinflammation contributes to the amnesia of AβPPswe / PSEN1dE9 Alzheimer's disease model mice fed a high - fat diet to induce type - 2 diabetes (T2DM - AD mice), but the underlying mechanism for the memory decline remained unclear.
The team's development of, and experimentation with, the human stem - cell disease model for FOP, published in the December issue of the Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, is a realization of the promise of research using stem cells of the type known as induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, immortal cells of nearly limitless potential, derived not from embryos, but from adult tissues.
Kirsty Reid, EFPIA - Industry initiatives and contributions towards developing better diseases models
Kühn has just recently joined the MDC and is head of the research group for «iPS cell based disease modeling
As these factors can exert protective effects on retinal neurons [52]--[56] and neurons in other neurodegenerative disease models [49], [57], [58], it seems likely that these substances may contribute to the latent photoreceptor cell survival we observe in the dystrophic retina.
Jeff Gulcher and Kari Stefansson Population Genomics: Laying the Groundwork for Genetic Disease Modeling and Targeting.
But if homologous recombination could be worked out in human (embryonic) stem cells, then cardiomyocytes with mutations in ion channels could be derived, as well as a large number of other very useful disease models of other tissues.
The construction of the University Technology Center is the next step to enabling Penn State College of Medicine to utilize «big data» to enhance patient care through disease modeling and predictors for disease by more efficiently processing and analyzing clinical information.
This approach is now being used to derive embryonic stem cells from a variety of strains including disease models from which in vitro tools are in demand, including mouse models of Alzheimer's disease, cytogenetic disorders (Turner's syndrome and Down syndrome), and tool strains for systems genetics.
Assessment of young blood plasma in Alzheimer Disease model Stanford's neuroscientist Tony Wyss - Coray, who studied effects of «young blood» on brain rejuvenation, has started company (Alkahest) and clinical trial 2 years ago.
Our canine disease model offers new possibilities to study growth plate biology.»
Based on disease models from elsewhere, Wu and colleagues estimate that reducing the average Chinese person's intake by a mere gram a day could save 125,000 lives a year.
DNA - In CRISPR is an innovative transfection reagent that simplifies and accelerates genome editing using large plasmids and difficult - to - transfect cells for life science researchers generating disease models.
Several other components would be disbursed among the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (such as disease model resources), NIH's imaging institute, and its institute for minority health research.
These data are comparable to results obtained with more traditional individual tests of each of the relevant behaviors, suggesting that this system might provide a high - throughput means to quickly screen and characterize different rodent disease models.
«Given the efficient protein delivery Pentelute and colleagues achieved with this technology compared to a traditional cell - penetrating peptide, studies to translate these findings to in vivo disease models will be highly anticipated.»
Since then we have tried to generate various types of neurological or psychiatric disease models such as a transgenic marmoset model of Alzheimer's disease.
Nanorobotic Investigation Identifies Novel Visual, Structural and Functional Correlates of Autoimmune Pathology in a Blistering Skin Disease Model by Kristina Seiffert - Sinha, Ruiguo Yang, Carmen K. Fung, King W. Lai, Kevin C. Patterson, Aimee S. Payne, Ning Xi, Animesh A. Sinha.
Diet - induced disease models rely on diet to drive the desired phenotype.
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