Sentences with phrase «disease pathogenesis»

"Disease pathogenesis" refers to the process by which a disease develops and progresses in the body. It involves understanding the underlying causes, mechanisms, and interactions that contribute to the onset and progression of a specific illness. Full definition
The lack of pertinent models for neuromuscular disorders has rendered many important questions in disease pathogenesis inaccessible.
Understanding differences in Alzheimer's disease biomarkers before the pathology becomes evident can contribute to an improved understanding of disease pathogenesis and treatment.
Their hypothesis that leprosy existed for millions of years offers new insights into disease pathogenesis.
«Our dream is that we make discoveries, take them into the clinic to understand disease pathogenesis, and then we can work within our means or with companies and venture capitalists to make them into therapies,» Elias says.
Research groups use Precision for Medicine's platform for neuro - related applications that range from disease pathogenesis to developing complex signatures that are predictive of treatment response.
Using a reverse ‐ engineered analysis of gene networks involved in malignant transformation of prostate cancer cells coupled with expression (transcription) profiling, these investigators computed the likelihood that genes within the network and associated pathways mediate disease pathogenesis.
The AAI - Steinman Award for Human Immunology Research recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the understanding of immune processes underlying human disease pathogenesis, prevention, or therapy.
In summary, our findings suggest that the specific genetic subtypes of B. burgdorferi sensu stricto influence disease pathogenesis.
Other Benefits of Pomegranate: Anti-inflammatory: Like many chronic degenerative diseases, inflammation plays a significant role in cardiovascular disease pathogenesis.
«We are both physicians who emphasize immunology in our studies of mechanisms for disease pathogenesis and protection.»
Better understanding of the association between genes, lung function and lung diseases The identified genes open up new molecular biological approaches for a better understanding of lung development and of the repair and remodelling processes during disease pathogenesis.
«New player in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis identified: Findings may provide new direction for discovery of therapeutics.»
«It is satisfying to find that a fundamental observation regarding the genetics and biochemistry of the pathogen can have implications not only for strep disease pathogenesis, but also for vaccine design,» Nizet said.
I have helped to generate various mouse models inducing colitis to identify methods of immune - mediated inflammation and tissue destruction in the gut and to explore regulatory pathways that can prevent disease pathogenesis.
Understanding the genetic basis of human age - related diseases, as well as normal aging, such as cardiovascular changes, age - related neurodegenerative disease, autoimmune disease, and diabetes constitutes an important step towards unraveling disease pathogenesis and risk prediction.
The researchers note that elevated IL - 6 is observed in many different inflammatory diseases (perhaps as the body's attempt to protect itself), and macrophages are often crucially involved in disease pathogenesis.
Therefore, it is possible to functionally and structurally characterize the phenotype of mouse disease models and genetically modified mouse models, gaining insights into disease pathogenesis and development.
Characterization of infectious disease pathogenesis and host - pathogen interactions using systems biology methods
the cellular and molecular events of disease pathogenesis.
Our results establish planarians as an experimentally tractable animal model for research into the pathophysiology of acute porphyrias, and potentially for the identification of novel pharmacological interventions capable of alleviating porphyrin - mediated photosensitivity or decoupling dieting and fasting from disease pathogenesis.
I am interested in understanding how genetic polymorphisms in genes encoding PTPs can mediate disease pathogenesis, and in defining new drug targets for immune - mediated diseases among the PTPome.
The AAI - Steinman Award for Human Immunology Research recognizes an individual for significant, sustained achievement in immunology research pertinent to human disease pathogenesis, prevention, or therapy.
Heparan sulfate - mediated inflammation can not be the sole etiology of MPS cardiovascular disease pathogenesis.
Of major interest, loss of Klf4 in smooth muscle cells did not reduce the number of these cells in lesions but resulted in them undergoing transitions in their functional properties that appear to be beneficial in disease pathogenesis.
The results of their study, «Interaction of Cinnamaldehyde and Epicatechin with Tau: Implications of Beneficial Effects in Modulating Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis,» appears in the online early edition of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, and in the upcoming Volume 36, issue 1 print edition.
«This report provides evidence for the relevance of ALDH inhibition in Parkinson's disease pathogenesis, identifies pesticides that should be avoided to reduce the risk of developing Parkinson's disease and suggests that therapies modulating ALDH enzyme activity or otherwise eliminating toxic aldehydes should be developed and tested to potentially reduce Parkinson's disease occurrence or slow its progression particularly for patients exposed to pesticides,» the study states.
Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis is widely believed to be driven by amyloid - beta peptide build - up in the brain, facilitated by breakdown of the blood - brain barrier.
We continue to investigate the remarkable concurrent loss of both catalytic ATPase SWI / SNF subunits to better understand this disease pathogenesis.
Feto - maternal microchimerism has been reported in women with scleroderma, but its contribution to the disease pathogenesis remains unclear.
Dluzen et al. demonstrate that differential expression of a set of miRNAs correlate with expression of a larger set of target genes in pathways which are relevant to disease pathogenesis and are differentially expressed between patients of different genetic background.
This study was selected for the Trainee Paper Spotlight because it uses multiple techniques to understand disease pathophysiology from identification of genetic variants to evaluation of their role in disease pathogenesis.
If BIN1 is found to be involved in disease pathogenesis, it will advance efforts towards targeting BIN1 as a potential strategy for disease modification.
I made it a personal mission to understand how genes influence the development and normal functioning of the brain, as well as their role in disease pathogenesis.
Progresses towards identification of new treatment have been hampered by the incomprehension of disease pathogenesis, particularly in early phases, as well as the availability of relevant screening tools.
Thus, tau might be a general causative factor in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis
Accordingly, mice that he genetically engineered to lack Stat5 in mast cells became resistant to atopic dermatitis, confirming that Stat5 is a major player in disease pathogenesis.
Tzouvelekis A, Harokopos V, Paparountas T, Oikonomou N, Chatziioannou A, Vilaras G, Tsiambas E, Karameris A, Bouros D and Aidinis V., 2007, «Comparative expression profiling in pulmonary fibrosis suggests a role of hypoxia - inducible factor - 1alpha in disease pathogenesis», Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 176 (11): 1108 - 19 [Pubmed]
«Comparative expression profiling in pulmonary fibrosis suggests a role of hypoxia - inducible factor - 1alpha in disease pathogenesis»
A new study, published in PLOS Genetics, reveals that the associations found between epigenetic patterns and levels of protein biomarkers are likely to reflect the underlying pattern of genetic variants, specific environmental exposures or represent secondary effects following the disease pathogenesis.
Abstract: Understanding differences in Alzheimer's disease biomarkers before the pathology becomes evident can contribute to an improved understanding of disease pathogenesis and treatment.
While there is ongoing debate regarding the contribution of different mechanisms in dengue illness, there is substantial evidence supporting both viral and host factors in disease pathogenesis.
I am interested in understanding how dengue virus and zika virus - specific T - cell responses can mediate protective immunity or disease pathogenesis, and in defining new protective T - cell epitopes for immunotherapeutic reagents or novel vaccine development.
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