Sentences with phrase «disease pathways»

The phrase "disease pathways" refers to the different steps or processes that a disease takes in the body. It could mean how a disease starts, spreads, and affects different parts of the body. Full definition
You are mistakenly discussing tooth decay and periodontal disease as if they are the same pathology with the same disease pathway, etc..
During his undergraduate training at the University of California, Los Angeles, he was drawn to clinical research, leading to a Ph.D. at Boston University where he combined clinical research and computers to establish new algorithms and approaches for studying disease pathways by compiling gene expression profiles using Expressed Sequence Tags.
Show how analysis of CSF samples from Alzheimer's disease patients has identified potential new biomarkers and provided new information about some of the major pathways involved in the disease
We are now using these models to study the gene function and complex mechanisms underlying disease pathways, with a focus on genetic background effects, genetic modifiers and interaction partners.
Professor Tony Fooks from the Animal and Plant Health Agency said: «A key feature of this study is the application of modern analytic techniques that are used to identify disease pathways and inform targeted interventions to prevent spread.
This renewed interest in phagocytes provides an ideal starting point for a meeting of cell biologists, immunologists, and developmental biologists interested in further exploring the phagocyte's fundamental role in tissue biology, identifying gaps in our current knowledge, and defining disease pathways, beginning with infection and inflammation and extending beyond.
Although no funds were allocated this year, the bill sets the stage for Minnesota to join several other states, including Wisconsin, that are racing for a claim on research that is expected to propel medicine toward major new treatments and discoveries about disease pathways.
No laboratory artifice is needed to mimic disease pathways with so many canine cases of cancer and heart disease.
Most drugs are designed to interfere with a specific disease pathway by elbowing their way into important spots inside the cell.
By recognising the clinical and biological complexity of a disease, we can use causal mechanistic disease pathways to adopt a more precise approach, which is hopefully more effective at managing patients with these conditions.»
Thinking they may have hit upon a useful gene that could reveal disease pathways, his group searched to see if the mouse mutation could also be found in schizophrenic humans.
Overcoming the obstacles in drug discovery will likely require continued efforts to provide insights into disease pathways and greater diversity of candidate drug molecules.
These phage libraries have tremendous diversity, so you can use them to find very unique antibody protein sequences that target specific molecules within disease pathways,» says Coyle.
Under the master agreement negotiated by Dr. Charis Eng, Chairperson, GMI, the initial project is in collaboration with Drs. Wilson Tang and Stan Hazen of the Cleveland Clinic to discover new disease - causing genes and disease pathways associated with heart disease.
Anyways, this article should not be called, «What really causes tooth decay», because unfortunately you did not discuss tooth decay at all but rather used some half informed examples of periodontal disease (as I mentioned, a completely different disease pathway and pathogen).
Scientists continue to explore potential disease pathways to treat and prevent this insidious brain disorder, which affects more than 5 million Americans.
The work aims to identify novel disease pathways and to translate these findings into new anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-mucus therapeutics in a multidisciplinary drug discovery program.
Public health impacts include injuries and deaths from heat waves; more intense storms, floods, and wildfires; more severe and frequent bad - air days; and changes in disease pathways and allergen potency.
Dr Michael Dunn, Head of Genetics and Molecular Science at the Wellcome Trust, said: «This is an excellent example of the power of genetics to discover new disease pathways.
Postdoctoral fellow Aaron Gitler now is searching for the original defect that the Parkinson's protein triggers in yeast cells in hopes of identifying the underlying disease pathway and key drug targets.
Relevant publications: (1) Drug repurposing, computer - based screening (2) Functional testing and novel tools for bioapplications (3) Therapeutic targets and disease pathways by bioinformatic analysis
«We are able to more narrowly define a distinct indication and patient population based on fairly detailed biochemical and molecular knowledge of the disease pathway
«They also show that human genetics can lead us to novel disease pathways that we can probe mechanistically in animal models, leading us to the most suitable targets for human drug development.»
That's why you need to map the disease pathway.
First identified a number of different synthetic small molecules that can control cell fate, including stem cell self - renewal, differentiation, lineage - specific reprogramming and developmental and disease pathways.
that facilitate genome - wide functional screening and the identification and validation of genes involved in critical biological and disease pathways.
The genetic heterogeneity within IRDs encompasses a broad set of genes, inheritance patterns, and disease pathways.
So the ground floor way to reduce this disease pathway is to reduce the ingestion of Omega 6 fats found in nearly all refined oils and processed foods that include them.
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