Sentences with phrase «disease patients»

One study of heart disease patients found that a daily dose of pomegranate juice over three months showed improvements in blood flow to the heart.
In the majority of celiac disease patients, the immune system does not limit its attack to the cells that line the small intestine.
It provides advocacy, education, research and patient services on behalf of rare disease patients, families, and patient organizations.
Obesity increases a chronic kidney disease patient's risk of developing kidney failure, but the mechanism underlying this connection has remained unclear.
A low - fiber diet, leading to reduced bacterial populations in the gut, may be desirable for bowel disease patients.
In fact, researchers have found that up to 80 percent of autoimmune disease patients reported experiencing uncommon emotional stress before the onset of the condition.
Researchers suggest that it may be important to consider marital status in treating coronary artery disease patients.
While I do not hesitate to use essential oils with all sorts of renal disease patients, I also want to make sure they are fully hydrated.
And, interestingly, almost 82 % of the autoimmune thyroid disease patients had low Vitamin D.
I don't have personal experience with it but many chronic disease patients report that it helps, and early trials have been very promising.
Bone marrow failure disease patients are at risk for developing iron overload if they have had more than 20 units of packed red blood cells.
Visit our patient advocacy website for valuable resources, hear from people living with rare diseases, and learn more about our commitment to the rare disease patient community.
When celiac disease patients consume food products containing gluten, their bodies.
That's significant because doctors have been slow to prescribe the pricey therapy, waiting to see whether or not the impressive cuts in LDL cholesterol lead to improved outcomes for heart disease patients.
This is why a restriction of protein intake is often recommended to chronic kidney disease patients to help prevent further functional decline.
Others are told they're «potential» celiac disease patients, and to check back in a year or so for more testing to see if they've developed the condition.
[25, 26] This is probably a reasonable estimate for the time frame in which bowel disease patients can expect significant improvements from the elimination of dietary food toxins.
Based on positive results produced from a number of scientific clinical trials, coronary artery disease therapy using adult stem cells is a promising new method of treatment for coronary artery disease patients.
There are many therapies and approaches doctors use to treat bone marrow failure disease patients.
Ten weeks of intravenous antibiotics improved cognitive functioning in Lyme disease patients in a 2004 study funded by the National Institutes of Health and carried out by psychiatrist Brian Fallon at Columbia University.
This study suggests that a major determinant of the risk for hematogenous dissemination of B. burgdorferi in Lyme disease patients with erythema migrans is the genetic subtype of the infecting strain in the skin.
Another paper from his lab looked at Lyme disease patients who produce elevated levels of certain microRNAs — molecules that fine - tune immune responses — which are known to have a role in chronic inflammation, tissue growth and swelling, and impaired wound repair.
«Heart disease patients who sit a lot have worse health even if they exercise: Patients with coronary artery disease spend an average of 8 hours each day sitting; men were more sedentary than women.»
When the scientists treated blood samples taken from sickle cell disease patients with SphK1 inhibitors, the investigators found a significant reduction in the number of sickle cells.
Methods: This randomized, double - blind, placebo - controlled, prospective follow - up study involved 90 coeliac disease patients in remission randomized to consume glucose syrups, maltodextrins or placebo for 24 weeks.
«We have also started screening for liver disease patients participating in the Weight and Metabolism Management Program at Mount Sinai St. Luke's, and we are providing them with strategies for weight loss.
Our goal is to complement the current strategic interest of Chiesi Farmaceutici in the space of rare diseases by investing in early stage opportunities and accelerate the expansion of the Chiesi network in the US among universities, venture capital investors, rare disease patient organizations and start - ups developing treatments for rare diseases.
Edwards Lifesciences» Sapien 3 artificial heart valve, implanted through a catheter, is an alternative for heart disease patients whose conditions are bad enough to make surgery too risky.
This is the mechanism that allows aspirin to be helpful in preventing abnormal clots, an important part of treatment for many human heart disease patients as well as pets with abnormal clotting tendencies.
Research at the University of Tennessee, College of Veterinary Medicine, suggested that Cushings Disease patients not only suffer from the deleterious effects of excess cortisol, but also from excess female hormone, estradiol that the adrenal gland also is responsible for secreting.
Parkinson's disease patients treated with low - frequency deep brain stimulation show significant improvements in swallowing dysfunction and freezing of gait over typical high - frequency treatment.
«Spouses, relatives of celiac disease patients at risk for autoimmune diseases.»
Meta - analysis affirms association between folic acid supplementation and lower risk of stroke in cardiovascular disease patients
U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand vowed to push for the inclusion of chronic Lyme disease patient advocates on an advisory panel being put together in Washington, D.C.
Salk researchers reprogrammed skins cells taken from a sickle cell disease patient into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), immature cells capable of developing into any type of bodily tissue.
Respiratory disease patients with arthritis could struggle to manage their conditions because their inhalers are too fiddly for them to use, University of Bath research has found.
I think the first thing every newly diagnosed Celiac Disease patient worries about is that... [Read more...]
Researchers on the human side of things have noticed that Parkinson disease patients who take L - deprenyl not only experienced fewer symptoms but also lived for longer than did other patients, even when demographic differences between the two groups were taken into account.
«Mitochondrial disease patients face difficult road to diagnosis: On average, patients see more than eight physicians, undergo multiple tests, and receive misdiagnoses before finally being diagnosed with a mitochondrial disease.»
Rare Disease Day is celebrated across the world annually on the last day of February with the goals of raising public awareness and calling attention to the challenges that rare disease patients face.
A technology that started in a University of Michigan Medical School lab may soon help lung disease patients around the world breathe a little easier, by helping their doctors make a clearer diagnosis and more individualized treatment plan.
Researchers used data from the National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases, a depository of data on rheumatic disease patients in the United States, to examine the discontinuation rates of triple therapy among RA patients.
Researchers in the Netherlands looked at nearly 2,400 middle - aged and elderly heart disease patients without dementia and found a clear association between blood levels of NT - proBNP and brain damage detected on MRIs.
Celiac disease patients tend to have leaky guts that let wheat toxins into the body, and (unless they quit eating wheat) the dysfunction and inflammation caused by these toxins generates other diseases.
The study, published recently in the Journal of Proteome Research by scientists at the United States Department of Agriculture and Columbia University, took a closer look at the remaining 25 percent of wheat proteins to determine whether they also caused problems for celiac disease patients suffering from gluten intolerance.
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