Sentences with phrase «disease problems»

Because such a complex of disease problems and symptoms is involved, it's not easy to spot the disease by how your cat looks or acts.
This department offers graduate students with a fundamental background in clinical sciences the opportunity to study disease problems in small, large, and exotic animals.
The pepper garden should ideally be located somewhere that peppers haven't grown for several years to help prevent disease problems.
I wouldn't trust my evaluation of, say, an infectious disease problem over that of an ID expert and that's a field mine is fairly close to.
In contrast, letting infections take their course in a colony and using the surviving bees for stock could lead to more resistant bees with fewer disease problems.
In addition to the mouth examination, a complete physical examination is vital to determine any other disease problems that might be present.
Is small bowel disease a problem of wild cats as well?
Not only does it benefit animal owners but also the faculty members who are exposed to naturally occurring disease problems that stimulate their teaching and research.
This saves expense, is more environmentally safe and will prevent many disease problems related to flea parasites.
We will help you with preventive care and with treatment of disease problems that arise.
With more than 10 % of the iPhone repairs related to the Touch Disease problem for iPhone 6 series, Apple could not hide the issue anymore.
«Heavy rains not only cause disease problems, but can prevent farmers from having access to the fields to plant in spring or to harvest in fall,» Wolfe said.
To bring clarity to the sea star disease problem, the scientists propose a new, broad nomenclature in a study published in Frontiers in Marine Science.
Small animal nephrology and urology Nephroliths and ureteroliths (kidney and ureter stones) Minimally invasive urology procedures including shock wave lithotripsy, laser lithotripsy, laser ablation of ectopic ureters, and periurethral collagen injection for treatment of urinary incontinence Nutritional therapy of urinary tract disease Problem - based learning in veterinary education Client communications
Eighty per cent of overweight youth typically continue to be obese as adults, adversely affecting the quality of their lives and contributing to chronic disease problems.
The facilities at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital are used as laboratories providing students with introductions to clinical cases and animal disease problems, as well as to methods and techniques used in their solution.
«We've struggled for a long time trying to solve complex brain disease problems that cause tremendous pain and suffering.
Although MRDV would be potentially devastating if it took hold and spread throughout Africa, MSV is without question currently the biggest viral disease problem that African maize farmers face.
Patients with corneal or external ocular disease problems are examined at the Cornea Service by a full - time staff that includes attending surgeons, fellows and residents.
While the following treatment approach focuses on a limited number of areas, it corrects most of the Lyme Disease problems like:
Diet is often discussed as part of the yearly feline exam as cats have more diet related disease problems than dogs.
Of these, the two that are usually referred to as «coccidia» infections are Eimeria and Isospora infections and the rest are generally identified by name, as they are more complex parasites and cause specific disease problems.
No evidence currently links FeLV in cats with any known human disease problems.
Director Animal Sciences and Vet Advisor, «Feline upper respiratory infections (URI for short) are the most commonly encountered disease problem in animal shelters.
These two diets were created by veterinary professionals for dog's with liver disease problems:
Regular Veterinary Check - Ups Regular veterinary examinations will help avoid some preventable disease problems and permit early detection of others, thus facilitating treatment.
The intriguing fact is that human health statistics mirror disease problems in our dogs.
It is not the purpose of this guide to make you a veterinarian, but to help you understand some of the unique disease problems of the Chinese Shar - Pei.
Diarrhea may occur as the only sign, as one of several symptoms of a more generalized disease problem, or with symptoms that result from prolonged or severe diarrhea.
There are routine care procedures you should do on your Shar - Pei puppy, both to maintain the good health of your pup, and to prevent disease problems from developing.
When I wrote my original post about worm composting becoming big business, I reported that some vinyards were claiming a huge reduction in plant losses and disease problems after applications of worm compost to their soils.
If you have an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus that is affected by Apple's touch disease problem, you can get in touch through a consultation form available on the firm's website.
To bring clarity to the sea star disease problem, the scientists propose a new, broad nomenclature in a study published March 7 in Frontiers in Marine Research.
The spayed female cat and dog do not have reproductive tract disease problems, have less urinary tract infections, and significantly fewer cases of mammary cancer.
Good dental hygiene reduces chances of disease problems on you doing thereby saving you on cash that could be diverted to treatment.
For toddlers and small children, you probably want to select something that has large seeds (easier to handle), doesn't have special pest or disease problems, and sprouts / grows / blooms quickly.
«Maybe they were so chilled out they haven't got a heart - disease problem,» he says.
But ethical problems surrounding this testing are as ominous as the diseases themselves
Is access to «predictive» genetic testing for Huntington's disease a problem?
It is the same line of thinking in agriculture, that if you keep spraying plants with pesticides or give animals antibiotics, the disease problem is solved without a thought as to why the plants and animals are sick in the first place.
This is not considered diarrhea, and if it only occurs occasionally, it is not considered a disease problem.
Then they're having to pay for the treatment, and the disease problems that result.
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