Sentences with phrase «disease vectors»

The phrase "disease vectors" refers to living things, like animals or insects, that can carry and spread diseases to other creatures, including humans. Full definition
The groundbreaking and far - reaching educational recommendations for climate change and health curricula aim to expand the numbers of health professionals equipped to recognize and respond to the health challenges of a warming climate, including deadly heat waves, flooding, air pollution, and wildfires; greater spread of disease vectors like ticks and mosquitos; and growing food and drinking water insecurity.
«tRFs are active in this mosquito and may play diverse roles in disease vector biology.»
«Toxic insecticides are often risky to use directly on fruits — especially when they are close to being harvested,» said Anandasankar Ray, an associate professor of entomology and the director of the Center for Disease Vector Research at UC Riverside, whose lab performed the research project.
Akbari, who is also a member of UC Riverside's Center for Disease Vector Research and Institute for Integrative Genome Biology, is the corresponding author of the piece, «Cheating evolution: engineering gene drives to manipulate the fate of wild populations,» that was just published online in the journal Nature Review Genetics.
The 2003 outbreak of SARS drove home the widely held belief that global mobility helps spread infections; indeed, it's almost a cliché among researchers to say that the most important disease vector today is the Boeing 747.
«The question is still open,» says Joseph Piesman, who heads the Lyme disease vector branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Fort Collins, Colorado.
And in previous work, Poinar and his wife, Roberta, implicated malaria and the evolution of blood - sucking insects as disease vectors that could have played a significant role in the extinction of the dinosaurs.
It has what researchers call a «high disease vector potential,» since it bites humans often and is a carrier of diseases including West Nile, dengue, yellow fever, and two types of encephalitis.
But while it is tempting to conclude that warmer temperatures have created a more hospitable environment for disease vectors like the sand fly, it may simply be that humans have carried the bacillus to a place where it has found more susceptible hosts.
Health effects mediated by ecological changes, including altered life cycle of infectious disease vectors and host animals, increased concentration of air pollutants and aeroallergens because of rising temperature or wildfires, altered crop yields, and rainfall patterns
Oh, the study on disease vectors is a «gummint» secret.
[1] Climate change creates new risks for human exposure to vector - borne diseases such as Zika, particularly in the United States where rising heat and humidity are increasing the number of days annually in which disease vectors thrive.
Rising global temperatures can also lengthen the season during which disease vectors thrive and increase the geographic range of disease - carrying insects.
Besides kissing bugs, he says, this technique might be used to hijack a variety of other insect disease vectors, from mosquitoes that transmit malaria to deer ticks that transmit Lyme disease.
Global warming could certainly exacerbate invasive species, and mosquitoes and other disease vectors will likely move north if winters get shorter.
The more interesting point is that both of these chemicals are banned in many countries, though DDT is still used to control disease vectors in some countries.
«All scavengers play an important ecological role — helping to recycle nutrients and to remove carrion and disease vectors from the ecosystem,» Frehner says.
Human health: Forest degradation and loss compromise the supply of medically - beneficial species that millions of people rely on; additionally, forest degradation drives the spread of many infectious diseases by bringing humans and disease vectors into close contact.
«The use of fish to control mosquito disease vectors should be abandoned by authorities,» says Valter Azevedo - Santos, an ichthyologist at São Paulo State University in Botucatu, Brazil, who co-authored a letter objecting to the strategy published in Science earlier this year.
The fact that some areas under consideration for restoration have lost all of some native coral species minimises concerns such as introducing disease vectors.
Or CRISPR could be employed to reduce or extirpate a population of rapidly reproducing disease vectors or non-native organisms or aggressively invasive plants and animals.
This helps us identify areas where disease vectors can emerge.»
By identifying the genes involved in mosquito development, we are also considering how to disrupt these genes and their products in an effort to control some of our most serious disease vectors.
Principle Investigator, Yosemite National Park, CA (June 05 - Oct 08) Expanding problems with disease vectors and bacterial diseases of wildlife and companion animals in Yosemite National Park.
«It's not hard to see how animals raised in these cramped and unsanitary conditions, trucked hundreds of miles from puppy mills to the pet stores, intermingled with other fragile young animals and handled by numerous employees and customers could become disease vectors
They do this in an attempt to establish that outdoor feral cats are perfectly fine and not disease vectors, when they write, «a 2002 review of cat - associated diseases published in the Archives of Internal Medicine concluded that, «cats should not be thought of as vectors for disease transmission.»
Biological control of human disease vectors: a perspective on challenges and opportunities.
Increased precipitation is likely to be harmful to grazing animals because it implies a shift from grassland to forests and an increase in harmful disease vectors, and also a shift from livestock to crops.
Mild winters increase the survival rate of many disease vectors.
«These estimates emphasize the important role that spider predation plays in semi-natural and natural habitats, as many economically important pests and disease vectors breed in those forest and grassland biomes,» says lead author Nyffeler.
As these breeds spread, there exposure to new disease vectors threatens the global population.
By utilising the Panoptes software, the AG1000g Consortium is enabling researchers across the world to interrogate the world's largest public dataset on genome variation in a clinically important disease vector.
• increases in malnutrition and consequent disorders, with implications for child growth and development; • increased deaths, disease and injury due to heat waves, floods, storms, fires and droughts; • the increased burden of diarrheal disease; • the increased frequency of cardio - respiratory diseases due to higher concentrations of ground - level ozone related to climate change; and, • the altered spatial distribution of some infectious disease vectors.
And I won't even get into the humor of your using «government secrets» as a reason to avoid answering a question on disease vectors.
In addition to his faculty position in the UCR School of Medicine Division of Biomedical Sciences, he is affiliated with the UCR Center for Disease Vector Research and the UC Global Health Institute.
Other expected effects of global warming include changes in agricultural yields, modifications of trade routes, glacier retreat, mass species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors.
These results suggest that immorality elicits the same disgust as disease vectors and bad tastes.
Of course, just because Australia could control malaria doesn't mean the country isn't safe from changes in disease vectors that result from climate change.
If creationist misinformation is a disease vector, Chad is Typhoid Mary.
Ecologists can reveal the frequency of bird and bat deaths in wind turbines, the traffic of birds around airports and the potential for distribution of disease and disease vectors.
While certainly not a panacea for mosquito - borne disease, this research does suggest new directions for controlling these important disease vectors, especially in places where introduced species are utilized heavily.
He explains that «This research could provide valuable insights in the way that the behaviour and life cycle of harmful insects, such as agricultural pests and disease vectors, is governed by temperature.
albopictus, they began to understand how these disease vector species came to be in different areas.
Possibilities for genomic treatment include re-introducing genetic variability, increasing a species» resistance to exotic diseases, and precisely targeted removal of harmful invasive species and of disease vectors.
The new work suggests graphene could also find uses in detection of biologically important molecules, such as toxins, disease vectors or food contaminants, many of which give off infrared light when illuminated.
Hawaii's native birds could be protected from avian malaria by adjusting the disease vector (non-native, invasive mosquitoes) to no longer carry the disease or to be eliminated entirely.
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