Sentences with word «diseased»

The word "diseased" describes something that is not in a healthy state, usually referring to a person, animal, or plant that has an illness or is experiencing a harmful condition. Full definition
Look at the enormous cost of diseases of environmental origin in children — which we've calculated at about $ 55 billion each year for the 4 million babies born in this country.
Overall, prevention through a healthy lifestyle and knowing the symptoms are key to reducing the rate of heart disease in women.
But they are treatments for diseases for which patients have few options.
Over time, most patients learn how to manage their condition, just as patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes learn to monitor symptoms and medications.
In contrast, plant - based diets have been shown to help you reduce inflammation, lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease for example.
Generally speaking, the study of shelter medicine in veterinary colleges consists of small animal population health management with an emphasis on infectious disease control and prevention.
The value of such metaphors may be clearer for infectious diseases caused by single pathogens.
After menopause, there's a sharp rise in autoimmune disease in women, due to production of antibodies against normal tissues.
When puppies are first born, they are protected from diseases from their mother's milk.
One of the best fruits as they are filling, high in potassium (good for kidney function) and regular consumption may protect against kidney diseases like kidney cancer.
Although we can not prevent celiac disease from developing, at least not yet, we are able to treat it with the gluten - free diet.
The bacteria then finds its way to the areas of high blood flow, potentially causing disease in heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver.
They hope the approach will help researchers solve the mystery of other diseases with no clear cause.
This is a chronic liver disease caused by chronic inflammation of the bile ducts.
Vitamin K2 may help prevent cardiovascular disease by preventing and even decreasing calcium deposition into arteries, thus making arteries less stiff.
Now is the best time to talk with us about a safe, easy and convenient way to protect your dog from heartworm disease with just two doses a year.
Early detection of heart disease like humans, can help limit the damage to the heart and help your pet live a longer and healthier life.
By having the dog altered prior to its first heat, you will get the maximum benefits such as preventing diseases as well as avoiding certain behavior problems.
Other health problems found in association with periodontal disease include kidney, liver, and heart muscle changes.
Unfortunately, they also face some of the same teeth issues and dental problems, including dental disease risks, as people.
People with celiac disease risk damage to their small intestines if they don't follow a gluten - free diet, avoiding foods that contain barley, rye and wheat.
This diet also keeps heart - related diseases at bay.
Monthly dog food classes and individual nutritional counseling appointments for puppies, adults, cancer patients, dogs with allergies, inflammatory bowel disease autoimmune disorders, arthritis and other chronic illness conditions.
Free radicals are famous for reducing the appearance of aging and blocking a host of viruses and other inflammatory diseases such as cancer and type 2 diabetes.
Herpes virus is a typical sexually transmitted disease which many people are afraid of being infected.
The standard treatment options for heart disease includes drugs; invasive testing; and expensive, dangerous surgical procedures.
Many disease processes common in older animals are present long before you see signs of illness.
Regular veterinary care, exercise and diet can help keep dogs from developing diseases known in these breeds.
The primary purpose of the database is to further clinical research aimed at treating diseases more effectively.
My cooking style focuses on disease prevention in otherwise healthy people.
It is hoped that these cells can be used to better understand and treat human disease affecting the visual system.
He is the national project administrator for numerous genetic disease control programs of pure - bred dogs.
What I know as well is it fights against disease caused by bacteria as well, along with other health benefits.
I also suffered from an autoimmune thyroid disease for several years.
This is an inflammatory chronic skin disease associated with allergies.
Most pet shops do not care if the dog is left to run loose and kill livestock, or if it dies of liver disease at one year old.
The true solutions for cancer and many other degenerative disease processes lie in the nutritional and metabolic functions of the body.
As gum disease progresses, both the pH and oral microbiome changes.
She has a passion for educating clients about common diseases affecting dogs and cats and how to prevent them.
This natural anti-inflammatory may help dogs with degenerative diseases like joint pain and arthritis.
It can be difficult to diagnose respiratory disease because other conditions often have the same symptoms.
Just because scientists know the gene responsible for a rare disease doesn't mean they know what's going on.
And this warmth, along with stronger storms and altered precipitation, will spread diseases where they once weren't a problem.
Look for signs of eye disease not signs of pain.
Imagine watching your father die slowly from a degenerative neurological disease so rare that there is no cure.
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