Sentences with phrase «dish someone eat»

The phrase "dish someone eat" means to talk about or reveal something embarrassing or damaging about someone. Full definition
It's easy to include in dishes you eat everyday.
We are looking to increase the vegetable dishes we eat and this one will definitely be on the list from now on.
What's the best restaurant dish you ate in 2015?
I think of all the new avocado dishes I ate this month, this was my favorite one.
As spring and warmer weather come, I almost always find myself increasing the number of Asian dishes we eat.
Their food is personal, but it's so much more than just dishes they ate as kids.
A classic dish eaten all over the world, and everyone seems to have their own recipe.
But when they get to their food dish they eat or drink very little.
Believe it or not, different dogs have widely different needs (and preferences) when it comes to the type of bowl or dish they eat from!
My husband's favorite side dish we eat at our favorite restaurant looks very much like this dish minus the red because it's not spicy at all but it's not really sweet either and yet there's a lot of yummy flavor.
Why does my shektie puppy only eat from my hand r some of it spilled on the floor instead of her dish
Stuffed butternut squash is one of the first dishes I ate when deciding to go vegan and since that day it holds had a special place in my heart stomach.
This was easily my favorite dish I ate in Colombia.
The popularity of this kind of cooking has now spread around the world, to the extent that most people outside of Mongolia think that Mongolian barbecue is a colorful griddle - fried dish eaten at restaurants, not outdoor campfire food cooked with hot stones.
I could recommend several dishes I ate here in the spring, but by the time you eat here they'll be gone — the menu (and the decor) changes four times a year, taking seasonality to a new level.
Treat every accessory properly, so, for example, if your stroller features some trays fro the kids and for parents, treat them like any other dish you eat off.
Whether eaten whole or ground into paste, the umami - rich umeboshi lend complexity and oomph to rice dishes eaten throughout the day.
Mushrooms were in season when I visited and I can remember two mushroom dishes I ate very clearly: firstly, a savoury crepe with a creamy button mushroom sauce, and secondly, fresh pasta served with pffierlinge eaten at a lovely courtyard restaurant.
Probably, the second dish you ate here, the one with shrimp, was Moqueca de Camarão (Shrimp's Moqueca).
My Holiday Brunch Avo on Toast is a homage to the delicious dishes we ate while we were away.
One of the mind - blowing dishes I ate there was simply described on the menu as seared fijian albacore with lentils, bacon & apple.
Most people think of the potato pancake as a Jewish dish eaten during Hanukkah, but potato pancakes of some sort exist in potato - eating cultures around the world.
P.S. Yes, whole dish all eaten up by my lonesome!
This is a great way to get acquainted with new flavors, or to conjure up memories of the last great Middle Eastern dish you ate.
The I have no idea what it's called pureed pumpkin side dish I eaten twice served during Thanksgiving.
For example, it's difficult for many people to see how the «complex» foods or mixed dishes they eat (from pizza to pad Thai) fit neatly into the categories outlined in the pyramid.
Kale also is a tougher one (literally) for many to enjoy in a salad or dish eaten raw.
That's right, you can reserve a table at De Grootte Ganz and taste traditional medieval dishes eaten with a spoon and your hands!
«Even if he doesn't pick the specific dish he eats, he may pick the restaurant.
It's always nice to have a handful of homemade spice mixtures on hand to jazz up the typical veggie side dishes I eat.
Sometimes it is cut up and lightly fried and mixed with long beans and red chilli paste as a vegetable dish eaten with plain rice.
One of my favorite dishes I ate; cauliflower rice bowl with spicy diavalo sauce at Zeal in Boulder, Co..
Newbies When I first become vegetarian, I sought ways to make many of the dishes I ate before I became vegetarian meatless.
This dish eats like the tart version of French onion soup, so serving with beef (French onion soup is typically made with beef stock) is a natural fit.
It's a dish eaten anytime of the day in Vietnam, including breakfast, and the flavour differs slightly depending on the region.
It was inspired by a dish I ate somewhere once.
At many of these places, sabzi has become a canvas for chefs to riff on the dishes they ate growing up.
It's always nice to have a handful of homemade spice mixtures on hand to jazz up the typical veggie side dishes I eat.
So if you are looking for a special spice that boosts over-all health, then make it a point to add a dash of cayenne pepper in every dish you eat.
While some foods, such as fresh fruits and berries, taste delicious just as they are, most dishes we eat are more complex and almost always contain some type of added ingredients to enhance flavor.
He's now back in his hometown, where he writes, coaches high school and elementary basketball, and has perfected the art of making every dish he eats or cooks as spicy as possible.
Maybe you have always loved cooking, and mentally amend the dishes you eat when you go to restaurants?
As vegetarians Slovenia was easy and while most of the dishes we ate could technically be Italian — ravioli, pasta, gnocchi — they weren't quite like anything we've eaten in Italy.
It could be the movie you watched last night, the dishes you ate off this morning or the recliner you are relaxing in right now.
Items like the couch you sit on, the TV you watch, the heater that keeps you warm and even the dishes you eat off of are all worthy of protection.
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