Sentences with phrase «district boundaries»

"District boundaries" refer to imaginary lines or specific areas that divide a region or city into smaller sections. These boundaries help define and organize government, electoral, or administrative divisions within the district. Full definition
The federal courts had to respect the existing school district boundary lines, even if that made impossible an effective remedy for segregation in the metropolitan area.
Use this tool to identify public schools that are outside of district boundaries that may be serving students from your district.
The federal report can be generated by congressional district boundaries, or by an entire state.
Those who are able have ordinarily done this by selecting their residence, given the long tradition of geographically defined districts and limited opportunity to cross district boundaries.
Let a computer program based on population per square mile, simply mathematical, determine district boundaries.
Overall, the county is diverse; however, unnecessary district boundaries make it impossible to integrate schools in the community.
Because of the legacy and persistence of housing segregation, in many densely populated areas, it is simply impossible to integrate schools within current district boundaries.
They are open to all students, regardless of school district boundary, and are tuition - free.
After criticism from a number of quarters, he left the committee before it drew the congressional district boundaries.
Aides for Gov. Andrew Cuomo say he's ready to veto legislative district boundaries drawn by the Legislature.
On Wednesday, district officials came back with a new map to show that Park District boundaries in fact extend west of the roadway, and thus are the outside border.
Officials have been grappling with the area's rapid growth and escalating student population by aggressively building new facilities and redrawing jurisdiction lines of existing schools, keeping local school district boundaries in flux.
JAMESTOWN - New district boundary lines for the Chautauqua County Legislature could be approved by late this afternoon.
According to Sue Ann Salmon Evans, a lawyer representing both LAUSD and Newhall Unified, these out - of - district approvals are a misuse of the charter school act, which states a charter should be located within district boundaries unless it is unable to do so.
Mr. Cuomo's aides apparently did not wish for Mr. Benson's mentality to set in, as this morning, Ken Lovett reported he «still stands ready to veto the legislative district boundaries drawn by the Legislature,» a confusing development in response to the specific plan he outlined just days before.
Inter-district magnet schools in Connecticut provide a current example outside the scope of traditional school districts as to the way charters might draw students across district boundary lines to create high - quality, integrated schooling options.
As James E. Ryan writes for The New York Times «Campaign Stops blog, the education plan the Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney unveiled last week flies in the face of conventional wisdom on district boundaries:
It predicates the creation of the new town on the alteration of school district boundaries so that the new town and the Kiryas Joel Union Free School District are coterminous.»
Today, existing school segregation typically occurs across district boundary lines, so schools that enhance inter-district choice are extremely important.
Last month, some Democratic Party activists and their allies filed two lawsuits against the new district boundaries for North Carolina U.S. House seats and legislative seats.
The other way schools are creating economic diversity is to redraw district boundaries so that more middle class students attend low - income schools.
The Legislature approved new Senate and Assembly district boundaries last week, and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo signed them into law as part of a deal that included an agreement on a constitutional amendment to modify the redistricting process after the 2020 census.
As a result, only the Congressional primary's date — and not the new House district boundaries — is now in question.
See the Park City School District Boundary Map.
New Jersey's already taken the first steps towards this partnership with its expansion last year of the Interdistrict Public School Choice Program (IPSCP), which allows public schools with empty seats to solicit students from outside district boundaries.
Indepedent Democratic Conference spokesman Rich Azzopardi strenuously denied a report in today's Daily News that the four - member bloc had reached a back - room accord with Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos to keep favorable district boundaries in place during the coming round of redistricting.
Republican lawmakers were able to bolster their majority by drawing their own district boundaries in the 2012 redistricting round and have shown to be prodigious fundraisers.
Uncertainty about district boundaries also left some top - tier recruits hesitant to explore or announce bids for House races.
Our current school funding system often bolsters school district boundaries between rich and poor, holding resources in wealthy communities and keeping low - income students from accessing broader opportunities.
«As long as neighborhoods are demarcated by school district boundaries limiting enrollment options, parents will take these boundaries into account when making residential choices, which may contribute to segregation between white and minority children,» Owens wrote.
Teachers said the school's district boundaries shifted last year, bringing in some higher - income students, but they stressed that they want to ensure that all students, no matter what their families» social class, achieve better.
CORPORATE MEMBERSHIPS: Corporate memberships are available for six members of one corporation in park district or partner district boundaries.
Romeoville Mayor Sandra Gulden called the deal unfair, contending that about 5,000 village residents living inside Park District boundaries south of 135th Street will be paying taxes to maintain the pool.
But redistricting is where the rubber meets the road in politics, since setting district boundaries is all about power: who has it, who keeps it, and who has a chance to get it in the future.
But we can't overlook Padilla's completely wrongheaded opposition to the initiative (2008's Prop. 11) that took the power to draw political district boundaries away from politicians.
And starting next year, he'll go through several politically thorny issues such as a possible veto of newly drawn state and federal district boundaries as well as the debate over hydrofracking.
The letter blasted the Senate GOP majority for trying to maintain its razor - thin majority by drawing partisan - motivated district boundaries that critics say divide minority communities on Long Island and upstate.
Looking at the PVI for the 2010 election, which was the last one to be used under the old district boundaries, the Republican candidate outperformed their national result in 235 districts, whereas the Democratic candidate outperformed in 192 districts.
The group, headed by Citizens Union, is calling for a «politically balanced citizens redistricting commission to draw fair district boundaries through a process that allows for ample public input.»
And, once every 10 years, redraw election district boundaries for the U.S. House of Representatives and the state Senate and Assembly.
Phillips narrowly lost a 2010 race against former Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D - Saugerties, in the old 22nd District before district boundary lines were redrawn.
Gjonaj's Assembly district boundaries overlap significantly with the Council district, where Velazquez had the backing of outgoing Council Member James Vacca, but Gjonaj had the advantages of name recognition and a massive war chest to spend from.
A panel of federal judges on Monday found the Republican district boundaries unconstitutional, ruling the lines clearly discriminate against Democrats.
At 11 a.m., the Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Siting and Maritime Uses will meet to discuss designating the Crown Heights North III Historic District boundary as a landmark.
Ironically, the Ritter team reanalysis used district boundary lines in an effort to justify the charters» segregated enrollments — even though charter schools are often not constrained by those boundaries.
But the lawyer representing one of the defendants said he would file suit within the next few months to test whether district boundaries can be used to deny parents from the inner city the opportunity to provide a high - quality education for their children.
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