Sentences with phrase «district employees»

"District employees" refers to individuals who work for a specific area or region, such as a local government, school, or organization. Full definition
The connections were facilitated by a school district employee who was in contact with Chinese and Swedish educators, and frequently talked with them about education issues.
It takes a lot of park district employees to run these programs and to supervise and maintain the field houses where most of the activities take place.
At the time he was 57, the average retirement age of district employees.
The programs would be staffed by park district employees who would supervise basketball and other activities for kids whose only alternative often is the streets.
These elections offer the best opportunity for studying how teachers and other district employees act on their job - related incentives, because little else is being voted on.
First, do teachers and other district employees vote at higher rates than other citizens?
While all PD should help district employees further their individual career goals, the PD should also support the district's big picture goals.
Or, was the tax money and school district employee staff time spent on public relations wasted?
A document prepared by a school district employee last summer indicated the district planned to install filters at 66 schools.
The public input came from community activists and a small number of outspoken district employees.
Under union contracts, park district employees are not required to work on holidays, so that most activities cease when schools are closed, when kids have time on their hands.
For all of our attention to testing and assessment, student achievement measures are largely irrelevant to judging the performance of many school district employees.
Teachers are district employees who are paid the district scale and apply for their jobs.
What these teachers and other district employees have in common is that they both take a self - interested approach to elections and they both belong to unions.
There also is talk of cutting the salaries of district employees, according to the association.
Next, a school district in Illinois just awarded its teachers a 10 - year contract that includes a 40 percent salary increase over its term, preserves a pre-retirement, 6 percent yearly pay spike to boost teachers» pensions, an increase in sick - days from 15 to 24 per year, and a freeze on health insurance and prescription drug costs for district employees for the 10 - year period.
In contrast, as district employees, these aspiring teachers will receive a salary and benefits, along with credit for being student teachers while they serve full - time in three Opportunity Culture schools under the district's highest - performing educators.
The current and former District employees said investigators are reviewing what happened at Ballou last year, when more than half of the class graduated despite missing too much school — with some seniors racking up more than 100 absences.
Still, «every position that is cut is a loss to our students,» said Andrew Waity, a fourth - grade teacher at Crestwood Elementary School and president of Madison Teachers Inc., the union that represents district employees.
Resolution A-14 continues the trend of outsourcing services formerly performed by district employees to out - of - state vendors: providing professional development, decreasing truancy, and funding staff positions.
DOWNERS GROVE — A 31 - year - old Downers Grove Park District employee told police a man grabbed her from behind, shoved her against a wall and demanded the keys to the building as she walked into Washington School, 935 Prairie Ave., at 9:43 p.m. Thursday.
All three defendants had Park District employees perform personal services for them while on the clock, the indictment charged.
«It has to provide for district employee training in responding to an emergency.
WAUKEGAN — The Waukegan Park District's Board of Commissioners ended its regular meeting this week with a party to celebrate the retirement of 32 - year district employee and Commissioner Corrine Rose.
In the following months other moves were criticized including hiring Booth and the removal or resignations of key district employees including Bettin.
In partnership with the Fox Valley Park District, students and park district employees planted about 3,000 prairie grasses and wildflowers along a stretch of Waubonsie Lake, which features a walking path behind the school.
Union leaders lauded the efforts to reduce both the achievement gap and class size, but they say district employees felt let down.
118.42 (5) Nothing in this section alters or otherwise affects the rights or remedies afforded school districts and school district employees under federal or state law or under the terms of any applicable collective bargaining agreement.
Now the jobs of several district employees trying to claim whistle - blower protections are on the line.
Efforts by Aguirre's client, University Heights resident Ernie Bonn, to obtain communications between district employees and third parties about the swap through a public records request have been unsuccessful so far.
Lake Zurich Park District employees reported a vandalism at the Sandalwood Park Wednesday.
Judge Colas held that the two commissioners (the third has not been appointed by Governor Walker) were violating his Circuit Court order by proceeding with re-certification elections that involve school district employees even though the Judge recently ruled that he could not enforce his decision on school districts or municipalities other than the Madison School District and the City of Milwaukee.
San Antonio Alliance Teachers & Support Personnel President Shelley Potter criticized the district's decisions in an e-mail to district employees earlier this week.
Currently, almost 60 percent of Syracuse City School District employees live outside of the city.
Just as it makes more sense to judge the quality of army chefs on the quality of their kitchens and cuisines rather than on the outcome of combat operations, so it is more sensible to focus on how well district employees perform their prescribed tasks than on less direct measures of job performance.
School board members randomly appeared at schools, in what district employees called attempts to «harass and / or intimidate.»
A local television station, KTRK - TV, last month alleged that unnamed district employees helped elementary bilingual teachers in...
Despite recent salary increases, Plainfield Park District employees recently filed notice that they want to unionize.
A park district employee showed police where someone had defecated on the floor of a women's bathroom stall.
«If the park district employees really want to be union, we will be.»
Vandalism was discovered by park district employees at the Jewett Park warming house on Hazel Avenue prior to 9 p.m. on April 10.
«They make quick work,» said Gurnee Park District employee Bob Liebert, his voice rising above the noise of a wood chipper.
Commissioners are studying two proposals from different management companies to decide if hiring one of them or continuing to have district employees manage the golf course is most economical.
Park District employees glanced at one another as Tranter fired questions at Becher and the Ameritech representatives who had come to the board expecting a painless passage of another money - getter for the district.
Former Park District employee Carol Hively bought one of the purebred pups for $ 525, and Jeff and Terri Olson of Hoffman Estates paid $ 450 for the other.

Phrases with «district employees»

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