Sentences with phrase «district race»

The phrase "district race" refers to a competition or contest that takes place within a specific area or region called a district. Full definition
The 19th district race has a national profile that has led to not only donations from individuals nationwide but also large independent expenditures.
That is just below the $ 3 million spent in the same district race two years earlier, when three candidates — including an incumbent — ran.
One of only a few true swing districts nationally, the 19th district race has garnered national attention.
Richard Hanna announces that two - term incumbent Michael Arcuri, D - Utica, conceded to Hanna in New York's 24th congressional district race in Utica, N.Y., on Nov. 3, 2010.
In 2016, the party challenged another candidate its official said was a GOP plant in the 60th state Senate District race between Republican Chris Jacobs and Democrat Amber Small.
Former New York Gov. George Pataki, seen at a Republican presidential campaign in October 2015, is backing Republican Matthew Varvaro against Democrat Anthony D'Urso in the 16th Assembly District race in Nassau County.
The final vote count in the 1st District race for Congress shows incumbent Tim Bishop (D - Southampton) defeated Republican challenger Randy Altschuler by 592 votes, according to the Bishop campaign.
It's the first time Balter has raised more than $ 100,000 in a quarter since she entered the 24th Congressional District race in September.
Jon Ossoff supporters at the Georgia Democrat's election night watch party are stunned as CNN calls the state's 6th District race for Republican Karen Handel on Tuesday night.
Kingson, 69, of Manlius, became the first candidate to enter the 24th Congressional District race for the Democratic nomination in 2016.
David Denenberg of Merrick, who withdrew under a cloud of scandal last week as the Democratic candidate in the 8th Senate District race against GOP Legis.
Brian Fitzherbert and Robert Turkavage are running on the Republican side, and politics blogger David Wildstein reports that Hirsh Singh, a Republican and a software engineer who ran for governor last year, will jump in the 2nd District race as well.
Officials say that process won't take place until the absentee ballots are counted in the 3rd Congressional District race as well.
The initial thinking was that picking Ellsworth was a win - win for Senate and House Democrats as Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel, long seen as a rising star, would hop into the 8th district race if the seat became vacant.
She said she was interested in the park district race as well because she does not want the local YMCA to be affected by a potential community center that the park district have talked about before.
Carl Achille, who is seeking the Democratic Party line in the 5th District race for Congress, on Thursday, July 21, 2016, in Mineola.
The independent expenditure committee reported spending $ 186,375.56 in the 7th Senate district race on behalf of Democratic candidate Adam Haber as part of a multi-faceted advertising effort that includes a 14 - day TV ad purchase and a mailer.
A freshman, Mast won the toss - up 18th District race by about 11 points, defeating a flawed Democratic candidate.
With more than 94 percent of districts reporting, Tenney led Democrat Kim Myers in the 22nd Congressional District race by five points.
The Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report / Roll Call on Tuesday changed the 1st District race rating to Tossup.
Women of City Government Endorse Marjorie Velázquez in 13th District Race Bronx community board 10 Treasurer and community advocate Velázquez earns endorsement of Manhattan BP and 9 women in Council, including Speaker Mark - Viverito and Women's Caucus co-chairs Rosenthal and Crowley; -LSB-...]
Saland, seeking re-election to the Senate and opposed in the 41st District race by Gipson and Conservative Neil DiCarlo, won Cuomo's backing on Thursday, largely because of the senator's vote last year in favor of legalizing same - sex marriage in New York.
San Diego County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar is the latest Republican to jump into California's 49th District race to replace departing Rep. Darrell Issa.
By Chet Rhodes September 24, 2006; 10:15 AM ET Categories: Ohio River Ramble Save & Share: Previous: Video: Thoughts on Indiana's 9th District Race Next: Hawaii Results: Akaka Hangs On
Cuomo did not endorse in the 19th congressional district race last year, in which Faso defeated Democrat Zephyr Teachout, who had run against the governor in a 2014 Democratic primary.
The 7th District race, one strategist warned, represents a potential dilemma for the Democrats: a more liberal candidate could win the primary, only to face a tough general election against Culberson for the GOP - leaning seat.
There are seven Democratic candidates running for their party's nomination in the 21st district race next year: Patrick F. Nelson, Katie K. Wilson, Tedra L. Cobb, Emily Martz, Donald G. Boyajian, Ronald Kim and, most recently, Tanya Boone.
Inside Elections rates the 11th District race Likely Republican.
Super PAC spenders representing New York City real estate developers, hospitals and nursing homes and a communications workers» union also remained largely out of the Senate 60th District race.
Doheny, a Republican, lost to Democrat Bill Owens in the 23rd district race last year.
Anne Messenger announced that she will no longer pursue the seat in the 24th Congressional District race after failing to secure the Democratic Party endorsement this weekend, contending that she didn't want to split the party by forcing a primary.
The Courant can not recommend either Democrat incumbent Brandon McGee or his Republican challenger, Paul Panos, in the 5th House District race covering northeastern Hartford and southern Windsor.
Six Vie In 17th Council District Race Today, the special election for the 17th City Council district.
Poloncarz and other Democratic Party officials say they have been focused on the North District race between McCarthy and Jay, and that their primary concern is electing the best - qualified candidates to the board.
The state Indpendence Party announced today that it has «shifted» its endorsement in the 41st Senate District race from Dutchess County James Coughlan to one of his GOP rivals, Dutchess County Legislator Sue Serino.
Inside Elections with Nathan L. Gonzales rates the 50th District race Likely Republican.
The only independent poll made public in the 24th District race shows Katko had a 19 percentage point lead over Deacon.
Financial contributions in this year's Buffalo School Board election soared past the amount given in previous district races, with donors putting more than $ 156,000 into the six contests.And that figure doesn't represent the full extent of resources put into the races, since some candidates have neglected to file their final financial reports and others failed to report ca...
Democrat Ken Aden's withdrawal from the 3rd Congressional District race Monday leaves two minor party candidates to face Rep. Steve Womack, R - Ark., in the Nov. 6 general election, according to the Secretary of State's Office.
Inside Elections with Nathan L. Gonzales rates his 19th District race Tilts Republican.
Six out of seven Assembly hopefuls running in the 40th District race mulled over their top legislative priorities, plans to stir job creation and stances on affordable housing before each were stumped by questions on immigration policy.
An Investigative Post analysis of spending in TV ads for the 27th District race, based on contracts on file with major network affiliates in Buffalo and Rochester, found that Collins has outspent Hochul $ 2.2 million vs. $ 1.7 million, thanks in large part to the support of political action committees.
The union also declined to give a nod in the battleground western New York district race between Democrat Amber Small and Republican Chris Jacobs.
Jobs for New York PAC, which is spearheaded by the Real Estate Board of New York (one of the most powerful landlord lobbies in the city) dumped millions into his 15th District Race.
Members of Downtown Independent Democrats (DID) made their choice last night, choosing newcomer Jenifer Rajkumar in the 1st District race over first - term City Council member Margaret Chin.
In the case of the Colorado Libertarian Party, the 54th House district race took a surprising turn after the major party primaries were determined.
The Democrats hold an overwhelming majority in the Assembly, and under normal circumstances, the 145th district race wouldn't be that big of a deal, since it won't influence the balance of power in the chamber.
If United Russia were able to secure just under 50 per cent of the popular vote in the party - list competition, along with the lower estimate of seats in the singe - mandate district races, it would end up with over 270 seats, more than it now holds.
Fighting for Children, the political action committee that is pushing for the passage of the Child Victims Act, has endorsed Democratic state Senate candidate Luis Sepulveda in the 32nd district race.
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